17-19 October 2012, Pretoria, South Africa
List of Documents
DOCUMENTATION FOR THE SEMINAR FILE SIZE 1 Agenda 17 KB 5 Final report 41 KB PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS FOR THE SEMINAR FILE SIZE DAY 1: Wednesday 17 October 2012 1.1 Developing a programme for the implementation of the 2008 SNA and supporting statistics - UNSD PPT 2021 KB 1.2 Developing a programme for the implementation of the 2008 SNA and supporting statistics - ECA PPT 945 KB 1.6 Country Presentation - South Africa PPT 430 KB 1.9 Country Presentation - Zambia PPT 823 KB DAY 2: Thursday 18 October 2012 2.1 Handbook on Integrated Economic Statistics - UNSD PPT 202 KB 2.2 Business Registers - Statistics South Africa PPT 2618 KB 2.3 Economic Activity Surveys - Statistics South Africa PPT 3842 KB 2.4 Prices Statistics - Statistics South Africa PPT 1981 KB 2.5 Labour Statistics - Statistics South Africa PPT 666 KB 2.6 Expenditure Approach - South African Reserve Bank PPT 1429 KB 2.7 Household Final Consumption - South African Reserve Bank PPT 387 KB 2.8a Capital Stock - South African Reserve Bank PPT 615 KB 2.8b Consumption of Fixed Capital - South African Reserve Bank PPT 1472 KB 2.9 Integrated Economics Accounts - South African Reserve Bank PPT 884 KB 2.10 Supply and Use Tables - Statistics South Africa PPT 1085 KB DAY 3: Friday 19 October 2012 3.1 The Policy Use of National Accounts - UNSD PPT 629 KB 3.2 Harmonisation of GDP Estimates PPT 447 KB 3.3 2008 SNA changes from the 1993 SNA - UNSD PPT 3675 KB 3.4 Minimum Required Data Sets - UNSD PPT 1579 KB 3.5 Results from the National Accounts Implementation Survey - UNSD PPT 476 KB 3.6 Exhaustive coverage of GDP (informal sector, production for own final use) - Statistics South Africa 53 KB 3.7 Implementation strategy PPT 1414 KB SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION FILE SIZE SD1 Developing a global programme for the implementation of the 2008 SNA and supporting statistics 110 KB SD2a Diagnostic Framework for National Accounts and Supporting Economic Statistics 40 KB SD2b Diagnostic Framework for National Accounts and Supporting Economic Statistics - Self Assessment Tool 429 KB SD3 Self Assessment of the status of National Accounts and Supporting Economic Statistics 195 KB SD4 Data Template of High Frequency Indicators 171 KB SD5 Survey on the implementation of the SNA DOC 82 KB