27-29 May 2009, Ottawa, Canada


List of Documents

(Documents will be added to the list as they become available)
 1AgendaPDF34 KB
 2List of documentsASP
 3List of participantsPDF37 KB
 4Concept notePDF22 KB
 5Final reportPDF86 KB
 SESSION 1:Opening
 S1.1Opening address: Tracking Economic and Financial Developments in the Current Global Recession (Canada)PPT1297 KB
 SESSION 2:Policy applications of rapid estimates as official statistics
 S2.1Decision Making and Business Cycle Indicators (The Conference Board)PPT519 KB
 S2.2The Availability, Timeliness, and Quality of Rapid Estimates in Case of Mongolia (Mongolia)PPT511 KB
 S2.3The quest for early indicators of turning points in economic conditions: how the official statistics is involved? (Italy)PPT269 KB
 S2.4Timely statistical information for monetary policy purposes (European Central Bank)PPT432 KB
 SESSION 3:The availability, timeliness and quality of rapid estimates
 D3.1Discussion entry: The availability, timeliness and quality of rapid estimates (Canada)PPT472 KB
 S3.1aPrincipal European Economic Indicators - Flash Estimates of European Aggregates (Eurostat)PDF133 KB
 S3.1bPrincipal European Economic Indicators - Flash Estimates of European Aggregates (Eurostat)PPT658 KB
 S3.3aShort-term economic statistics in the CIS and Western Balkan countries (UNECE)PDF68 KB
 S3.3bRapid estimates of GDP in CIS and Western Balkan countries (UNECE)PDF103 KB
 S3.4Tracing and explaining business cycles, a fact sheet with rapid estimates (Netherlands)PDF852 KB
 S3.5aQuarterly National Accounts - Timeliness, Reliability and accuracy (Morocco)PDF233 KB
 S3.5bShort term statistics and Quarterly National accounts - Timeliness, reliability and accuracy (Morocco)PPT288 KB
 S3.6aStatistics used by the BIS in monitoring and research of the economic and financial crises (Bank for International Settlement)PDF81 KB
 S3.6bStatistics used by the BIS in monitoring and research of the economic and financial crises (Bank for International Settlement)PPT816 KB
 S3.7Major Short Term Economic Statistics Released in India and Future Plans (India)PDF101 KB
 S3.9The availability, timeliness and quality of rapid estimates - UNCTAD experience (UNCTAD)PPT685 KB
 S3.10aWorld Bank Report on Quarterly External Debt Statistics (World Bank)PDF135 KB
 S3.10bJoint WB-IMF Initiative on Quarterly External Debt Statistics (World Bank)PPT795 KB
 S3.11aStatistics Kazakhstan's response to changes in economic situation (Kazakhstan)PDF121 KB
 S3.11bStatistics Kazakhstan's response to changes in economic situation (Kazakhstan)PPT260 KB
 S3.12Which Data is Useful in Quickly Estimating Economic Trends? (South Korea)PDF105 KB
 S3.13Méthodologie des comptes provisoires du Cameroun (Cameroun)PDF149 KB
 S3.14Impact of Global Economic Crisis on Some Economic and Financial Egyptian Indicators (Egypt)PPT491 KB
 S3.15Selected Economic Indicators to Monitor Global Economic and Financial Impacts on Indonesia Economy (Indonesia)PDF49 KB
 S3.16aRapid Estimates of U.S. GDP: Timeliness, Estimating Methods & Accuracy (USA)PPT783 KB
 S3.16bRapid Estimates of U.S. GDP: Timeliness, Estimating Methods & Accuracy - Supplemental Handout (USA)PPT335 KB
 S3.17Statistics Canada's response to the availability of data during the Financial Crisis: Timeliness, Data gaps and Communication strategies (Canada)PDF98 KB
 SESSION 4:Extrapolationg, modelling, econometric and sampling techniques used in the preparation of rapid estimates
 D4.2aDiscussion entry: Possible rapid indicators to measure changes in economic trends (Netherlands)PDF34 KB
 D4.2bDiscussion entry: Possible rapid indicators to measure changes in economic trends (Netherlands)PPT36 KB
 D4.3Discussion entry: Review of papers (India)PPT49 KB
 S4.1Economic Projection at NESDB (Thailand)PPT868 KB
 S4.2Improving statistical timeliness or short-term forecasts? A French institutional experience (France)PDF64 KB
 S4.3National Statistics Institute of Chile: Official Short Term Indicators “Reflection of Economic Reality” (Chile)PPT2323 KB
 S4.4Monthly estimate of GDP (Peru)PDF54 KB
 S4.5Canadian Monthly GDP Estimates (Canada)PDF75 KB
 S4.6aChallenges for estimating and forecasting macroeconomic trends during financial crises: implications for counter-cyclical policies (UN/DESA)PDF265 KB
 S4.6bChallenges for estimating and forecasting macroeconomic trends during financial crises: implications for counter-cyclical policies (UN/DESA)PPT535 KB
 S4.7aA system of rapid estimates to improve real time monitoring of the economic situation: the case of euro area (Eurostat)PDF66 KB
 S4.7bA system of rapid estimates to improve real time monitoring of the economic situation: the case of euro area - Presentation (Eurostat)PDF335 KB
 S4.8Use of Surveys in Central Banks (Reserve Bank of India)PDF117 KB
 S4.9aThe ILO experience in quickly estimating the impact of financial crisis on the labour market (International Labour Organisation)PDF41 KB
 S4.9bThe ILO experience in quickly estimating the impact of financial crisis on the labour market (International Labour Organisation) - SupplementPDF20 KB
 S4.9cThe ILO experience in quickly estimating the impact of financial crisis on the labour market (International Labour Organisation)PPT152 KB
 S4.10Singapore’s Advance GDP Estimates (Singapore)PPT268 KB
 S4.11Tracing and explaining business cycles, a fact sheet with rapid estimates (Netherlands) - Duplicate of paper S3.4PDF852 KB
 SESSION 5:New requirements and the way forward
 S5.1aThe Assessment of Dissemination Practices for Economic and Financial Statistics: Availability, Timeliness, Comparability of High Frequency Statistics and their Accelerated First Estimates in Measuring the Trends of the World Crisis (UNSD)PDF141 KB
 S5.1bAssessment of Dissemination Practice for Economic and Financial Statistics (UNSD)PPT102 KB
 S5.2aSynthetic outline paper on the development of flash estimates for certain PEEIsPDF112 KB
 S5.2bBuilding Flash Estimates for Selected PEEIsPPT491 KB
 SESSION 6:Dissemination and communication policy for rapid estimates
 D6.1Session summary (Australia)PPT647 KB
 D6.2Discussion entry: Comments on Dissemination and communication policy for rapid estimates (Brazil)PPT89 KB
 D6.3Discussion entry: Discussing three papers Belarus, Russia, Philippines (Eurostat)PPT5329 KB
 S6.1Initiatives of the Philippine Statistical System in the Compilation and Dissemination of Flash Indicators to Monitor the Country’s Economic Performance (Philippines)PPT1127 KB
 S6.2aRevisions in quarterly GDP of OECD countries: An update (OECD)PDF456 KB
 S6.3Indicators for long-term developments (Eurostat)PPT1369 KB
 S6.4World Bank Country At A Glance tables on Recent Economic and Financial Indicators (World Bank)PDF119 KB
 S6.5Communicating in a Crisis: Statistics Canada's experience (Canada)PDF42 KB
 S6.6Monitoring of Economic Recession and Recovery - Experience of ROSSTAT (Russia)PPT99 KB
 S6.7aDissemination Policy for Rapid Estimates: Experience of the Republic of Belarus (Belarus)PDF130 KB
 S6.8Rapid Estimates of U.S. GDP: BEA’s Dissemination of and Communication Policy for “Advance” GDP Estimates (USA)PPT463 KB
 SESSION 7:Global Assessment Report on rapid estimates
 Bk.1Status Report on Information Requirements in EMU (Eurostat)PDF398 KB
 Bk.2A Monthly Indicator of the Euro Area GDPPDF434 KB
 Bk.3A system for dating and detecting turning points in the euro areaPDF287 KB
 Bk.4Gross Domestic Product - Sources and Methods (Statistics Canada)PDF393 KB
 Bk.5Produit intérieur brut par industrie - Sources et méthodes (Statistics Canada)PDF466 KB
 Bk.6Revisions to GDP estimates in the Euro area (European Central Bank - Monthly Bulletin April 2009)PDF466 KB
 Bk.7The Reliability of Survey Data during Periods of Financial Turmoil (European Central Bank - Monthly Bulletin Nov 2008)PDF466 KB
 Bk.8Opinion Surveys on Activity, Prices and Labour Market Developments in the Euro Area: Features and Uses (ECB MB January 2004)PDF466 KB
 Bk.9ECB Occasional Paper Series No 74/ October 2007: Analysis of Revisions to General Economic StatisticsPDF466 KB
 Bk.10Dating Rules for Turning Points of Growth Cycles in KoreaPDF150 KB
 N.1Information note for participantsPDF24 KB
 N.2Organization of the seminarPDF21 KB