Table 11. Nomonal value of final expenditure on GDP at national prices in US dollars, 1985.
(conversion by using exchange rate) .

Part III

Part I
Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria, Finland, Norway, Turkey, Australia, Canada
Part II
Japan, New Zealand, United States, Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Benin, Botswana, Cameron, Congo


  Category Côte d'Ivoire Egypt Ethiopia Kenya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritius Morocco Nigeria Rwanda Senegal Sierra Leone Swaziland Tunisia U.R.Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe
1 Final national consumption 4368 37600 4241 4275 2020 890 941 749 9353 73976 1249 2280 740 300 5980 5544 1427 3239
2   Food, beverages, tobacco 2160 20797 2292 1946 1266 349 573 222 3982 38274 467 1197 449 99 2476 3746 597 1488
3     Food 1706 18541 2068 1636 1187 269 533 179 3584 35734 366 1119 414 89 2188 3518 520 1288
4       Bread and cereals 394 3349 953 623 482 75 196 46 1060 7375 63 317 159 28 360 1380 104 273
5       Meat 310 4653 169 100 294 43 181 28 729 6330 49 167 48 20 474 305 148 315
6       Fish 46 811 46 10 64 30 16 15 60 3302 11 157 108 2 76 181 74 194
7       Milk, cheese and eggs 95 1939 231 293 26 27 21 27 274 1436 69 53 9 9 241 117 36 95
8       Oils and fats 32 1727 146 51 48 17 13 17 261 918 29 167 17 3 149 85 40 104
9       Fruits, vegetables, potatoes 501 3983 302 342 172 42 41 28 712 11807 108 157 21 11 678 1231 79 208
10       Other food 327 2080 221 217 101 35 65 19 487 4565 36 101 52 16 210 218 38 99
11     Beverages 204 317 195 206 31 71 22 30 141 2247 96 49 15 9 73 203 64 168
12       Non-alcoholic beverages 35 282 4 42 13 49 7 8 81 1368 13 23 10 4 36 5 10 26
13       Alcoholic beverages 170 35 191 163 18 23 15 22 60 879 83 26 4 5 36 198 54 142
14     Tobacco 250 1939 29 105 48 9 18 13 257 293 5 29 20 2 215 26 12 33
15   Clothing and footwear 412 3948 243 304 119 83 58 39 997 3497 133 251 30 24 569 562 137 357
16     Clothing 351 3243 183 261 104 72 47 30 869 2751 116 219 24 18 427 507 115 300
17     Footwear 61 705 60 43 15 11 10 8 128 746 17 32 6 6 142 56 22 57
18   Gross rents, fuel and power 213 3419 578 499 233 80 75 144 801 3048 192 258 110 13 779 442 154 402
19     Gross rents 156 2467 275 396 104 38 17 121 638 2081 114 162 68 7 554 301 91 239
20     Fuel and power 56 951 302 103 130 42 58 23 163 966 78 96 42 6 225 141 63 163
21   Household equipment and operation 416 1551 345 372 97 105 39 47 748 2139 161 115 18 46 397 177 67 174
22     Furniture 30 317 78 138 6 14 1 9 236 650 50 22 2 6 144 29 5 13
23     Household textiles 209 35 37 40 12 13 10 2 137 179 23 9 2 4 60 48 11 30
24     Appliances 45 352 5 19 3 7 4 7 30 215 32 11 2 1 60 10 3 8
25     Other household goods and services 132 846 225 175 76 70 24 29 346 1096 56 72 12 34 132 90 47 123
26   Medical care 379 1305 131 125 38 38 22 39 441 2143 38 67 14 17 393 185 109 123
27   Transport and communication 428 1339 349 332 75 91 95 80 752 2149 113 125 89 33 419 112 76 196
28     Transport equipment 122 282 58 34 24 30 11 7 83 586 46 2 27 1 47 21 17 42
29     Operation of equipment 137 176 107 141 25 33 23 23 310 251 50 13 9 17 145 30 16 43
30     Purchased transport services 143 811 123 141 25 21 58 46 342 963 15 106 40 13 213 53 40 104
31     Communication 26 70 61 17 1 7 3 4 16 349 2 4 13 1 14 8 3 7
32   Recreation, education 268 3259 161 540 121 105 57 119 911 4445 109 174 23 34 719 191 240 392
33     Equipment for recreation 9 282 3 41 5 8 7 14 68 1475 32 11 0 2 67 27 7 75
34     Recreational, cultural, etc., services 3 553 3 28 16 5 3 41 48 503 3 5 1 2 38 10 12 31
35     Books, newspapers, magazines 4 70 6 28 9 5 5 7 12 582 3 17 1 1 38 5 15 51
36     Education 252 2354 149 444 90 88 42 57 782 1885 72 142 21 29 576 149 206 236
37   Miscellaneous goods and services 92 2432 100 156 71 31 12 38 722 1943 38 94 7 33 228 127 49 106
38     Restaurants, cafes, etc. 17 1234 15 93 42 11 2 9 365 680 15 13 2 5 141 43 8 0
39     Other goods and services 75 1198 84 64 28 19 11 28 357 1263 22 81 6 28 87 85 41 106
40   Net purchases abroad 0 -450 42 0 0 8 11 22 0 16337 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0
41 Collective consumption of government 816 6943 617 568 121 152 78 72 947 4797 185 265 41 61 648 411 217 640
42 Gross fixed capital formation 800 14314 506 1038 314 151 223 201 2458 5413 203 382 86 102 2193 900 192 837
43   Construction 414 6711 291 547 176 52 141 116 1489 3553 117 233 65 31 1171 391 81 558
44     Residential buildings 195 1482 143 184 25 13 45 47 488 515 47 102 9 11 422 109 7 42
45     Non-residential buildings 73 2375 50 146 15 26 22 41 326 1030 39 34 18 5 680 100 38 163
46     Other construction 145 2855 99 217 136 13 73 28 675 2007 31 97 37 16 69 182 36 353
47   Machinery and equipment 386 7603 214 491 138 99 82 85 969 1860 86 149 21 70 1022 510 110 279
48     Transport equipment 149 2370 77 102 23 26 25 17 172 595 46 34 9 10 257 158 34 101
49     Non electrical machinery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50     Electrical machinery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 Increase in stocks 78 429 0 166 14 16 156 52 126 453 -276 6 6 5 41 120 49 324
52 Balance of imports and exports 922 -4543 -590 -65 -124 -35 -244 -20 -989 5596 137 -291 -6 -131 -596 -574 132 -9
53 Gross domestic product 6984 54743 4774 5982 2345 1175 1154 1053 11894 90235 1499 2642 867 337 8265 6401 2017 5030
United Nations Statistics Division - International Comparison Programme