Table 11. Nomonal value of final expenditure on GDP at national prices in US dollars, 1985.
(conversion by using exchange rate) .

Part II

Part I
Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria, Finland, Norway, Turkey, Australia, Canada
Part III
Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Tunisia, U.R.Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe


  Category Japan New Zealand United States Hungary Poland Yugoslavia Bangladesh Hong Kong India Iran Korea Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Benin Botswana Cameroon Congo
1 Final national consumption 842026 15167 2822968 12272 44512 27594 13360 22207 146178 115056 53194 23633 25035 4502 26399 928 505 6720 1011
2   Food, beverages, tobacco 174924 2494 359248 3914 18354 9806 8431 3285 81481 45857 22575 10063 13966 2376 10122 370 141 1847 414
3     Food 140631 1786 278108 3045 13067 7319 7883 2674 75439 43066 18794 8689 12787 1942 7777 339 126 1610 376
4       Bread and cereals 29081 258 42395 353 1556 1204 4605 308 24902 9732 7286 2747 4977 708 1830 83 56 274 158
5       Meat 18086 506 76639 974 3810 1931 541 814 2563 13133 2938 797 1841 41 1248 39 25 353 45
6       Fish 29823 56 5970 28 306 160 652 477 1648 699 1651 472 2127 206 1615 79 2 266 68
7       Milk, cheese and eggs 8706 240 46128 451 1853 1215 363 137 11597 4943 1153 1331 951 103 475 8 11 71 14
8       Oils and fats 1685 52 5135 155 1189 414 417 113 9094 1308 267 944 271 28 206 25 4 20 19
9       Fruits, vegetables, potatoes 24499 361 59652 503 2159 1364 729 506 14282 10684 3711 1067 1418 529 1343 75 13 547 44
10       Other food 28751 313 42189 581 2193 1031 579 319 11352 2567 1788 1337 1202 327 1061 30 14 80 26
11     Beverages 21952 403 49318 644 4563 1866 19 384 2136 191 2032 441 543 153 1698 23 12 195 26
12       Non-alcoholic beverages 6040 52 16244 62 179 398 3 167 122 191 564 441 254 3 581 4 2 36 6
13       Alcoholic beverages 15912 351 33074 582 4385 1468 13 218 2014 0 1468 0 292 149 1116 19 10 159 21
14     Tobacco 12342 305 31822 225 724 621 531 226 3845 2600 1750 932 633 282 647 8 3 41 13
15   Clothing and footwear 49726 916 167351 1080 3995 2629 996 2086 16113 10090 3365 1490 977 297 4139 129 38 473 56
16     Clothing 44608 742 141847 818 3222 1965 897 1833 14770 8011 2708 1275 767 236 4037 106 30 324 49
17     Footwear 5118 174 25504 262 774 664 99 251 1282 2079 657 215 210 61 102 23 8 150 7
18   Gross rents, fuel and power 146889 2062 514752 1114 2855 2503 2330 3273 15198 26541 5594 3851 4805 248 1868 109 42 1098 95
19     Gross rents 121662 1776 409120 556 2181 1319 1461 2862 10193 23849 3149 2698 3484 118 1025 87 31 928 62
20     Fuel and power 25227 286 105632 558 674 1184 869 411 5005 2692 2445 1153 1322 130 843 22 10 170 33
21   Household equipment and operation 43455 1229 148532 1007 4012 2329 426 1298 4456 6565 2359 1018 1033 197 1488 76 50 333 42
22     Furniture 3987 403 51159 362 1407 734 121 261 488 1294 275 123 76 29 337 27 16 70 4
23     Household textiles 6156 148 15796 97 587 305 70 29 0 1400 418 172 44 3 55 8 7 4 1
24     Appliances 11891 290 25408 208 806 749 41 305 977 1773 515 521 301 21 95 11 12 56 14
25     Other household goods and services 21421 388 56169 340 1212 542 194 703 2930 2097 1151 202 616 143 1000 30 15 203 23
26   Medical care 85714 1365 389881 638 2516 1698 261 1343 4333 6480 2490 227 566 96 1416 44 42 780 63
27   Transport and communication 73582 2829 406227 1109 3779 3135 423 1928 10864 6841 4842 3097 989 693 3451 129 38 801 148
28     Transport equipment 12097 851 150479 268 981 642 13 121 305 1310 141 1502 549 43 172 14 11 51 8
29     Operation of equipment 25022 1178 181135 518 1166 1902 51 370 2869 2478 414 926 254 55 811 59 22 217 46
30     Purchased transport services 28944 582 28191 262 1454 449 356 1305 7080 2569 3662 632 114 576 2367 48 4 357 80
31     Communication 7519 218 46422 61 178 141 0 131 549 484 625 43 73 19 100 8 1 175 14
32   Recreation, education 123125 2205 409661 1750 4990 3026 280 4243 8423 6760 7238 2391 1044 295 2226 43 132 728 91
33     Equipment for recreation 22222 582 96810 358 1214 827 25 1779 732 848 1129 497 26 45 382 2 5 46 6
34     Recreational, cultural, etc., services 31388 509 61366 448 390 480 92 1045 1526 142 1106 1613 79 79 308 1 8 67 3
35     Books, newspapers, magazines 7639 180 22574 108 414 214 6 256 305 133 245 61 64 47 217 1 31 10 0
36     Education 61876 934 228911 836 2972 1505 156 1162 5920 5637 4758 215 872 124 1318 39 88 605 82
37   Miscellaneous goods and services 140758 2183 413470 1773 4011 2749 248 5302 6042 5924 5002 1502 1657 142 2577 27 21 659 89
38     Restaurants, cafes, etc. 59976 1285 154549 1074 2744 1288 6 2815 1404 2208 1536 300 925 41 1636 5 2 540 81
39     Other goods and services 80782 897 258921 699 1266 1461 242 2487 4639 3716 3467 1202 732 100 942 21 19 119 7
40   Net purchases abroad 3854 -116 13846 -114 0 -282 -35 -549 -732 0 -272 0 0 159 -891 0 0 2 12
41 Collective consumption of government 67358 1695 483966 1467 6042 5160 1263 2151 17700 19934 6922 4194 2352 528 5238 66 136 530 243
42 Gross fixed capital formation 370321 5652 735534 4670 15744 9800 2712 7054 44067 28844 25786 5077 4802 1386 8553 172 235 2425 616
43   Construction 228670 2622 405373 3024 10742 4625 1664 4058 22095 20526 15820 2753 3002 805 4676 110 81 1478 366
44     Residential buildings 65279 1007 189189 1062 2686 1681 920 2084 6042 13784 4016 515 808 350 1439 44 20 645 132
45     Non-residential buildings 64176 817 116418 928 3545 1319 239 1235 4333 3263 4756 957 1193 112 1184 17 40 215 112
46     Other construction 99216 798 99766 1035 4512 1625 506 739 11780 3480 7048 1282 998 342 2054 50 20 619 122
47   Machinery and equipment 141651 2883 330161 1645 5002 5176 1047 2995 22034 8318 9966 2324 1800 581 3876 62 155 946 250
48     Transport equipment 30209 1067 79602 235 970 723 201 424 5066 3576 2738 527 184 196 753 11 40 216 51
49     Non electrical machinery 76043 1537 202170 1189 2581 2927 461 1418 7629 2460 3816 1662 668 183 1764 0 0 0 0
50     Electrical machinery 35399 279 48389 221 1451 1526 299 950 6287 1151 2593 110 607 195 567 0 0 0 0
51 Increase in stocks 10735 293 24123 89 4429 3233 118 188 11047 7774 240 564 -245 8 454 -4 -8 35 38
52 Balance of imports and exports 45538 -701 -119976 545 1014 -599 -1400 1870 -5493 2046 464 -2526 963 -715 -227 -50 22 369 253
53 Gross domestic product 1335978 22107 3946615 19043 71740 45187 16050 33468 213500 173653 86605 30948 32909 5710 40416 1113 891 10079 2161
United Nations Statistics Division - International Comparison Programme