Table 10. Per capita nominal value of final expenditure on GDP at national prices
in national currencies, 1985.

Part II


Part I
Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria, Finland, Norway, Turkey, Australia, Canada
Part III
Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Tunisia, U.R.Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe


  Category Japan New Zealand United States Hungary Poland Yugoslavia Bangladesh Hong Kong India Iran Korea Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Benin Botswana Cameroon Congo
1 Final national consumption 1649941 9331 11798 57216 174481 336038 4198 31687 2395 211651 1123034 3854 8581 7720 13961 106053 881 296259 260952
2   Food, beverages, tobacco 342763 1534 1501 18250 71946 119415 2649 4687 1335 84355 476608 1641 4787 4073 5353 42266 246 81423 106977
3     Food 275564 1099 1162 14198 51221 89137 2477 3815 1236 79221 396781 1417 4383 3329 4113 38756 220 71000 96953
4       Bread and cereals 56984 159 177 1647 6100 14659 1447 440 408 17903 153816 448 1706 1214 968 9522 98 12073 40921
5       Meat 35439 311 320 4539 14933 23514 170 1161 42 24159 62031 130 631 70 660 4468 43 15584 11703
6       Fish 58437 35 25 133 1201 1954 205 681 27 1286 34853 77 729 354 854 9024 4 11708 17633
7       Milk, cheese and eggs 17060 147 193 2103 7263 14796 114 196 190 9092 24344 217 326 176 251 918 20 3141 3594
8       Oils and fats 3301 32 21 724 4661 5046 131 161 149 2407 5644 154 93 48 109 2803 8 880 4921
9       Fruits, vegetables, potatoes 48005 222 249 2343 8465 16612 229 723 234 19653 78338 174 486 908 710 8568 22 24103 11341
10       Other food 56338 193 176 2710 8598 12556 182 455 186 4722 37758 218 412 560 561 3454 25 3510 6840
11     Beverages 43015 248 206 3003 17888 22722 6 549 35 351 42891 72 186 262 898 2632 21 8617 6773
12       Non-alcoholic beverages 11835 32 68 291 701 4846 1 239 2 351 11908 72 87 6 307 448 3 1591 1473
13       Alcoholic beverages 31180 216 138 2712 17187 17876 4 311 33 0 30983 0 100 256 590 2184 18 7026 5300
14     Tobacco 24183 187 133 1049 2837 7557 167 323 63 4783 36936 152 217 483 342 877 5 1807 3251
15   Clothing and footwear 97438 564 699 5035 15661 32016 313 2976 264 18561 71033 243 335 510 2189 14787 67 20867 14560
16     Clothing 87408 457 593 3812 12629 23933 282 2616 242 14737 57172 208 263 405 2135 12126 52 14272 12759
17     Footwear 10029 107 107 1223 3032 8083 31 359 21 3825 13861 35 72 105 54 2662 14 6595 1802
18   Gross rents, fuel and power 287828 1269 2151 5194 11190 30486 732 4670 249 48823 118110 628 1647 426 988 12469 73 48396 24529
19     Gross rents 238395 1093 1710 2593 8550 16066 459 4083 167 43871 66489 440 1194 203 542 9975 55 40904 15947
20     Fuel and power 49433 176 441 2601 2640 14420 273 587 82 4952 51621 188 453 223 446 2494 18 7492 8583
21   Household equipment and operation 85149 756 621 4697 15725 28362 134 1852 73 12077 49811 166 354 337 787 8664 87 14693 10953
22     Furniture 7812 248 214 1690 5514 8938 38 373 8 2380 5803 20 26 49 178 3114 28 3104 1085
23     Household textiles 12062 91 66 451 2300 3712 22 41 0 2576 8827 28 15 6 29 872 12 158 236
24     Appliances 23301 179 106 972 3158 9118 13 435 16 3262 10883 85 103 36 50 1300 21 2459 3625
25     Other household goods and services 41974 239 235 1584 4752 6595 61 1003 48 3858 24299 33 211 246 529 3378 26 8972 6007
26   Medical care 167955 840 1629 2977 9863 20680 82 1916 71 11920 52578 37 194 165 749 5082 73 34375 16182
27   Transport and communication 144183 1740 1698 5171 14814 38177 133 2751 178 12585 102216 505 339 1188 1825 14798 67 35296 38235
28     Transport equipment 23704 524 629 1248 3846 7824 4 173 5 2409 2971 245 188 74 91 1612 19 2236 1940
29     Operation of equipment 49030 725 757 2416 4569 23168 16 529 47 4559 8748 151 87 94 429 6787 38 9572 11816
30     Purchased transport services 56716 358 118 1221 5701 5472 112 1863 116 4726 77310 103 39 987 1252 5437 8 15756 20767
31     Communication 14733 134 194 286 697 1713 0 187 9 891 13188 7 25 33 53 962 2 7732 3713
32   Recreation, education 241261 1357 1712 8161 19561 36850 88 6054 138 12436 152819 390 358 506 1177 4944 231 32087 23461
33     Equipment for recreation 43545 358 405 1668 4759 10069 8 2538 12 1560 23826 81 9 77 202 258 9 2024 1487
34     Recreational, cultural, etc., services 61504 313 256 2090 1529 5844 29 1491 25 261 23356 263 27 136 163 143 14 2974 674
35     Books, newspapers, magazines 14968 111 94 505 1622 2607 2 366 5 245 5177 10 22 80 115 106 54 422 109
36     Education 121245 575 957 3898 11650 18330 49 1659 97 10370 100460 35 299 213 697 4436 154 26668 21191
37   Miscellaneous goods and services 275814 1343 1728 8265 15721 33482 78 7566 99 10897 105604 245 568 243 1363 3044 37 29051 22868
38     Restaurants, cafes, etc. 117522 791 646 5008 10757 15687 2 4017 23 4061 32418 49 317 71 865 609 4 23792 20956
39     Other goods and services 158292 552 1082 3257 4965 17795 76 3549 76 6836 73186 196 251 172 498 2434 33 5258 1911
40   Net purchases abroad 7551 -71 58 -533 0 -3430 -11 -784 -12 0 -5739 0 0 273 -471 0 0 73 3187
41 Collective consumption of government 131987 1043 2023 6839 23684 62837 397 3070 290 36669 146135 684 806 906 2770 7558 237 23388 62770
42 Gross fixed capital formation 725641 3477 3074 21772 61716 119349 852 10065 722 53060 544387 828 1646 2377 4523 19710 410 106893 159139
43   Construction 448076 1613 1694 14101 42108 56320 523 5791 362 37758 333992 449 1029 1380 2473 12606 141 65165 94500
44     Residential buildings 127913 620 791 4949 10527 20468 289 2974 99 25356 84788 84 277 601 761 5028 35 28420 34033
45     Non-residential buildings 125752 503 487 4327 13896 16067 75 1763 71 6002 100416 156 409 192 626 1894 70 9473 28855
46     Other construction 194412 491 417 4825 17685 19785 159 1054 193 6401 148788 209 342 587 1086 5684 35 27272 31611
47   Machinery and equipment 277564 1774 1380 7671 19607 63029 329 4274 361 15301 210395 379 617 997 2050 7104 269 41728 64639
48     Transport equipment 59195 657 333 1098 3804 8801 63 605 83 6579 57803 86 63 336 398 1208 70 9503 13116
49     Non electrical machinery 149005 945 845 5542 10118 35641 145 2024 125 4525 80563 271 229 314 933 0 0 0 0
50     Electrical machinery 69364 172 202 1032 5686 18587 94 1355 103 2118 54751 18 208 335 300 0 0 0 0
51 Increase in stocks 21034 180 101 413 17359 39368 37 268 181 14300 5062 92 -84 14 240 -408 -14 1531 9816
52 Balance of imports and exports 89231 -431 -501 2543 3975 -7298 -440 2668 -90 3764 9805 -412 330 -1226 -120 -5725 39 16286 65283
53 Gross domestic product 2617835 13600 16494 88784 281216 550294 5043 47757 3498 319442 1828407 5047 11280 9791 21374 127188 1553 444357 557960
United Nations Statistics Division - International Comparison Programme