Regional cartographic conferences
The Statistics Division organizes and services the following cartographic conferences:
- the United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific, convened every three years
- the United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas, convened every four years
in collaboration with the Permanent Committees on SDI for the Americas (PC-IDEA) and UN Global Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific (UN-GGIM-AP).
In addition, the Secretariat organizes or supports ad hoc training courses, seminars, and expert group meetings, mostly in cooperation with host governments and international scientific and professional organizations. Subjects include application of modern technology in surveying and mapping in developing countries, geographical information systems (GIS) for application in basic mapping and applied mapping such as mapping for statistics, population census, environmental protection, tourism, land use, and cadastral registration; legal aspects in map production; and toponymy. The Statistics Division also promotes the development of geographical information systems for population and demographic statistics in developing countries.

20thUN Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific6-9 October 2015, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea
10th UN Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas19-23 August 2013, New York, United States
19th UN Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific29 October - 1 November 2012, Bangkok, Thailand
16th Meeting of the International Steering Committee for Global Mapping(ISCGM)26 - 29 October 2009, Bangkok, Thailand