9. Working Group on Pronunciation


Tjeerd Tichelaar ( Netherlands ) E-mail Mr. Tichelaar (tjeerd.tichelaar@ziggo.nl)

Creation of the Working Group

The Working Group was formed in response to resolution 11 of the Eighth Conference (Berlin, 27 August - 5 September 2002), which noted that the transliteration of geographical names from the script of one language into another script, such as romanization, does not normally provide a guide to the correct pronunciation of such names by persons who are unacquainted with the source language.

Current work plan
  • Address content guidelines and feasibility of the production of national pronunciation guides
  • Further the inclusion of pronunciation of individual geographical names in national gazetteers, through International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) files and/or audio files
  • Cooperate with other UNGEGN Working Groups, particularly those dealing with Romanization and with Toponymic Data Files and Gazetteers, to further geographical names standardization
  • Provide support for the collection of audio files for the UNGEGN Geographical Names Database
Meetings of the Working Group

The Working Group met:

  • in association with the 25th UNGEGN session in Nairobi in 2009
  • in association with other UNGEGN intiatives in Vienna, May 2008
  • during the Ninth Conference in New York in 2007
  • in association with the 24th UNGEGN session in Vienna in 2006
Reports of the Working Group