Environment Statistics
History and current activities
Brochure on Environment Statistics

Expert Group on the Revision of the FDES

International Recommendations for Water Statistics

Concepts and methods in Environment Statistics


  Working Papers

UNSD environmental indicators

  Country Snapshots
  Country Files
(Limited access)
Technical cooperation

ECOWAS project

ESCWA project


CARICOM project




Intersecretariat Working Group on Environment Statistics

Reports to the Statistical Commission
ENVSTATS newsletters
Useful links
  National data sources
  International and regional data sources
  Environmental accounting
Contact us


  Opening session
Session 00-1 Welcome address UNSD
Session 00-2 Welcome address ECA
Session 00-3 Allocution de bienvenue (Institut National de la Statistique du Cameroun [French]
Session 1
The need for environment statistics and indicators
Session 01-1 Besoins au niveau national (Institut National de la Statistique du
Cameroun) [French]
Session 01-2 International Requirements for Environmental Statistics and Indicators (UNSD)
Session 01-3 Environment statistics and indicators for keeping Africa’s environment under review (UNEP)
Session 2 Environment statistics and indicators: concepts and methods, and data sources
Session 02-1 Basic concepts of environment statistics (UNSD)
Session 02-2 Revised Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics and the core set of environment statistics (UNSD)
Session 02-3 Role of GIS and remote sensing to environment statistics (ECA)
Session 02-4 International data sources for environment statistics (UNSD)
Session 3 Statistics on Freshwater, Coastal and marine resources, Environmental health, and Natural disasters
Session 03-1 Indicateurs des ressources côtières/marines (IUCN) [French]
Session 03-2 Statistics on aquatic biological resources (FAO)
Session 03-3 Natural disasters statistics and indicators (UNSD)
Session 03-4 Freshwater statistics and indicators
UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire ‘Water’ tables (UNSD)
Session 03-5 Environmental health indicators (UNSD)
Session 4 Statistics on Land use and agriculture, Forests and Biodiversity
Session 04-1 Agri-Environmental statistics and indicators within FAOSTAT (UNSD for FAO)
Session 04-2 Les questions environnementales sur la désertification au Cameroun, basé sur le rapport à la CDD (Ministère de l’environnement et protection de la nature du Cameroun) [French]
Session 04-3 Indicateurs sur la biodiversité (IUCN) [French]
Session 04-4 Indicateurs et statistiques sur les Forêts du Bassin du Congo (COMIFAC) [French]
Session 5 Statistics on Air, Energy and Waste
Session 05-1 Climate change: Environmental and policy issues; International/regional data sources for the indicators; and Data collection and compilation at national level (UNSD for UNFCCC)
Session 05-2 La communication nationale à la CCNUCC (Ministère de l’environnement et protection de la nature du Cameroun) [French]
Session 05-3 Energy statistics and indicators (UNSD)
Session 05-4 Waste statistics and indicators
UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire ‘Waste’ tables (UNSD)
Session 6 Institutional aspects of environment statistics
Session 06-1 ECOWAS Programme on Environment Statistics (UNSD for ECOWAS)
Session 06-2 Institut sous-régional de la statistique et de l’économie appliquée (ISSEA) [French]
Country Presentations and Papers
Cameroon Country Paper
Chad Country Paper
Chad Presentation
Congo NSO Country Paper
Congo Presentation
Equatorial Guinea Presentation
Gabon Presentation
Sao Tome and Principe NSO and Ministry Country Paper
Sao Tome and Principe Presentation