STATISTICS DIVISIONRegional Workshop for African countries on Compilation of Basic Economic Statistics
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
16-19 October 2007List of Documents
Workshop Documents File SizeWS-BES-ECA-136-1 Agenda 96KBAgenda (French) 94.1KBWS-BES-ECA-136-3 International experience in setting up an economic statistics compilation programme 196KBWS-BES-ECA-136-4 ECOSOC Resolution 2006/6: Strengthening statistical capacity 114KBWS-BES-ECA-136-5 Integrated Economic Statistics 147KBWS-BES-ECA-136-6 Results of the UNSD survey of country practices in economic census 173KBWS-BES-ECA-136-8 Unified Enterprise Surveys: Statistics Canada Experience 204KBList of Participants 148KBESA/STAT/AC.130 Final report of the Pretoria Workshop 185KBFinal report of the Pretoria Workshop (French) 194KB
Papers and Presentations by Agenda Item
Agenda 6 Challenges facing African countries in the compilation of basic economic statistics and UNSD assistance strategy UNSD PPT 121KBUNECA PPT 158KBUNSD PPT 71KBAFDB PPT 129KBAgenda 7 a. Role of economic census: past experiences and future plans UNSD PPT 96.5KBZambia PPT 120KBAgenda 7 b. Use of administrative data a business registers -- a need for strategic planning South Africa PPT 433KBSierra Leone PPT 70.5KBUNSD PPT 382KBAgenda 8 System of economic surveys: how to organize it in a more efficient way and ensure a better quality of the collected data Uganda PPT 7.74MBSouth Africa PPT 515KBEthiopia PPT 57.5KBMalawi PPT 66.5KBUNECA PPT 372KBSenegal PPT 148KBMadagascar (French) PPT 185KBMali (French) PPT 60.5KBTunisia PPS 2.76MBSierra Leone PPT 135KBEgypt PPT 55.5KBAgenda 9 Basic economic statistics as a foundation for sound national accounts South Africa PPT 784KBUganda PPT 2.48MBAgenda 10 Measuring data quality and compilation of metadata -- international experience and challenges in the African context UNSD PPT 156KBEgypt PPT 51.5KBAgenda 11 Approaches to strengthening national statistical infrastructure and interagency cooperation to support more effective compilation of economic statistics UNSD PPT 143KBSouth Africa PPT 255KBSenegal PPT 131KBAgenda 13 Role of international, regional and sub-regional organizations -- ways to make assistance and cooperation programmes more coherent and focused ECA PPT 318KB