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Country Profile of Anguilla

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Anguilla's Statistics Department (ASD)
Web address
Position in the government
The Statistics Department is part of the Ministry of Finance and reports to the Permanent Secretary for Economic Development, Investment and Commerce.
Organizational structure and finance
The Statistics Department has had its own budget since becoming a department in 2002.
Multi-annual or annual work program
ASD has a strategic plan covering five years.
Main duties
ASD's main duties are:

a. Collection, analysis and publication of statistical information related to commercial, industrial, social, economic and general activities and conditions of Anguilla's population;

b. Collaboration with other governmental departments and local authorities on data processing;

c. Conducting various domestic censuses;

d. Organization of a coordinated scheme of local social and economic statistics and intelligence.

Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
Before the 1980s, statistical data was available as a result of occasional census, detailed trade data collection and information available through administrative sources (e.g.: vital statistics from court registry records, international trade data from import warrants, etc). Since the early seventies, the Statistics Unit of the Government of Anguilla produced statistics about residential society and conducted censuses in 1974, 1984 and 1992. The first Statistical Abstract containing administrative sources' data for the period 1960 - 82 was published in 1984. Along with further development of the statistical programs, priority was given to the development of economic statistics. After the establishment of the Consumer Price Index, a number of statistical surveys were conducted in 1985; moreover, a survey of business establishments was carried out to produce the National Accounts.

In 1998-1999, two household sample surveys were conducted, which provided valuable information on household incomes / expenditures and labor force. The next household and population census was conducted in 2001, which provided broad database of Anguillian society, including household register necessary for household surveys sampling. Over the 4-year period since November 2000, the status of the Statistics Unit has been upgraded to that of a department with its own budget and a Chief Statistician.

Legal basis
Legal basis
The first version of the Statistics Act of Anguilla was passed in 1971; however, it was revised and finally adopted in 2000. The Act defines the duties and responsibilities as well as the rights of statisticians in ASD.

Data collection
Most recent population census
9 May 2001
Access to administrative data
ASD has access to immigration visitors data, court house registry (births, marriages and deaths), building/work permits, customs, and social security databases. The department also has access to the following sources: commercial banks reports, medical, educational and shipment records; court and police records, land registry, treasury, and environmental health data are also available through respective governmental bodies.

Data dissemination
Main publications
External Trade, Balance of Payments, Labour Force Survey
Compendiums, National Accounts, Consumer Price Index, Social Statistics, Ad hoc Surveys, Tourism, Statips
Languages of main publications
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
Since January 2002 ASD publishes all statistics on the Anguilla's government website.

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