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Development of National Statistical Systems

A new website for this content is under development; this site's content is frozen.

This website is a searchable repository, providing information on current practices in National Statistical Systems around the world, and international guidelines on statistical organizations. It contains documentation on:

Country profiles of National Statistical Systems, which provides general information on National Statistical Systems (history, legal framework, data collection and dissemination, etc.)

Good practices in National Statistical Systems, which gives examples of how countries are implementing the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, in order to assist countries in the development of their national statistical system. We actively promote the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics which were adopted by the Statistical Commission in 1994.

The Handbook of Statistical Organization, Third Edition, covering the fundamentals of national systems of official statistics: general principles, data collection and respondent policies, principles of organization and management, and dissemination guidelines. The intended audience for the Handbook are both chief statisticians (and their colleagues) and those charged with oversight of the official statistics function.

This website should be considered as a living repository of information on national statistical systems. It is periodically updated with information provided by countries.

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