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Country Profile of Ukraine

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
State Statistics Committee of Ukraine
Web address

The site contains a large amount of statistical information for the current year and also main statistical indicators shown in time series for the last 10-15 years. The information placed on the web site is in Ukrainian, English and Russian. The updating of statistical data and information about the functioning of SSCU is carried out regularly. The number of visits to the web site of the SSCU is always on the rise. Over 2005 more than 300 thousand users visited web site.
Position in the government
SSCU is an independent establishment which is not under control of any ministry. It is subordinated directly to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Chair of the SSCU is not a member of the Cabinet. However he can participate in its meetings. Structure of the SSCU is to be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The State Statistics Committee of Ukraine is a coordinator of statistical activities carried out in the country. It ensures the supply of statistical information to the ministries and the government establishments and obtains information from the government establishments.

The structure of the system of the State statistics also includes the following State enterprises: Scientific and Technical Complex for Statistical Research, Information and Analytical Agency, Information and Publishing Center, as well the State Academy for Statistics, Accounting and Audit.
Organizational structure and finance
Statistical system is centralized and consists of the three levels: central, regional (oblast) and local (district). The first level is represented by the Headquarters. Structure of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine:

Macroeconomic Statistics Department

Production Statistics Department

Department of Intersectoral Statistics of Enterprises

Services Statistics Department

Agriculture and Environment Statistics Department

Household Surveys Department

Trade Statistics Department

Labour Statistics Department

Population Statistics and Administrative System Department

Price Statistics Department

IT Department

Consolidated Information Department

Department of Planning and Organisation of Statistical Observations

Department for Financial Management, Accounting and Reporting

Department for Personnel and Training

Administrative and Economical Activity Department

Statistics of foreign countries and International Co–operation Department

Legal Issues and Co–operation with the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine

Control and Audit Unit

Confidentiality Protection

Control Sector

The medium level consists of 28 regional offices:
- Main Interregional Statistics Department in Kyiv;
- 25 Main Statistics Departments in Autonomous Republic of Crimea and regions;
- Main Statistics Department in Kyiv City and;
- Statistics Department in Sevastopol City.
The local level has 565 statistical offices at district and municipal levels.

Chair of the SSCU appoints the heads of the regional statistics offices which in their turn appoint the heads of the local offices and carry out the appropriate control over them.

The main responsibilities of the local offices are the collection and primary verification of data. Regional offices compile the consolidated data on the basis of those obtained from the local offices, they also collect data from large regional organizations, enter all data onto computers and ensure the logical checks of data. Regional offices also analyze data at regional level and pass the results over to the relevant bodies.
Multi-annual or annual work program
In Ukraine for the purpose of coordinating the State statistical activity and monitoring its results, the SSCU draws up long-term (as a rule for five-years) and annual plans. Their development directly involves the state statistics bodies and other central executive authorities concerned and scientific and research organizations.

The long-term plans (programs) specify the strategic direction for statistics development and are rather complex and deal with the reforming of all types of economic activities. They are based on scientific research and development. The compilation of these programs is done through the discussions with the wide public which involve all statistics users concerned.

In order to advance the role of statistics in the process of the government management, in 1993 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Concept to build up Ukraine's national statistics and the State program to accept internationally recognized system for accounting and statistics. The implementation of the Program has been carried out during 1993-1997. The further development of the national statistics was guided by the Program to reform the State statistics until 2003. The Program was approved by the government in 1997.

In 2004 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the next long-term program: Strategy for development of the State statistics until 2008. The implementation of this five-year plan foresees the adaptation of Ukraine's statistical system so that it can meet international standards and concepts, namely the EU statistical standards. The sources for financing the implementation of actions stipulated by the Strategy are the State budget of Ukraine and other sources mainly the funds of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development within the project Development of the State Statistics System and Monitoring of Social and Economic Transformations. Besides, a number of actions is carried out within EU (TACIS) technical assistance program and the UK Ministry on international development (DFID), etc. To give practical effect to the Strategy implementation, the SSCU along with other co-actors concerned develop the annual plans of actions that are to be approved by regulations issued by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. After the end of the reporting year, the SSCU submits the general information about the results of the Strategy implementation to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

According to Ukraine's Law on the State Statistics, every year the SSCU also draws up the Plan for the State statistical observations which reflects the current operations of the State statistics bodies. The implementation of actions envisaged by this Plan is carried out through the funds from Ukraine's budget. Prior to the compilation of the annual Plan, Standing Committee starts its work. The Standing Committee deals with introduction of the forms of the State statistical observations and the SSCU's accounting documentation. The Committee makes decisions on changes to be made to statistical reporting for the next year. The actions stipulated by the Plan are structured according to their contents. Each action specifies the detailed levels for development and dates for fulfilment of operations by regional statistics offices and the SSCU.

The Plan for the State statistical observations apart from statistical activity of the SSCU reflects the undertakings of some 45 ministries and other central executive authorities in collection and generalization of information and its transfer to the State statistics bodies. The Plan is considered and approved by Board of the SSCU. Then it is submitted for consideration and approval to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

On the basis of the mentioned Plan, the SSCU draws up the technological plan for the State statistical observations which is to be approved by SSCU's Decree. Plans for economic, organizational and check-up work are approved during the meeting of the SSCU's Board.
Main duties
The mission of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine is to develop the statistical system in the country that includes the following directions:

- Defining the state policy in statistical domain;
- Collection, processing, analysis, dissemination, storage, protection and using of statistical information;
- Ensuring fullness, reliability and objectivity of statistical data;
- Ensuring availability and transparency of statistical information, its sources and methodology of compilation;
- Development, implementation and improvement of statistical methodology;
- Implementing newly information technologies in statistics;
- Development and maintenance of the State register of enterprises and organisations;
- Co-ordinating statistical activity in the country.

Also see the text of laws.

Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
With the break up of the Russian empire that was speeded up by the events of the First World War, Ukraine has availed itself of a historic chance to gain independence and sovereignty. According to the regulation issued by Council of People's Commissars on October 1, 1921, the Central Statistical Office of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was reorganized. In July 1922 the People's Commissariat approved for the first time the structure and staff schedule for CSO of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1922 Ukraine joined the USSR.

After Ukraine's gained independence in 1991, the management of the State statistics was carried out by Ministry of Statistics of Ukraine which was reformed into the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine according to Decree N734/97 issued by President of Ukraine on July 29, 1997.

Legal basis
Legal basis
On revision of the Law of Ukraine
"On state statistics"

The Parliament of Ukraine decreess:
To revise the Law of Ukraine "On state statistics" (Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 1992, No. 43, page 608) by setting it out as follows:
"The Law of Ukraine
On state statistics
This Law regulates legal relations in the field of state statistics, specifies the rights and duties of state statistical bodies and the organisational basis for performance of state statistical activity aiming at obtaining comprehensive and objective statistical information about economic, social, demographic and ecological situation in Ukraine and its regions, and provision of this information to the state and the society.

Chapter I

Article 1. Definition of terms and concepts
The following terms and concepts are defined as follows for the purposes of this Law:
administrative data - data obtained on a basis of observations conducted by state authorities (with the exception of state statistical bodies), local authorities and other legal persons as determined by the legislation, for the purposes of fulfilment of administrative duties and tasks within their authority;
state statistics - a centralised system of collection, processing, analysis, dissemination, storage, protection and use of statistical information;
state statistical activity - a set of activities associated with the performance of state statistical observations and the rendering of information services, which are targeted at collecting, processing, analysing, disseminating, storing, protecting and using statistical information, data reliability and improvement of statistical methodology;
inquirer - a legal or natural person that inquires statistical information from state statistical bodies;
information system of state statistical bodies - a set of technical, programming, communication and other facilities which enable the collection, accumulation, processing, dissemination, storage, protection and use of statistical information;
confidential information - statistical information that is classified as information with limited access and is owned, used or disposed by a respondent and may be disseminated subject to the respondent's permission and on terms agreed with the respondent;
user of state statistical observation data - a legal or natural person that uses state statistical observation data;
state statistical bodies - a specially authorised central executive body in the area of statistics and bodies established by it and subordinated to, or controlled by, it as specified in Article 11 of this Law;
Plan of State Statistical Observations - an official paper that catalogues observations being undertaken by the state statistical bodies and specifies an order and timing of those observations;
respondent - a person or a group of persons that is subject to statistical observations in accordance with the legislation and defined in Article 4 of this Law;
statistical information (data) - official state information which describes mass phenomena and processes occurring in the economic, social and other spheres of life of Ukraine and its regions;
statistical methodology - a set of the scientifically grounded methods, procedures and techniques used for studying the statistical characteristics of the mass social and economic phenomena and processes that establish the order of statistical information collection, processing and analysis;
statistical observation - a systematic and scientifically organised procedure of collecting data by state statistical bodies about phenomena and processes that take place in economic and social and other spheres of Ukraine and its regional development through their registration in line with the special program designed in accordance with statistical methodology.

Article 2. The legal basis of the state statistical activity
The legal basis of the state statistical activity shall be the Constitution of Ukraine, this Law, other laws and legal acts which regulate relations in the spheres of statistics, information, computerisation, scientific and technical activity and state standards as well as Ukraine's international agreements in the statistical sphere mandatory status of which was approved by the Parliament of Ukraine.

Article 3. State statistical policy
state statistical policy is directed at establishment of an integrated system of recording and statistics at the entire territory of Ukraine and its adaptation to international standards and methodology.

Article 4. Subjects of the Law
This Law applies to the following subjects:
(a) state statistical bodies and employees that participate in statistical observations on behalf of those bodies on a permanent or temporary basis;
(b) respondents:
legal persons, their branches, divisions, representative offices and other separate structural units located in Ukraine
legal persons, their branches, divisions, representative offices, other separate structural units located beyond Ukraine and established with participation of legal persons of Ukraine;
natural persons dwelling in Ukraine irrespective of their citizenship and groupings of such persons;
natural persons-citizens of Ukraine which are staying beyond Ukraine and groupings of such persons;
(ñ) users of data of statistical observations.

Chapter II

Article 5. Main principles of the state statistical activity
The state statistical activity is performed by the state statistical bodies in accordance with this Law and with the tasks that are within their terms of reference on a basis of professional independence and autonomy.
Interference of any state and local authorities, other legal persons, public associations, officials and other persons in the activities of state statistical bodies, including contents of statistical information, selection of its sources, statistical methodology, forms and terms of dissemination of data of statistical observations, etc. is prohibited.

Article 6. Statistical information
Statistical information obtained on a basis of statistical observations conducted by state statistical bodies may exist as primary data on respondents and as statistical data obtained after one or more phases of processing and stored on paper, magnetic or other carriers or in electronic form, as well as analytic materials prepared on the basis of these data.
Primary data refer to information showing quantitative and qualitative features of phenomena and processes that is submitted by respondents in the course of statistical observations.
Statistical data refer to information obtained through the conduct of statistical observations that is processed and presented in a formalised way in accordance with generally accepted principles and methodologies. Statistical data that are the result of aggregation of primary data, on condition that their depersonalisation is ensured, shall be deemed aggregated depersonalised statistical information (data).
Statistical information also includes the data of banking and financial statistics, balance of payments statistics etc., which are compiled on the basis of administrative data by the National Bank of Ukraine and specially authorised state agencies (except state statistical bodies) within their authority. The authority of these agencies and rules of collecting, processing, analysing, disseminating, storing, protecting and using such statistical information shall be defined by separate laws.

Article 7. Statistical information sources
With a view to compiling statistical information, the state statistical bodies may use the following as data sources:
primary data and statistical data referring to respondents who are subject to statistical observations;
administrative data from the state authorities (except state statistical bodies), local authorities and other legal persons;
data of banking and financial statistics, balance of payments statistics etc.;
statistical information of international organisations and statistical agencies of other countries, etc.;
estimates and calculations being produced on the basis of the above data.
The decision on the statistical data source to be used is taken by the state statistical bodies. The decision-making process is independent and includes considerations for quality and timeliness of information to be submitted, expenditures and the responsibilities that it would impose on respondents.

Article 8. Statistical methodology
Statistical methodology is based on results of scientific researches, international recommendations taking into account specific national and historical aspects of the country.
Main provisions of statistical methodology shall be published.
Statistical methodology is the basis of statistical reporting documents and statistical observations.
Statistical reporting documents are approved by state statistical bodies and comprise statistical observation programs, reporting forms and instructions on their completion, questionnaires and census forms, other statistical forms approved by state statistical bodies for use in statistical observations and state classifications of technical, economic and social information. Statistical reporting documents may be disseminated on paper, magnetic and other carriers or through telecommunication channels.

Article 9. Statistical observations
Statistical observations are conducted by the state statistical bodies by means of collection of statistical reports, conduct of one-off collections, censuses (polls), and sample and other surveys.
Statistical observations may be full-coverage and partial.
Full-coverage statistical observation covers all units of the statistical universe that is studied.
Partial statistical observation covers specific units of the universe that is studied.
Statistical observations are also classified into state statistical observations and other statistical observations.
State statistical observations are conducted by state statistical bodies according to the Plan of State Statistical Observations endorsed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine or according to special decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. State statistical observations that are conducted by state statistical bodies with enlistment of temporary employees are conducted on a basis of, and under the terms set by, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Other statistical observations are conducted in accordance with the Regulation on fulfilment of statistical observations and provision of paid services by state statistical bodies approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 10. Integrated State Register of Enterprises and Organisations of Ukraine
The Integrated State Register of Enterprises and Organisations of Ukraine is an automated system of collection, accumulation and processing of data on all legal persons, their branches, representative offices and other separate structural units located in Ukraine, and to all legal persons, their branches, divisions, representative offices, other separate structural units located beyond Ukraine and established with participation of legal persons of Ukraine.
The state Register of Enterprises and Organisations of Ukraine provides the basis for integrated State recording and identification of all entities listed in Part 1 of this Article and for state statistical observations.
state statistical bodies are responsible for establishment and maintenance of the Integrated State Register of Enterprises and Organisations of Ukraine, development of methodology and organisation of its maintenance.
Central and local authorities and legal persons which establish and maintain registers and data bases on enterprises shall provide free-of-charge information to the state statistical bodies for the purposes of development and updating of the state Register of Enterprises and Organisations of Ukraine.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approves Regulations on the Integrated State Register of Enterprises and Organisations of Ukraine.

Chapter III

Article 11. State statistical bodies
The following constitute state statistical bodies:
the specially authorised central executive body in the area of statistics established in accordance with Article 106 of the Constitution of Ukraine;
territorial state statistical bodies of the Republic of Crimea, regions, districts and cities/towns established by, and subordinate to, the specially authorised central executive body in the area of statistics in accordance with the legislation; and
functional state statistical bodies - enterprises, organisations and institutions established by, and subordinate to, the specially authorised central executive body in the area of statistics in accordance with the legislation.
These bodies form a single integrated national system of statistics.

Article 12. Main tasks of state statistical bodies
Main tasks of state statistical bodies are the following:
fulfilment of state statistical policy;
collection, processing, analysis, dissemination, storage, protection and use of statistical information about economic, social, demographic and ecological phenomena and processes in Ukraine and its regions;
ensuring reliability and objectivity of statistical information;
development, improvement and implementation of statistical methodology;
ensuring development, improvement and implementation of a system of state classifications of technical-economic and social information that are used in statistical observations;
ensuring development and maintenance of the Integrated State Register of Enterprises and Organisations of Ukraine;
implementation of new information technologies in the area of statistical data processing;
interaction of information systems of the state statistical bodies and other central and local authorities, other legal persons, international organisations and statistical agencies of other countries by means of information interchange, works in the areas of methodology, software, technology etc. aimed at effective use of information resources;
coordination of state and local authorities and other legal persons in the area of organisation of collecting and using administrative data;
ensuring availability, publicity and openness of statistical information, their sources and methodology of their compilation;
maintenance and protection of statistical information.

Article 13. Main rights of state statistical bodies
State statistical bodies have the following rights:
to approve decisions on issues of statistics, recording and reporting within their entitlement. Decisions approved by statistical bodies on these issues are obligatory for all subjects to which this Law applies. In case of questions concerning statistical methodology in specific industries of the economy, to involve state bodies in their handling;
to obtain, in accordance with the procedure and within the terms approved by the specially authorised central executive body in the area of statistics and free of charge, primary and statistical data, accounting reports and other information including information with restricted access and explanations to it from all respondents including central and local authorities, banks, individual entrepreneurs and natural persons subject to statistical observations. In the course of statistical observations of natural persons subject to statistical observation, to apply the method of direct visits of employees of state statistical bodies and temporary employees that participate in statistical observations to housing and subsidiary premises and buildings, land plots etc.;
to check the status of primary records and statistical reporting, to check reliability of statistical data provided by respondents. To apply, as approved by the specially authorised central executive body in the area of statistics, the method of direct visits to premises, land plots etc. of legal persons, their branches, representative offices and other separate structural units and individual entrepreneurs;
in case of exposure of upward and other distortions in primary and statistical data, to oblige respondents to revise statistical reporting and other statistical forms, and in case of non-fulfilment of this requirement by a date determined by state statistical bodies, to adjust the reporting and to inform respondents about the necessary revisions;
to put forward proposals to law and order agencies about prosecution as specified by the laws against officials and entrepreneurs violating this Law;
to consider cases of administrative infringements and to apply fines in accordance with the laws;
to involve relevant central executive authorities and scientific institutions in development of state classifications of technical-economic and social information;
to co-operate with international statistical organisations and statistical agencies of other countries;
to fulfil statistical observations and provide services paid by customers;
to provide statistical information to inquirers in accordance with the Regulation on fulfilment of statistical observations and provision of paid services by state statistical bodies;
to comment on the cases of misuse or wrong interpretation of statistical information.

Article 14. Main duties of state statistical bodies
State statistical bodies are obliged:
to organise and carry out statistical observations of social-economic and demographic processes, ecological situation in Ukraine and its regions;
to carry out state statistical observations of the population of Ukraine concerning its social-demographic and economic status, entrepreneurial activity etc.;
to analyse social-economic, demographic and ecological phenomena and processes in Ukraine and its regions;
to provide the state and local authorities, in accordance with the procedure and terms specified in the Plan of State Statistical Observations or approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, with statistical information;
to ensure publicity of statistical data, to publish statistical bulletins, reviews, press releases and other statistical information in accordance with the Plan of State Statistical Observations, to hold press conferences;
to ensure equal access to statistical information by legal and natural persons;
to carry out fundamental research and applied works in the area of statistics;
to use international statistical standards and recommendations in the practice of state statistical bodies;
to approve statistical methodology and primary reporting documents for state statistical observations (excluding state classifications of technical-economic and social information) and standard forms of primary registration documents needed for those observations;
to provide, in accordance with the Plan of State Statistical Observations, the statistical reporting documents to respondents (excluding state classifications of technical-economic and social information);
to maintain the Integrated State Register of Enterprises and Organisations of Ukraine with allocation of identification codes and classification codes to the units included;
to ensure development and improvement of technologies of statistical information processing;
to ensure preservation, accumulation, updating and protection of statistical information and its confidentiality;
to carry out international and interregional statistical comparisons;
to ensure provision of statistical data to international organisations in accordance with the international agreements concluded and to carry out interchange of statistical information with statistical agencies of other countries in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

Article 15. Planning and funding of statistical observations
For the purposes of provision of the state and the society with statistical information to the state authorities the specially authorised central executive body in the area of statistics shall develop, in conjunction with other central government agencies, an annual Plan of State Statistical Observations.
The Plan of State Statistical Observations and the procedure of its development shall be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. State statistical observations shall be funded from the state budget of Ukraine.
Statistical observations not included in the Plan of State Statistical Observations may be fulfilled on account of supplementary funding or on account of the customers of those observations.
The specially authorised central executive body in the area of statistics, state statistical bodies of Republic of Crimea, regions, districts and cities/towns are funded from the state budget of Ukraine.
Enterprises, organisations and institutions subordinated to, and separate units of, state statistical bodies may operate on a self-funding basis.
Also, for the purposes of development of state statistics additional funding sources may be used unless prohibited by the legislation.

Article 16. Relations between state statistical bodies and authorities involved in administrative data collection and use
Relations between state statistical bodies and other state and local authorities and other legal persons involved in activities concerning administrative data collection and use envisage:
Mandatory approval by state statistical bodies of methodologies and reporting documents for observations conducted by bodies involved in collection and use of administrative data as well as methodology for compilation of data of banking and financial statistics, balance of payments statistics etc.
Free-of-charge provision to state statistical bodies at their request with administrative data collected by bodies involved in collection and use of them as well as data of banking and financial statistics, balance of payments statistics etc.

Chapter IV

Article 17. Rights and duties of employees of state statistical bodies and of temporary employees that participate in statistical observations
Employees of state statistical bodies that participate in statistical observations on a permanent or temporary basis shall act in accordance with this Law.
Rights and duties of permanent employees of state statistical bodies and temporary employees that participate in statistical observations are established by this Law and other laws of Ukraine.
All employees of state statistical bodies shall comply with requirements on protection of confidential information and bear responsibility for violation of those requirements in accordance with the laws.

Article 18. Main rights and duties of respondents
Respondents are entitled to know what primary data are being collected on them in the process of conduct of statistical observations, for what purpose, and who will use them, how and for what purpose.
Respondents are obliged to provide state Statistical bodies with complete information, including the information with limited access, and accounting reports that are necessary for state statistical observation, free of charge and in forms approved by state statistical bodies.
The contents, scope and methodology of data compilation, addresses and timeliness specified in the documentation and instructions on statistical reporting and recommendation on completion of reports are obligatory for all respondents and shall not be changed without permission of the state statistical bodies.

Article 19. Main rights and duties of users of statistical observation data
State and local authorities, other legal persons and natural persons shall have the right to aggregate depersonalised statistical information. Subject to the provisions of Articles 9 and 24 concerning payment for services, this right guarantees free access by the above persons such information, the possibility of use, dissemination and storage for performing their tasks and functions and for ensuring their rights, freedoms and legal interests.
Natural persons are entitled to free access without charge to statistical information related to them.
Use of statistical observation data by mass media, its dissemination through information networks, paper, magnetic and other carriers and in scientific works, etc. is allowed only with reference to their source.

Article 20. Responsibility for violation of state statistical legislation
Violation of state statistical legislation leads to responsibility of persons responsible for such violation in accordance with the laws.

Chapter V

Article 21. Guarantees of state statistical bodies with respect to confidentiality of statistical information
Primary data obtained by state statistical bodies from respondents for statistical observations and administrative data on respondents obtained by state statistical bodies from authorities involved in administrative data collection and use shall be classified as confidential information protected by the Law and may be used exclusively for statistical purposes in an aggregate depersonalised form.
Dissemination of statistical information on a basis of which it is possible to identify confidential statistical information with respect to a particular respondent, is prohibited.
Statistical information provided by respondents for statistical observations to state statistical bodies shall not be required by state and local authorities, other legal persons, citizens' associations, officials or other persons for making a decision with respect to a particular respondent.
The above guarantees do not apply to information specified in Article 22 of this Law.

Article 22. Information to which prohibition of dissemination by state statistical bodies does not apply
Statistical information on a basis of which it is possible to identify a particular respondent is not treated as confidential and may be disseminated subject to the respondent's permission and on terms agreed with the respondent or if obtained from generally available sources.
Prohibition of dissemination by state statistical bodies does not apply to:
depersonalised statistical information in a disaggregated form that does not allow to identify confidential statistical information with respect to a particular respondent;
names, addresses, phone numbers and fields of activity of enterprises, establishments and organisations unless otherwise specified by legislation.

Chapter VI

Article 23. Ownership of statistical information
Statistical information of state statistical observations and primary data obtained from respondents in the process of conduct of other observations shall be the property of the state and is managed by state statistical bodies that shall manage, use and dispose this statistical information and determine the rules of its collection, processing, dissemination, storage, protection and use.
Ownership of statistical information obtained on account of its customer shall be determined in contracts on creation of the information that also envisage terms of dissemination of this information by state statistical bodies.

Article 24. Regulation of access to statistical information
To meet the statistical needs of state and local authorities, other legal persons and natural persons and to ensure access to statistical information, special information services shall be established in state statistical bodies.
Procedures for their establishment, their structure, rights and obligations shall be approved by the specially authorised central executive body in the area of statistics.
Access to statistical information shall be ensured as follows:
by issuing regular statistical publications;
by dissemination of statistical information by mass media;
by provision of statistical information to state and local authorities, other legal persons and natural persons.
State statistical bodies provide state and local authorities with free statistical information specified in the Plan of State Statistical Observations or approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine within the limits of funds specified for these purposes by the state budget of Ukraine and in accordance with confidentiality requirements specified by this Law.
Procedures and terms of provision of statistical information to state and local authorities, other legal persons and natural persons at their request are performed in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On information" and this Law.
If the information is provided on a contractual basis, procedures and terms of provision are specified in relevant agreements. Customers shall reimburse the cost of preparation and provision of information at their request. Observations related to these requests are conducted and paid in accordance with the Regulation on fulfilment of statistical observations and provision of paid services by state statistical bodies.
Intra-agency statistical information used as input for compilation of aggregated statistical data, of statistical reports and other documents, classifications of economic and social information etc. or drafts of those documents, shall not be provided at request.

Chapter VII

Article 25. International co-operation in the area of statistics
International co-operation in the area of statistics is aimed at creating and functioning of state statistics that meets the requirements set by government and society, improving the effectiveness of state statistical activity, establishing co-operation with international statistical organisations and statistical agencies of other countries in the area of statistical methodology and practice and ensuring exchange of work experience and data.
The state is concerned with the development and support of all types of international co-operation in statistics that comply with the state interests of Ukraine.

Article 26. International agreements
If binding consent is given by the Parliament of Ukraine to regulations that establish international agreements, the regulations of international agreements have precedence over those set forth in this Law.

Chapter VIII
1. This Law shall become effective from 1 January 2001.
2. Until the effective legislation is revised in accordance with the Law of Ukraine on Revision of the Law of Ukraine "On state statistics", laws and acts of Ukraine shall be effective in the part that does not contradict this Law.
3. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine shall within a six-month term:
submit proposals to the Parliament of Ukraine on revisions to be made in the laws of Ukraine in accordance with this Law;
revise its effective regulations in accordance with this Law;
approve, within its terms of reference, regulations in order to implement this Law;
ensure abolishment and revision by central executive authorities of their regulations contradicting to this Law".

President of Ukraine L. KUCHMA
13 July 2000
No. 1922-III

On revision of selected laws and acts of Ukraine
related to approval of the Law of Ukraine
"On revision of the Law of Ukraine
"On state statistics"

The Parliament of Ukraine d e c r e e s:
I. To make changes to the following laws of Ukraine:
1. In part 1 of Article 1642 of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offences (Information Bulletin of the Supreme Soviet of Ukrainian SSR, 1984, addition to No. 51, p. 1122) to exclude the words "or statistical".
2. To exclude part 5 of Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine "On prices and price setting" (Information Bulletin of the Supreme Soviet of Ukrainian SSR, 1990, No. 52, p. 650).
3. In the Law of Ukraine "On employment of the population" (Information Bulletin of the Supreme Soviet of Ukrainian SSR, 1991, No. 14, p. 170; Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 1998, No. 11 - 12, p. 44):
1) In Item 2 of Article 13 to replace the words "state statistical reporting, which displays" with words "collection of statistical information and administrative data, which display";
2) In the subitem "e" of Item 2 of Article 14, to exclude the word "statistical";
3) In Article 19:
After the fourth paragraph of Item 1, to add a new paragraph of the following contents:
"Carries out, according to the procedure established by the legislation, collection and processing of administrative data, which displays labour market conditions and the situation in the sphere of employment of the population".
In this connection, to consider the paragraphs 5 to 9 as paragraphs 6 to 10, accordingly;
In the second paragraph of Item 2 to replace the word "statistical" by the word "administrative";
4) To set forth Item 4 of Article 20 as follows:
"4. Enterprises, establishments and organizations, irrespective of the form of ownership, are registered at local centres of employment for the territory of their location as the taxpayers to the Fund of obligatory state social insurance of Ukraine for the case of unemployment, monthly provide these centres with complete administrative data on their current free workplaces (vacancies) and on the staff that work part-time during the working day (week), if this is not stipulated by the labour contract, or do not work because of idle time for the reasons not dependent on them, and within 10 days - on all newly recruited staff, according to the procedure established by the legislation. The delayed registration or refusal to register, infringements in reporting the administrative data entails the responsibility stipulated by the legislation".
4. In Article 29 of the Law of Ukraine "On the enterprises in Ukraine" (Information Bulletin of the Supreme Soviet of Ukrainian SSR, 1991, No. 24, p. 272; Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 2000, No. 32, p. 256):
1) To set forth Items 1, 3 and 5 as follows:
"1. The enterprise conducts primary recording and accounting of the results of their work, compiles statistical information and administrative data.
The procedure of organization and conduct of accounting, submission of statistical information and administrative data is determined by the legislation";
"3. The enterprises, which enter into the structure of any association, do not change the procedure of the accounting and submission of statistical information and administrative data on their activity.
The association conducts accounting and compiles statistical information and administrative data, if this is stipulated in its charter or contract, according to the procedure established for the enterprises";
"5. The officials of enterprises bear responsibility for infringements in submission of statistical information and administrative data according to the legislation";
2) To set forth the first paragraph Item 2 as follows:
"2. It is forbidden to require that the enterprises submit statistical information and administrative data with infringement of the procedure established by the legislation. The information that has not been stipulated by the statistical reporting documentation, can be provided by an enterprise to those requesting it on a contractual basis, and to courts, Prosecutors' Offices, bodies of the Security Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Tax Service, Anti-monopoly Committee of Ukraine, State Commission on Securities and Stock Market, economic courts, audit organizations and state executors - in cases stipulated by the legislation, upon their letter of request".
5. To set forth parts 4 to 7 of Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On foreign trade activities" (Information Bulletin of the Supreme Soviet of Ukrainian SSR, 1991, No. 29, p. 377) as follows:
"Aggregation of statistical information on foreign trade activities is carried out by the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine on the basis of the data, which are provided, on a compulsory basis, by bodies that carry out state regulation of foreign trade activities (financial bodies, bodies of the State Customs Service and the National Bank of Ukraine), and also subjects of foreign trade activities.
The State Statistics Committee of Ukraine compiles and publishes quarterly the statistical information on the conditions and structure of the foreign trade balance of Ukraine.
The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine compiles the information on the conditions and structure of external state debts.
The State Statistics Committee of Ukraine is obliged to provide the subjects of foreign trade activities with the statistical information, which it possesses, according to the procedure established by the laws of Ukraine "On information" and "On state statistics".
6. To set forth part 1 of Article 18 of the Law of Ukraine "On companies" (Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 1991, No. 49, p. 682; 2000, No. 32, p. 256) as follows:
"The company conducts accounting, compiles and submits statistical information and administrative data according to the procedure established by the legislation".
7. To set forth Article 19 of the Law of Ukraine "On a commodity bourse" (Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 1992, No. 10, p. 139) as follows:
"Article 19. Recording and reporting
The commodity bourse conducts primary recording and accounting of the results of its work, compiles statistical information and administrative data.
The procedure of conduct of accounting and submission of statistical information and administrative data is determined by the legislation".
8. To set forth Item 1 of Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine "On consumer cooperation" (Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 1992, No. 30, p. 414) as follows:
"1. The consumer societies and their unions conduct recording of results of their activity, compile statistical information and administrative data according to the procedure established by the legislation, and bear responsibility for their reliability. The requirement to submit other information, which has not been envisaged by the legislation, is forbidden".
9. In the Law of Ukraine "On information" (Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 1992, No. 48, p. 650):
1) After the second paragraph of Article 18, to add a new paragraph of the following contents:
"The administrative information (data)".
In this connection, to consider the paragraphs 3 to 8 as paragraphs 4 to 9, accordingly;
2) To set forth parts 1 and 2 of Article 19 as follows:
"Statistical information is the official documentary state information, which provides quantitative characteristics of mass phenomena and processes occurring in economic, social, cultural and other spheres of life.
The state statistical information is subject to systematic open publication. The open access of the citizens, scientific establishments and interested organizations is provided to the unpublished statistical data that are not subject to restrictions established by this Law, and also the Law of Ukraine "On state statistics";
3) To include in the Law Article 191 of the following contents:
"Article 191. Administrative information (data)
Administrative information (data) is the official documentary data, which provides quantitative characteristics of the phenomena and processes occurring in economic, social, cultural, other spheres of life and are processed, used, disseminated and stored by state authorities (with the exception of state statistical bodies), local authorities and other legal persons as determined by the legislation, for the purposes of fulfilment of administrative duties and tasks within their authority.
The system of administrative information (data), powers of bodies that are involved in activities related to collection and use of administrative data, their sources and regime are established according to the legislation".
10. To set forth the third paragraph of part 1 of Article 18 of the Law of Ukraine "On the legal profession" (Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 1993, No. 9, p. 62) as follows:
"Aggregates the administrative data on lawyer activity".
11. To exclude parts 1 and 2 of Article 42 of the Law of Ukraine "On road traffic" (Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 1993, No. 31, p. 338).
12. To set forth Article 24 of the Law of Ukraine "On farms" (Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 1993, No. 32, p. 341) as follows:
"Article 24. Recording and reporting of a farm
The farm conducts accounting of results of its work for the economic year and submits, according to the procedure established by the legislation, statistical information and administrative data to the respective bodies.
The head of a farm bears responsibility for infringements in submission of statistical information and administrative data according to the legislation".
13. To complement the second part of Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine "On bodies of registration of civil status certificates" (Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 1994, No. 14, p. 78; 2000, No. 9, p. 67) with the words "and compile administrative data".
14. In the Law of Ukraine "On state regulation of the securities market in Ukraine" (Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 1996, No. 51, p. 292; 1999, No. 38, p. 339):
1) In Item 10 of the second part of Article 7, to replace the word "reporting" with the words "administrative data";
2) To set forth the fifth paragraph of part 4 of Article 17 as follows:
"Of the collection, aggregation and analytical processing of the administrative data about professional activity in the stock market, and also information, which is subject to publicity by the issuers of securities".
15. To set forth the third paragraph of part 1 of Article 27 of the Law of Ukraine "On publishing" (Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 1997, No. 32, p. 206) as follows:
"Collection and use of the administrative data that characterizes changes and trends in publishing".
16. To set forth Article 34 of the Law of Ukraine "On agricultural cooperation" (Information Bulletin of the Parliament of Ukraine, 1997, No. 39, p. 261) as follows:
"Article 34. Recording and reporting
Cooperative society (association) conducts accounting of results of its activity, compiles statistical information and administrative data according to the procedure established by the legislation".
II. This Law shall become effective from the date of its publication.
President of Ukraine #9; #9; #9; #9; L. KUCHMA
7 February 2002
No. 3047-III

On amendments to the Code of Ukraine
on administrative offences

The Parliament of Ukraine decrees:
I. To set out Articles 1863, 2443 of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offences (Newsletter of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 1984, Appendix to No. 51, Article 1122) as follows:
"Article 1863. Violation of order of submission or use of data in state statistical observations
Non-response to state statistical observations conducted by statistical bodies and other state agencies involved in state statistics or providing unreliable or incomplete data, or providing data not according to the format prescribed by statistical reporting documentation or not in time, inappropriate primary recording, violation of the procedure of updating the Integrated State Register of Enterprises and Organisations of Ukraine -
leads to imposing a penalty on citizens - in the amount of three to five tax-free minimum incomes of citizens, on officials and citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities - in the amount of ten to fifteen tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.
Actions envisaged by Part 1 of this Article committed again during a year -
leads to imposing a penalty on citizens - in the amount of five to ten tax-free minimum incomes of citizens, on officials and citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities - in the amount of fifteen to twenty five tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.
Violation of order of submission or use of confidential information, concealing or distorting of state statistical observation data as well as their use in publications by mass media, for dissemination through information networks, paper, magnetic and other carriers and in scientific works without referring to the
source -
leads to imposing a penalty on citizens - in the amount of five to ten tax-free minimum incomes of citizens, on officials and citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities - in the amount of ten to twenty tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.
"Article 2443. State statistical bodies
State statistical bodies consider cases of administrative offences related to violation of order of submission or use of data in state statistical observations (Article 1863).
On behalf of state statistical bodies, the right to consider the cases and apply administrative fines is given to the chair of the specially authorised central executive body in the area of statistics and his deputies, chairs of state statistical bodies of the Republic of Crimea, regions, districts and cities/towns and their deputies".
II. This Law shall become effective from the date of its publication.

President of Ukraine L. KUCHMA
Kyiv, 13 July 2000
No. 1929-III


On the all-Ukrainian population census

This Law determines legal, economic and organizational foundations of preparation and conduct of an all-Ukrainian population census (hereinafter referred to as population census), processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results and regulates relations of the subjects of a population census, determines their rights, duties and responsibilities, establishes guarantees of the state on protection of the confidential information obtained during a population census.

Chapter I


Article 1. Definition of the terms

The following terms and concepts are defined as follows for the purposes of this Law:

household – a set of individuals which live together at one dwelling or its part, provide themselves with everything necessary for their life, operate their home economy together, completely or partially combine and spend money resources. These persons can be relatives by blood or in law, or not to have either of these relations, or to have both kinds of them. A household can consist of one person;

schedule of preparation and conduct of a population census – a list of the basic organizational measures for each stage of works on a population census with deadlines of their performance and designation of the responsible executors;

concept of methodology of data processing of a population census – a set of principles and methods of data processing of a population census, which provide reliability and confidentiality of the information, reliability and accuracy of performance of works within the established terms;

user – a legal or natural person using the data of a population census;

method of a population census - way in which the data about the population are obtained;

population census - periodic full-coverage state statistical observation including collection of the demographic and socio-economic data, which characterize the size and structure of the population of the country on the established date, and also processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results;

census sheet – form for recording the answers on the questions of the programme of a population census that are specified in it;

census documentation – a set of forms that are filled by the temporary census personnel during preparation and conduct of a population census and processing of its results. Census documentation includes census sheets, lists of persons living in a dwelling, information on the conduct of a population census, etc;

census toolkit – census documentation and instructive materials used during preparation and conduct of a population census, and processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results;

programme of a population census - a list of questions about the characteristics of the natural persons, households, and also dwellings in which they live, with the attributes established by the specially authorized central executive body in the area of statistics;

programme of development of materials of a population census – a system of groupings and combinations of attributes that are used to convert primary (personal) data of a population census into a set of aggregate depersonalized and generalized indicators, which characterize the size and structure of the population;

respondent – natural person subject to an interview during a population census;

temporary census personnel - specially trained persons involved in preparation and conduct of a population census and processing of its results for the periods established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Article 2. Legal basis of a population census

Legal basis of a population census is the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On state statistics”, this Law, legislation of Ukraine on the information and computerization, other legal acts, and also effective international contracts, the binding consent to which is given by the Parliament of Ukraine.

Article 3. The purpose and grounds for conduct of a population census

The purpose of conduct of a population census is to obtain reliable, objective and integral data on various characteristics of the population of the country as a whole and on each administrative-territorial unit for the purposes of information support of management and forecasting of socio-economic development, and also development and implementation of the balanced state policy on the population.

The ground for conduct of a population census is a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which is approved not later than 3 years prior to its beginning.

Article 4. Subjects of a population census

Subjects of a population census include:

respondents - citizens of Ukraine, including those who are beyond its territory on the established date of a population census, and also the foreigners and persons without citizenship who are in territory of Ukraine on the established date of a population census;

temporary census personnel and other staff involved in preparation or conduct of a population census, and processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results;

specially authorized central and local executive bodies, bodies of local self-governance, and also other legal persons, their departments, branches, representative offices, etc that are involved according to their competence to preparation and conduct of a population census;

users of the data of a population census.

Chapter II



Atricle 5. The programme of a population census

The programme of a population census comprises the main primary (personal) data collection of which is carried out during conduct of a population census.

Such data are the following:

structure and relations of the members of the household;



birth date and birth-place;

marital status;

ethnic origin;

language attributes;



sources of income;


migration activity;

housing conditions.

The above list of the main (personal) data of a population census may be reduced or extended by decision of the Parliament of Ukraine.

A question shall not be included in the programme of a population census if the answers to it contains the information that is classified as state or commercial secret, not intended for the statistical purposes or restraining or infringing the rights and freedoms of an individual and citizen.

Article 6. Methods of a population census

The population census is carried out by the following methods:

by direct visits to dwelling houses and inhabited premises in other buildings by the temporary census personnel and filling by it of the census documentation;

by reception of the written (oral) answers of the respondents to questions according to the programme of a population census.

Other methods of a population census can also be applied according to the procedure established by law.

The filling of the census documentation is carried out on the basis of the information obtained from the respondents without their documentary confirmation.

Article 7. Basic methodological and organizational principles of conduct of a population census

Main methodological and organizational principles of conduct of a population census are the following:

regularity and periodicity of a population census, which ensures continuity and comparability of obtained results;

universality and simultaneity of a population census, which ensures coverage by polling of all respondents to which this Law is applied, and reception from them of the data as of the established single moment of time;

unity of the programme of a population census, and also methods of its conduct and processing of results;

personalisation of the primary data of a population census, which means reception of the information directly from a specific natural person, and also discretion of the respondents with respect to the answers to questions of the programme of a population census;

confidentiality of primary (personal) data of the population census, which envisages ensuring their protection according to the procedure established by law;

centralized management and coordination of all works related to preparation and conduct of a population census, and also processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results.

According to the main methodological and organizational principles of conduct of a population census, the draft programme of a population census and census toolkit are developed by the specially authorized central executive body in the area of statistics in view of the generalized proposals submitted by specially authorized central and local executive bodies, bodies of local self-governance and other legal persons within their competence, and also according to the requirements of the international obligations of Ukraine.

The draft programme of a population census, census toolkit, method of a population census, the basic organizational measures on its conduct, and also the Concept of technology of data processing of a population census are improved during conduct of trial censuses of the population in one or several territorial units within terms established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. After discussion of results of trial censuses of the population and the achievement of an agreement with the specially authorized central and local executive bodies and bodies of local self-governance, relevant scientific establishments and organizations, the programme of a population census and census toolkit are approved by the specially authorized central executive body in the field of statistics, which also develops and approves the schedule of preparation and conduct of a population census, method of a population census, Concept of technology of data processing of a population census and programme of development of materials of a population census.

Chapter III


Article 8. Powers of bodies involved in preparation and conduct of a population census, processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results

The specially authorized central executive body in the area of statistics carries out management of all works related to preparation of a population census, ensures conduct of a population census, except some of its categories, and also processing, aggregation, distribution and use of results of a population census.

According to the established procedure and within the specified terms, specially authorized central executive bodies carry out within their competence:

preparation and conduct of a census of military staff, convicted individuals, persons located in closed territories, etc;

census of the citizens of Ukraine that are beyond its territory during conduct of a population census, including those working in diplomatic representations and consular establishments of Ukraine and members of their households;

census of the persons who are permanently residing in establishments of public health services and social establishments.

Specially authorized central executive bodies ensure within their competence:

allocation of necessary material resources, target allocation of funding in the draft State budget of Ukraine, financing of works related to conduct of a population census during the whole term of their performance;

according to the established procedure and within the specified terms, the necessary cartographical materials;

safe work conditions for the temporary census personnel and preservation of the census documentation;

assistance in recruitment of the temporary census personnel by unemployed individuals that are registered in employment service bodies as looking for work;

uninterrupted acceptance and urgent delivery of loads intended for preparation and conduct of a population census and processing of its results;

guaranteed provision of travel passes to persons that are carrying out preparation and conduct of a population census;

according to the established procedure and within the specified terms, creation of appropriate conditions for a census of the passengers in trains and long-distance buses, international tourist buses irrespective of the agency to which they belong, on boats, at railway, river and sea stations, quayes, bus stations and at the airports;

uninterrupted work of telephone communication and urgent reception and delivery of the mail and telegraph correspondence, sendings, parcels and electronic mail necessary for preparation and conduct of a population census and processing of its results. All specified items are processed according to the procedure established for governmental mail and telegraph correspondence;

special thematic publicity with the purpose to attract attention of the public to a population census.

Local executive bodies and the bodies of local self-governance ensure:

definition and specification of the list and borders of the urban settlements and ordering in them of the names of streets, lanes, etc, and numbering of blocks, houses and apartments;

checking of correctness and completeness of the population recording;

the temporary census personnel and other workers to be involved in preparation and conduct of a population census and processing of its results, premises equipped with necessary furniture and inventories, and also communication facilities, transport, etc;

assistance in selection and training of the temporary census personnel.

With the purpose of coordination of actions of the specially authorized central and local executive bodies, bodies of local self-governance, and also other legal persons, their departments, branches, representative offices, etc involved according to their competence in preparation and conduct of a population census, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine creates an Interdepartmental commission of assistance to the population census under presidency of the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine.

Such commissions are also established at all levels of the territories of the country. These commissions are headed by the Deputy Chairman of Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic Crimea, deputies of the heads of local executive bodies and bodies of local self-governance.

Article 9. Temporary census personnel

For preparation and conduct of a population census and processing of its results, temporary census personnel - the citizens of Ukraine not younger than 18 that are employed or unemployed - is recruited.

The persons that are involved upon their consent in performance of works related to preparation and conduct of a population census and processing of its results, retain the average earnings in their jobs or the stipend in their educational establishment for terms established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for performance of such works.

Performance of works related to preparation and conduct of a population census and processing of its results by unemployed persons that are registered with the employment service as looking for work, is treated as performance of paid public works. Such persons retain the status of the unemployed and the unemployment benefit for a period of preparation and conduct of a population census and the processings of its results.

The procedure of labour remuneration of the temporary census personnel is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

The persons involved in preparation and conduct of a population census, are given the appropriate credentials.

Article 10. Financing of works related to preparation and conduct of a population census, processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results

The financing of works related to preparation and conduct of a population census, processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results according to Articles 8 (except paragraphs 2 and 3 of part 4) and 9 of this Law, is carried out at the expense of funds of the State budget of Ukraine, and according to the paragraphs 2 and 3 of part 4 of Article 8 of this Law - at the expense of funds of the local budgets.

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approves measures on material and financial support of preparation and conduct of a population census, processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results.

For performance of a works related to conduct of a population census, the technical and material assistance, and also funds of international organizations, foreign states, associations of the citizens, other legal and natural persons can be used according to the procedure established by the legislation.

Chapter IV


Article 11. The main rights and duties of the respondents

The respondents have the right:

to know what primary (personal) data on them are collected during a population census, for what purpose they are collected, and in what way, by whom and for which purpose they are used;

to check records in census sheets and other census documentation, which contain the information on them;

to require that the temporary census personnel produce their relevant credentials. If such credentials are not produced they are not obliged to answer questions envisaged by the programme of a population census.

The respondents are obliged to provide free-of-charge complete and reliable primary (personal) data stipulated by the programme a population census according to the established form and within the specified terms.

Article 12. The main rights and duties of the temporary census personnel, other staff involved in preparation and conduct of a population census, processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results

The temporary census personnel and other workers involved in preparation and conduct of a population census, processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results, have the right:

during conduct of a population census, to visit dwelling houses and inhabited premises in other buildings with the purpose of performance of their duties during the term established by the specially authorized central executive body in the area of statistics;

to be paid for performance of works related to preparation and conduct of a population census, processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results.

The temporary census personnel and other workers involved in preparation and conduct of a population census, processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results, are obliged:

before the beginning of an interview to produce the appropriate credentials to the respondent;

to carry out works within their authority with proper quality and within the specified terms;

during an interview, to adhere strictly to the list of questions established by the programme of a population census, and to communicate their contents precisely;

to record precisely and authentically the data provided by the respondent and to avoid its distortion;

to adhere strictly to the requirement on the prohibition to inform anybody, except the respondent, of the contents of the census documentation related to him.

Article 13. The main rights and duties of specially authorized central and local executive bodies, bodies of local self-governance, other legal persons, their departments, branches, representative offices, etc, involved according to their competence in preparation and conduct of a population census

Specially authorized central and local executive bodies, bodies of local self-governance, other legal persons, their departments, branches, representative offices, etc involved according to their competence to preparation and conduct of a population census:

have the right to take part in discussion and decision-making on questions related to preparation and conduct of a population census;

are obliged within the specified terms to complete the works envisaged by the acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the schedule of preparation and conduct a population census.

Article 14. The basic rights and duties of the users of data of a population census

The users have the right to obtain aggregate depersonalized data of a population census.

The users-respondents have the right to unlimited and free-of-charge access to the data of a population census concerning them personally.

When using data of a Population census the users are obliged to refer to its source.

Article 15. The responsibility of the subjects of a population census

The persons guilty of infringement of the requirements of this Law, bear responsibility envisaged by the laws of Ukraine.

The officials of central and local executive bodies, bodies of local self-governance, staff of other legal persons, their departments, branches, representative offices, etc involved in preparation and conduct of a population census, processing, aggregation, distribution and use of its results, bear responsibility according to the laws of Ukraine.

Chapter V


Article 16. Protection of primary (personal) and other data, obtained during conduct of a population census

Primary (personal) and other data obtained during conduct of a population census, shall be classified as confidential information protected by the laws. The records in the census documentation concerning the respondent are not subject to dissemination without his consent and are used only for statistical purposes in aggregate depersonalized form.

The primary (personal) data of a population census cannot be demanded by courts of justice, prosecutors’ offices or other bodies for study and use as a proof in civil and criminal cases.

The filled census sheets and other census documentation containing the primary (personal) data, are subject to an archival storage in premises inaccessible to unauthorized persons, for at least two years, and primary (personal) data in the form of electronic documents - for at least ten years. Upon expiration of the specified terms the specified census documents are subject to destruction according to the established procedure.

Article 17. Distribution of results of a population census

The specially authorized central executive body in the area of statistics and its territorial bodies ensure dissemination of the main results of a population census on paper, magnetic and other carriers or in an electronic form according to the programme of development of materials of a population census.

Article 18. Provision of the users with the data of a population census

The procedure and the conditions of access of the users to the data of a population census are determined by the Law of Ukraine “On state statistics”.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine determines the list of the users, to which the specially authorized central executive body in the area of statistics and its territorial bodies provide with aggregate depersonalized data of a population census free-of-charge according to the Plan of state statistical observations and within the funds allocated to the above purposes by the State budget of Ukraine.

Provision to the users at their request of aggregate depersonalized data of a population census on a paid basis is carried out according to the procedure established by the legislation.

Chapter VI


1. The present Law shall be effective from the date of its publication.

2. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine shall:

submit proposals to the Parliament of Ukraine on revisions to be made in the laws of Ukraine in accordance with this Law;

ensure approval of legal acts in order to implement this Law;

revise its effective regulations in accordance with this Law;

ensure abolishment and revision by ministries and other central and local executive authorities of their regulations contradicting to this Law.

President of Ukraine L. KUCHMA

19 October 2000
No. 2058-III

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
In Ukraine the National bank, Tax administration and Customs service conduct statistical observations and compile banking and finance statistics, balance of payments, customs statistics etc.

Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
The Council of Heads for Regional Bodies of State Statistics

Data collection
Most recent population census
5 December 2001 All Ukrainian Population Census
Access to administrative data
In Ukraine the most important dynamic component of infrastructure of the state statistics is the Business Register which was established in 1993. According to the Ukraine's Law "On the State Statistics" the task to maintain the Register rests with the state statistical bodies. The Business Register ensures unified state registration of all legal persons and independent branches belonging to legal persons which are located in Ukraine. As of January 1, 2006 the Business Register contains information about more than one million entities.

To update the Register indicators, administrative information from the state registration authorities is used (data on the setting up of enterprises (local units), the reorganization, changes in the names, addresses, types of ownership, etc.). Statistical information is also employed: information is derived from the results of the annual structural surveys of enterprises of all types of activity.

The Register is maintained at the national and regional levels. The regional registers (27) include enterprises and local units located in the appropriate areas while central register contains information about all legal entities and their branches as the country as a whole.

The updating of central and regional registers is done daily. As soon as information about the registered legal persons is received it is passed over to the state statistics bodies by the state registrators. Comparison of data from regional registers with those from central is done regularly twice a month. To update the Register monthly, administrative information from the Tax Register is used; to update register quarterly information from the Pension and Social Funds Registers is used.

By making use of the Register the SSCU ensures the functioning of special interdepartmental information system on exchange on Ukraine's enterprises and organizations data (excluding confidential statistical information). The system is based on common methodological principles. Unified identification code and a system of classification enable the state administrative bodies to exchange data and employ administrative information for the purpose of updating the departmental data bases and registers.

Since 2006, statistical register of natural persons was established in the SSCU for the registration according to Ukraine's Law "On the State Registration". This is filled in with administrative registration information in a way similar to legal persons. Also, in order to obtain statistical data on activity of natural persons the dispersonified administrative information from the Tax Register is processed according to special tailor program.

Registration information from the state registrators, administrative data from administration authorities along with statistical information derived from statistical surveys compliment each other and create environment for introduction of system of the statistics registers of enterprises and natural persons in to the state statistics bodies. This serves as a reliable basis for the conduct of the state statistical observation.

On the whole, administrative data from the central and local authorities are used for the majority of observation conducted by the state statistics bodies.
Data confidentiality
See the Law in the "Legal Basis" section.

Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
Data dissemination

The SSCU regularly provides to the public the publication of statistical information on phenomena and processes that occur in economic, social and cultural spheres of the country and also supplies statistical data to the different groups of users: the government authorities (main group), scientific and research establishments, mass media and the wide public. Demand for statistical information is continuously on the rise.

Each month the SSCU prepares a report and a statistical bulletin on social and economic situation in Ukraine, it also prepares bulletins on different types of statistics, a lot of press-releases and express-information based on materials from current statistical reports. In 2005 the SSCU prepared 42 express-information, 52 press-releases, 46 statistical publications, and 101 statistical bulletins.

The SSCU receives a large number of requests both from organizations, establishments, enterprises, and citizens. Information on requests to obtain a small amount of information is provided for free while the rest is to be paid. According to Ukraine's Law "On the State Statistics" and the Regulation on Carrying out Statistical Observations and Supply of Paid Services by the State Statistics Bodies, the state statistics bodies have the right to provide statistical information for payment. The provision of the paid services is made by departments of the SSCU, regional statistics offices and the state enterprises "Information and Analytical Agency" (Derzhanalitinform).

THe Derzhanalitinform was sat up in 2000 within the system of the SSCU. It is involved in supply of statistical information for payment, Also, the SSCU has delegated it to disseminate statistical publications. Within the premises of the SSCU there is a book shop where one can buy statistical publications released by the SSCU.

To insure an open access to the unpublished statistical data that are not subject to limitations imposed by the legislation, one can get acquainted with information directly in the departments of the SSCU. This service is widely used by researchers, students and newsmen. The supply of such data is free of charge. Besides, one can get acquainted with statistical data published in official publication in the library of the SSCU.

In order to create the favorable environment where the citizens can enjoy their constitutional rights to be provided with the information, each month the SSCU prepares a report On Social and Economic Situation in Ukraine whose text is monthly published in full in newspaper "Uryadovy Couryer" ("Government Courier") and is placed on the web site of the SSCU. Also, all press-releases are placed on the web site of the SSCU.

Release calendar

The dates for releasing statistical publications of the SSCU are specified in the Plan of the State Statistical Observations (section Information and Publication Activity) which is drawn up every year and approved by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Plan of the State Statistical Observations is disseminated through the printed and electronic formats and is placed on the web site of the SSCU and the Internet. The dates for updating the SSCU's material placed on the web site are specified in Schedule for data updates, which is also placed on the SSCU's web site.
Main publications
1. Consolidated statistical analysis
2. Regional statistics
3. Macroeconomic statistics
4. Price statistics
5. Material and energy resources statistics
6. Industrial statistics
7. Investment and construction statistics
8. Agriculture and environment statistics
9. Transport and communications statistics
10. Intersectoral statistics of enterprises
11. Foreign trade statistics
12. Statistics of retail trade
13. Population statistics
14. Labour statistics
15. Statistics of services and social programmes
16. Science and innovation statistics
17. Household living condition survey
18. The State Register and planning of statistical observations
19. Magazine "Statistics of the Ukraine "
Languages of main publications
Ukrainian, English (partly)

Statistical abstract "Ukraine in Figures" are published in Ukrainian and English. Bilingual statistical publications are also being prepared (Ukrainian and English versions: "National Accounts of Ukraine", "Input-Output Table of Ukraine in consumer prices", "Input-Output Table of Ukraine in Basic Prices", "Agriculture of Ukraine", "Foreign Trade of Ukraine", "Cooperation between Ukraine and the EU Countries", "Ukraine and the CIS Countries". "Catalogue of Statistical Publications of SSCU" is also bilingual. Booklet "Ukraine" is prepared in Ukrainian, Russian and English.
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
Dissemination of statistical publications is done through printed versions and in electronic formats. The majority of statistical publications of the SSCU have electronic versions and are disseminated both as printed publications and diskettes through electronic communications channels and are placed on the web site. The SSCU prepares bilingual CD-ROMs that contain the main consolidated annual publications Statistical Yearbook of Ukraine and short statistical abstract Ukraine in Figures. All publications based on the 2001 Ukraine Population Census are available as printed publications and CD-ROMs.
Availability of microdata for research purposes
Microdata on household living condition survey could be provided to users for research purposes under special terms.

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