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Country Profile of Trinidad and Tobago

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Central Statistical Office (CSO)
Ministry Of Planning and Development
80 Independence Square,
Port of Spain,
Trinidad and Tobago
Web address
Position in the government
The CSO reports to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Planning and Development.
Organizational structure and finance
The Central Statistical Office is organized along the following functional lines.

1. Agriculture Statistics and Printery

2. Population, Vital Statistics, Publications and Library

3. National Accounts

4. Economic Statistics, Trade and Travel

5. Census and Surveys

6.Computer Operations and Systems Development

&. Administration and Accounts

4. Economic Statistics

5. Census and Surveys

6. Temporary Census Planning Unit

7. Computer Operations and Systems Development

8. Administration and Accounts
Multi-annual or annual work program
Each Section in the CSO provides an annual progress report and an annual work programme broken down into quarters.
Main duties
Under the Statistics Act, the Director of Statistics has the following responsibilities:

1. Conduct population, agricultural and industrial surveys and censuses.

2. Collect, compile, analyze and publish high quality, timely and relevant statistical information relating to the different sectors of the Economy of Trinidad and Tobago.

3. Collaborate with other Government Departments in the collection,
compilation, analysis and publication of statistical data on a continuous and timely basis.

4. Organize and maintain a co-coordinated set of economic and social statistics relating to Trinidad and Tobago (in accordance with the Statistics Act Chapter 19:02) consistent with International Standards.

The Statistics Act guarantees confidentiality of information collected. It states, specially, that data disseminated by the Central Statistical Office must be reported in a manner to prevent any particulars from being identified as information relating to an individual or undertaking, except with prior consent in writing of that individual or person carrying on the undertaking.

Strict penalties are prescribed under the Act for breach of this confidentiality.

Core functions:

i. Data Collection - collects accurate primary and secondary data in a timely and efficient manner.

ii. Data Processing - transforms raw data into information.

iii. Analysis of data - analysis and evaluation of statistical data.

iv. Dissemination of data - Provision of publications and information to a wide range of users.

v. Improvement and Development of Products - conducts methodological revisions of existing products and development of new products.

vi. Consultancy - provides technical assistance in:

a. sample design and conduct of surveys;

b. provision of geographic information services.

Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
The Central Statistical Office was established in 1952, by the passing of the Statistics Ordinance, Chapter 42, No. 11 of the Revised Ordinance 1952. This Ordinance was later replaced by the Statistics Act, Chapter 19:02 of the Revised Laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago 1982.

Legal basis
Legal basis
The Statistics Act, Chapter 19:02 of the Revised Laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago 1982.

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
Other statistics may be published by other agencies, but it is recognized that the CSO is the official provider.

Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
There are various committees, which are appointed by Government agencies and on which the CSO is represented. In addition there are few stakeholders meetings in specific areas of statistics. A plan to re-activate the former statistics council has been submitted.

Data collection
Most recent population census
2000 Population and Housing Census
Access to administrative data
The CSO has access to some administrative data. Data from the Board Of Inland Revenue are not available to the CSO.
Data confidentiality
No individual data are given out or published and with respect to establishments the minimum amount published must be at least six establishments.

Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
The Division is in the process of establishing release calendar for its various indices and data series.
Main publications
The Division produces books and reports of statistics and statistical methods in international trade, national accounts, demography and population, social indicators, gender, industry, energy, environment, human settlements and disability.

Economic Statistics
Social Statistics
Agriculture Statistics
Other Statistics

A detailed list of publications is available on the website.
Languages of main publications
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
Reports, Bulletins - paper, CD Rom (limited), Website
Availability of microdata for research purposes
This is done on a case-by-case basis and a contract is signed to ensure that the data are used only for the purposes specified.

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