Country Profile of Papua New Guinea
Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
National Statistics Office (NSO)
Web address
Organizational structure and finance
The current activities of the NSO are conducted through the three divisions namely; the Population & Social Statistics Division, Economics Statistics Division, and Statistical Services Division. The Statistical information's are produced by Population & Social Statistics Division and Economic Statistics Division and made available to users at various frequencies through Statistical Service Division. This third Division also provides computer services and administrative support services.
The Population and Social Statistics Division (PSSD) is the other operational division, which is responsible for planning, coordinating and conducting statistical surveys and censuses such as the national population census. Two operational branches and a research and development branch perform the activities if the division. Another branch was created in the 1998 organizational restructure to cater for additional responsibility of facilitating and coordinating activities of the 2000 National Population Census.
The division comprises of four branches which are Field Operations Branch, Compilation Branch, Research and Development Branch and the 2000 National Population Census Project Branch.
The Economic Statistics Division consists of four branches namely, the Economic Accounts Branch, Business Statistics Branch, Household Economic Statistics Branch, and International Trade Statistics Branch. Broad range of economic statistics is produced through these Branches.
The Statistical Service Division consists of three branches, the Information Management Services Branch, Administration Branch, and the Research & Statistical Coordination Branch. This Division's role is to ensure that the NSO operates efficiently in the provision of budgeting, financial management, administration support services, computer services, statistical information services, research and coordination of statistical activities. It provides the support services to the other two (2) Divisions, through these Branches.
Multi-annual or annual work program
The NSO produces a statement of objectives for budget planning purposes, but coordination of statistical activity among government agencies and departments is limited.
Main duties
1. Maintain a core range of balanced, timely and relevant statistics; 2. Ensure quality output; 3. Extend and improve the range of statistical services; 4. Develop the capability of the NSO staff; 5. Work to improve the physical environment of the NSO and encourage upholding the corporate code of ethics; 6. Promote the work of the NSO to Government policy makers and to business and community leaders; 7. Monitor the statistical activities of other Government Departments and agencies; 8. Promote statistical standards, classifications and frameworks; 9. Promote commercial aspects of the NSO products.
Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
In 1983 the Public Service Commission carried out a major job evaluation exercise and approved the NSO structure with staff establishment positions of 135. This establishment was maintained up until the end of 1998. In December 1999, based on the 1999 Budget Directives, the NSO was restructured and positions reduced to 106. Statistical Research and Coordination activities, as well as the 2000 Census activities were strengthened in the revised establishment.
Legal basis
Legal basis
The National Statistical Office (NSO) was established in 1981 by the Statistical Service Act (Chapter 386) and became the central agency in Papua New Guinea for providing statistical information to meet the needs of the Government for the formulation of policy and planning. Under Section 106 of the 1995 Reformed Organic Law on Provincial and Local Level Government, the NSO was also given the mandate to assist in creating statistical databases at the Provincial and Local Government levels for policy formulation and planning at these levels.
Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
Bank of Papua New Guinea Banking; economic activity Bureau of Water Resources; Water use & flow statistics Cocoa Board Export & Production of cocoa Coffee Industry Board Export & Production of coffee Commission for Higher Education Tertiary enrolment & staff Copra Marketing Board Export & Production of copra Dept of Agriculture & Livestock Agricultural economics data; small holder agriculture; crop survey Dept of Civil Aviation Aviation statistics Dept of Corrective Institutions Detainee and staff statistics Dept of Education School Enrolment & Staff Dept of Forests Forestry Market Information Dept of Health Health Statistics Dept of Home Affairs & Youth Youth Activity statistics Dept of Minerals & Energy Mineral Productions statistics Dept of Personnel Management Public Service Employment Dept of Police Crime and Arrests statistics Dept of Transport Transport; Shipping; Freight statistics Electoral Commission Electoral roll & voting statistics Electricity Commission Electricity generation Forestry Industries Council Timber production Insurance Commissioner Insurance statistics Magisterial Services District & Local court statistics National Broadcasting Commission Audience research National Housing Corporation NHC dwelling stock National Weather Services Weather & climate statistics Post & Telecommunication Corporation Number of phone; Volumes of mail.
Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
Apart from a Census Steering Committee, there is no regular forum for stakeholder input to the NSO. Meetings with stakeholders currently take place on an ad hoc basis, and there is therefore a need for a more formal mechanism to enable the NSO to take account of users' data requirements. A high-level committee composed of senior government officials and key data users can play a useful role not only in guidance and feedback, but also in mobilizing support for statistical initiatives and priorities. There are plans to establish such a committee to strengthen the planning process, involving development of a longer-term strategic plan in consultation with stakeholders. In addition, lower level working groups are required to encourage more frequent contact with key users and suppliers of data (e.g. the Bank of Papua New Guinea, Internal Revenue Commission) to discuss operational problems.
Data collection
Most recent population census
Access to administrative data
The NSO has access to administrative data.
Data dissemination
Main publications
The principal dissemination vehicle for economic statistics is the Bank's quarterly Economic Bulletin, which contains a broad range of macroeconomic indicators and analysis. Published regularly, the Economic Bulletin is reviewed by the Governor and Deputy Governor in advance.
The NSO issues the consumer price index (CPI) on a quarterly basis but otherwise does not have a prearranged schedule for the release of key economic statistics. An NSO website, containing general information on the structure and operations of the NSO, is up-and-running but contains little statistical data as such. Thus, it is recommended that priority be given to adding data to the website to encourage its use as a dissemination vehicle.
Languages of main publications
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
Paper, Website.