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Country Profile of Madagascar

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Institut National de la Statistique (INSTAT)
Web address
Position in the government
Since April 21, 1998, according to the Decree n° 2001-904, the Direction Générale of the INSTAT, went from the Central Administration status to that of “Entreprise Publique à caractère Industriel et Commercial” (EPIC), which is a government-owned firm with Commercial and Industrial characteristics. It is now a legal entity with financial and administrative autonomy.
The INSTAT is placed under the technical and accounting supervision of the Ministère chargé de l'Économie et de la Planification (Ministry in charge of the Economy and Planning) and under the budgetary supervision of the Ministère chargé des Finances et du Budget (Ministry in charge of Finances and the Budget). The Head office of the INSTAT and its divisions are based in Antananarivo.
Organizational structure and finance
o Direction Générale (DG) or the General Management
o Direction des Statistiques des Ménages (DSM) or the Office of household statistics
o Direction des Synthèses Économiques (DSY) or the Office of economic syntheses
o Direction des Statistiques Économiques (DSE) or the Office of economic statistics
o Direction de la Démographie et des Statistiques Sociales (DDSS) or the Office of demography and social statistics
o Direction de l'Informatique (DI)
o Direction Administrative et Financière (DAF) or the Administrative and financial Office
o Direction des Relations Institutionnelles et de la Diffusion (DRID) or the Office of institutional relations and of data diffusion
o Directions Inter- régionales (7)
Main duties
The mission of INSTAT is to develop and coordinate Madagascar’s official statistics in the economic, demographic and social fields. But also to give the scientific and technical support for the management of the national economy. Moreover, it is the manager of the economic nomenclature of the official statistics of Madagascar. For this reason, the INSTAT in particular, is entrusted with the responsibility of establishing the following national indicators:
- The gross domestic and national products, the economic growth rate, the rate of inflation, the rate of investment
- Consumer and Production Price Index;
- Human Development Index;
- the national demographic situation;
- the management of the national business directory. This might concern profit–making or nonprofit companies/organizations, carrying out economic and/or social activities,

INSTAT may organize training sessions in the following areas:

- Statistics.
- Computer science
- Economics.
- Demography.

Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
The Institut National de la Statistique (INSTAT) was created on November 25, 1947, The objective was to set up an institution which would produce the main official statistics of the nation. Since then, even though the mission of the institution has remained the same in its broad outline, its name has been changed a few times :

- Service Statistique Général (SSG) in 1947 ;
- Institut National de la Recherche Economique (INSRE) in 1967. It was during that time, with the Article 42 of the Decree n° 67-074 of March 6th 1967, that the specific purpose and legal competencies of the INSRE was defined. Those were to elaborate, collect and exploit all the necessary statistics in the nation’s economic, social, technical and demographic fields. As well as to handle the data processing and carry out the country’s economic researches.
- Banque de Données de l'Etat (BDE) in 1985. The BDE was attached to the Presidency of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar (RDM).; and
- Institut National de la Statistique (INSTAT) in 1995.

Legal basis
Legal basis
As stated by the Law 67-026 of December 18, 1967 regarding the obligations of information disclosure and statistical confidentiality, the INSTAT may have access to all the necessary information for the completion of its mission. This gives the Institute the legal bases for the collecting, processing, usage, and dissemination of statistical information in Madagascar.

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
· All the Ministries of the country
· Secrétariat Technique de l’Ajustement
· Banque Centrale de Madagascar
· Direction Générale du Centre de Recherches d’Etudes et d’Appui à l’Analyse
Economique (CREAM)
· Direction Générale du Foibe Fikarohana momba ny Fambolena (FOFIFA)
· Direction Générale de l’Office National pour l’Environnement (ONE)
· Direction Générale de la Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale (CnaPS)
· Direction Générale du Foiben-Taosaritanin’i Madagasikara (FTM)
· Direction Générale de l’Agence Nationale pour l’Action Environnementale (ANAE)
· Direction Générale de l’Association Nationale pour la Gestion des Aires
Protégées (ANGAP)
· Direction du Projet Surveillance et Education des Ecoles et des Communautés en
matière de sécurité ALImentaire et Nutrition Elargie (SEECALINE)
· Centre d’Informations Techniques et Économiques (CITE)

Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
The decree 89-016 of January 18, 1989 created an Economic and Statistical Information Coordination Committee (C.C.I.S.E.) and defined its composition, organization, and operating procedures.

The duties of the Economic and Statistical Information Coordination Committee are to:

1- define and prioritize the needs of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar with regard to economic and statistical information;
2- coordinate and monitor the implementation of various research programs and statistical studies;
3- intervene in any field conducive to the improvement of the methodology for the collection and use of data;
4- ensure the publication and dissemination of statistical data stating or possibly stating the country's social and economic situation, both overall and sectoral.

The CCISE is made up of the following members:

- A representative and an alternate appointed respectively by the Office of the President, the Office of the Prime Minister, and each ministerial department;
- The Governor of the Central Bank of Madagascar ;
- The General Director of Planning;
- The General Director of the Government Databank, who serves as the secretary of the Committee.

The members may, as needed, be assisted by high-level experts of their choosing. The CCISE comprises of two commissions: the "overall coherence" commission and the "statistical data" commission:
- the role of the Overall Coherence Commission is to synthesize and analyze the statistical data presented by the Statistical Data Commission.
- the role of the statistical data commission is to find a way to popularize and harmonize methodologies (methods, concepts, definitions, standards and bills of material) as well as the data available, and to promote and facilitate their diffusion within the statistical collecting device of the Malagasy government.

Data collection
Most recent population census
1 August 1993
Data confidentiality
Article 2 of the Statistical Law states that individuals and legal entities must respond accurately and within the time limits established to statistical surveys organized by an economic and statistical information development and coordination committee.
Article 3 on statistical confidentiality states that employees of government agencies or professional organizations who participate in the surveys referred to in Article 2 are bound by professional secrecy, on pain of the sanctions provided for in Article 378 of the criminal code.

Subject to the same sanctions, the disclosure of any individual information appearing in the official questionnaire provided for in Article 2 is prohibited, when such information pertains to personal and family life, to private facts or behaviors in general, or to finances, and can be used for purposes of tax audits or economic repression.

Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
The research and planning office of the ministerial departments, the regional and international organizations (UNFPA, UNDP, World Bank, European Union, etc.), and the general and central offices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance receive a copy of publications as soon as they appear.

Other users may consult publications upon release at INSTAT's documentation unit, or may purchase copies from the relevant units.

The data release calendar is given away in advance through an announcement in newspapers and through the homepage of the Institute’s web site.
Main publications

· Nouveaux Indices des Prix à la Consommation (IPC) or the new Consumer Price Indexes
· Situation des mouvements des établissements formels nouvellement créés
· Bulletin de Statistique Mensuel


Tableau de Bord Social (TBS)
Situation Économique
Journées Africaines de la Statistique (JAS)
Données Macro-économiques
Enquête Périodique auprès des Ménages (EPM)
Enquête Démographique et de Santé (EDS)
Languages of main publications
French and sometimes in English.
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
- On the official Website of INSTAT as downloads
- On demand at the INSTAT office in Antananarivo
- in the Documentation Unit at INSTAT
- Publications (in the format of books, CD Rom,... )

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