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Country Profile of Lithuania

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Statistics Lithuania
Web address
Position in the government
Lithuanian Department of Statistics (Statistics Lithuania) is an establishment of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania participating in the formation and implementation of the State policy in the field of the management of statistics, delegated to the Minister of Finance.
Organizational structure and finance
Director General
Deputy Director General
Deputy Director General
Deputy Director General
Agriculture and Environment Statistics
Construction and Investment Statistics
Demography and migration statistics
Dissemination of Statistical Information
Documents management
Domestic Trade Statistics
Economic and Finance
Economic Entities Register
Education and Culture Statistics
Energy Statistics
Enterprise Statistics
European Affairs and International Cooperation
Financial Services
Foreign Trade Statistics
Industry Statistics
Information systems maintenance division
Internal auditor's service
Interviewers Coordination Service
IT development division
Knowledge economy and special surveys statistics division
Labour Statistics
Living standard and Employment statistics
Maintenance Service
Methodology and quality
National Accounts
Population Census and survey organization
Price Statistics
Program of Official Statistics
Public Relations
Social Protection and Health statistics
Transport and Service Statistics
Multi-annual or annual work program
Statistics Lithuania prepares middle term-frame strategies with main process directions, actions and expected results.

Based on amended Regulations of Statistics Lithuania, enforced on 20 August 2010, The Department of Statistics (Statistics Lithuania) is an establishment of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania participating in the formation and implementation of the State policy in the field of the management of statistics, delegated to the Minister of Finance. Statistics Lithuania shall be owned by the State; the rights and duties of the owner of Statistics Lithuania shall be exercised by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
Main duties
To develop services for users by providing comprehensive and detailed official statistics in the most appropriate form, following the single contact point principle, by rationally using the resources and without increasing the response burden.

Employing statistical methodological principles,Statistics Lithuania compiles, processes, analyses and publishes official statistics on economic, social, demographic and environmental changes in the country.

Statistics Lithuania coordinates the activity of ministries and other institutions in the field of official statistics, produces regional and administrative-territorial statistical indicators. Statistical information is accessible to all users interested in the socioeconomic development of Lithuania and is available free of charge on the website of Statistics Lithuania.

Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information

o 1528 - the "zemininku" (farmers) census first mentioned in historical sources.

o 1861 - the survey of national and religious relations in the Vilnius governors' area.

o 1897 - the first population census by sex, confession, business, age and other breakdown.

o 1878, 1888 and 1905 - agricultural censuses.

o 1908 industrial census.

o 06 September 1919 - after the Independence was declared, General Department of Statistics was established. V. Petrulis was appointed as director.

o 01 January 1921 - the Central Statistical Bureau was established. G. Feterauskas was appointed as director.

o 21 May 1921 - statutes of the Permanent Commission of Statistics announced.

o 1922 - the Steigiamasis Seimas (Parliament) passed the Law on the Overall Population Census.

o 1923 - the first Population Census of the pre-war Lithuania.

o 03 October 1923 - Agricultural Statistics was attached to the Central Statistical Bureau.

o 1924 - Foreign Trade Statistics division was established.

o 1927 - the first Balance of Payments compiled in Lithuania.

o 1930 - the Cabinet of Ministers passed the Law on Statistics.

o 1930 - the Overall agricultural census. Its data published in three languages in 1932.

o 1940 - with the outset of the soviet occupation Lithuanian statistics became a part of the Soviet statistical system.

o 18 April 1990 - after the restoration of Independence, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania established the Lithuanian Department of Statistics. (Directors of Statistics Lithuania: V. Jankauskas 1990-1992, V. Truksinas 1992-1993, K. Zaborskas 1993-1997, P. Adlys 1997-2001, A. Šemeta 2001–2008 December, V. Lapėnienė 2009–2010 January, J. Markelevičius 2010 January 25).

o The Law on Statistics was adopted in 1993. The Seimas (Parliament) passed the amended law on Statistics (No VIII-1511) on 23 December 1999, which came into force on 31 December 1999.

o The system of electronic data collection was started in 2002.

o After the EU membership in 2004, The Department of Statistics to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (Statistics Lithuania) became a part of the European statistical system.

o 2007 – management system of Statistics Lithuania was certified by independent Certification Office as fully compliant with ISO 9001:2000 requirements.

o 2010 October 20 the World Statistics day was celebrated by Statistics Lithuania for the first time.

o 1 to 16 March 2011 first time in the history of Lithuanian Population censuses residents could enumerate themselves via internet.

Legal basis
Legal basis
23 December 1999 No VIII-1511 Vilnius.

Activities of Statistics Lithuania are regulated by the Law on Statistics, which consolidates the concept of official statistics and general principles of its organization, stipulates the rights and duties of respondents, defines the tasks, rights and duties of institutions managing official statistics and their liability for the violation of the law. The Law on Statistics has been adjusted with the legal provisions of the European Union, which are compatible with the Regulation No322/97 of the European Council on the Community Statistics.

Other legal acts related to the area are available in the website of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania (Seimas)

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
The Statistical Law stipulates: In the Republic of Lithuania, official statistics shall be managed by the following agencies:
1) Statistics Lithuania;
2) regional statistical agencies of the Statistics Lithuania;
3) ministries, other State and local self-government institutions, agencies, as well as the Bank of Lithuania, if it is provided for in the work programme of the Official Statistics.

The system of Lithuanian statistics is guided by the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics and, European Statistics Code of Practice.

The Statistics Lithuania is a public authority coordinating official statistics in the country that participates in developing and implementing public policy in the field of organisation and methodology of statistics assigned to the minister of finances. Official statistics is an important part of information system in a democratic society and is necessary in adopting political and economic decisions at the state and EU level and facilitates monitoring implementation thereof and evaluating the progress achieved, informs the society on economic, demographic and social processes and social and environmental changes. More than 60 per cent of the official statistics of the country is prepared by Statistics Lithuania and presented to society, state institutions, Eurostat, international organisations. About 86 per cent of statistical work carried out by Statistics Lithuania is attributed to European statistics and conducted by implementing the EU legislation or on the basis of gentlemen’s agreements with the EU member states.

Ministries, other state institutions and the Bank of Lithuania prepare, within their competence, 40 per cent of the official statistics of the country. The European statistics comprises half of statistical work carried out by the above mentioned institutions. In agreement with Statistics Lithuania, these institutions approve statistical reporting forms and their filling-in instructions, establish the time and order of submitting documents, autonomously collect statistical data, prepare and release statistical information.

The Ministry of Environment collects data on mineral resources, atmospheric protection, use of water resources, waste management, forest resources, forestry work and forest enterprises’ activities; monitors climate change indicators.

Insurance Supervisory Commission collects data and prepares statistical information on the activity of insurance enterprises and pension funds.

Ministry of Energy prepares statistical information on the production and consumption of biofuel extracted in the Republic of Lithuania, petroleum resources available, imports and prices of crude petroleum.

The Ministry of Finance participates in preparing the public sector finance statistics, produces statistics on the general government deficit and debt, own resources.
o The Customs Department collects statistical data on VAT-payers of the Republic of Lithuania trading with the EU and non-EU countries (imports and exports of goods).

The Ministry of Culture manages statistics on museums, state theatres, concert organisations, cultural centres.

The Bank of Lithuania is responsible for bank and monetary statistics, production and publication of quarterly financial accounts of the country and data of the Lithuanian balance of payments.

The Communications Regulatory Authority monitors the development indicators of electronic communications, postal and courier services sectors and prepares statistical information.

The Ministry of Social Security and Labour collects statistical information on monetary social support, pensions, allowances and beneficiaries thereof, protection of children’s rights and child adoption.
o The State Labour Inspectorate collects data on accidents at work.
o The Lithuanian Labour Exchange informs on the number of unemployed persons in Lithuania, vocational training of job seekers, job vacancies registered.

The Ministry of Health Care (Institute of Hygiene) collects and prepares comprehensive statistical information on resident’s morbidity, activity of health care institutions, occupational diseases; prepares statistics on the causes of death.

The Ministry of Education and Science collects statistical data on students, teachers and other employees of general schools and vocational training establishments, school environment, non-formal education.

The Ministry of Economy collects information on the prices and stock of petroleum products, base metal scrap and purchase of waste.
o The Department of Enterprise Bankruptcy Management manages statistics on enterprise bankruptcy and restructuring.
o The Lithuanian State Department of Tourism collects statistics on the number of visitors of tourism information centres.

The Ministry of the Interior manages crime statistics, collects data on asylum seekers, refugees, road traffic accidents, fires, salvage operations.
o The Department of Informatics and Communications systemises data on criminal acts registered, crime victims, missing children.
o The Migration Department participates in preparing international migration statistics, prepares statistical information on migrated children, asylum seekers and persons who have been granted an asylum, refugees, persons staying in the country illegally, residence permits granted in Lithuania.
o The Police Department collects data on road traffic accidents and consequences thereof.

Fire and Rescue Department systemises and publishes statistical information on fires, salvage operations performed.
o The State Border Guard Service keeps records of persons and transportation equipment arriving to and leaving the Republic of Lithuania, produces statistical information on third-country nationals who were refused entry to the Republic of Lithuania at the external borders.

The Securities Commission prepares statistical information on the market of financial measures, enterprises debt securities.

The Ministry of Agriculture manages statistics on fisheries, prepares economic accounts for agriculture, statistical information on production and realisation of ecological agricultural products, purchase and prices of agricultural products, prepares and publishes forecasts on production and yield of agricultural crops and animal slaughter.
o Fisheries Service prepares statistical information on fishery in open seas, fish catched.
o Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics compiles economic accounts for agriculture, carries out anticipatory calculations on agricultural crop production and yield and animal slaughter.
o Public Institution Agriculture Information and Rural Business Centre prepares statistical information on stockfarming and crop production, purchase and prices, as well as on purchase and prices of fishery products; draws up a sugar balance sheet.

Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
Since 1994, the Statistical Council has been functioning at Statistics Lithuania as an advisory body. The Council analyses key organisational and methodological statistics-related issues; considers methodological principles of censuses, statistical registers, main surveys, as well as work programmes of official statistics, main results of statistical surveys, data protection, issues of submission of statistical information to public authorities and publication thereof; draws conclusions; submits proposals to Statistics Lithuania.

Data collection
Most recent population census
1 March—9 May 2011
Access to administrative data
Official statistical data sources shall be the following:

1) statistical surveys and censuses as well as bookkeeping data of natural and legal persons as well as enterprises without the rights of a legal person;

2) information systems of the Bank of Lithuania, tax inspectorates, customs, education and health institutions, labour exchange, social security and municipal economy institutions, State registers as well as data from administrative or personal documents accumulated by county governors, local self-government institutions and agencies.
Data confidentiality
Confidentiality of statistical data means usage of the gained primary data solely for statistical purposes so that identification (direct and indirect) of the protected by the law stored data and activity results of a certain respondent were not possible.

Direct identification means recognition of a statistical item according to its name or address or according to its officially bestowed and stated identification number.

Indirect identification offers an opportunity to identify a statistical item otherwise than by direct identification.

Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
A Press release, Publication, Database, Revisions and Pre-defined tables timetables with precise dates of releases at 11 a. m. local time published on the website RSS feed is available.
Main publications
A detailed list of all publications accesible via website
Languages of main publications
Lithuanian, English
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
All formats
Availability of microdata for research purposes
It can be allowed to use confidential data for academic purposes provided no direct identification of the respondent is possible. Academic institutions shall have to ensure a proper protection of confidential statistical data.

Microdata may be produced to the third parties on contract basis provided their form ensures neither direct nor indirect identification of the respondent. Therefore, special methods have to be applied:

Limitation of territorial units is one of the methods which inhibits possible data disclosure in territorial units with relatively high probability of disclosure;

Withdrawal of the sample means withdrawal of a part of data from the microdata file;
Data coding when introducing upper and lower codes. It means that alternating data are given upper and/or lower codes. Actually, the upper/lower code is the upper/lower limit estimated for a concrete value;

Erasure of super high sensitivity data. Some statistical blocks can have super high sensitivity in microdata files. Accordingly, they can be eliminated from those files;
Erasure of some elements of the data, i.e., some information that is the most sensitive for disclosure may be erased;

Microaggregation is data classification by similarity principles.

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