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Country Profile of Albania

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
Web address
Position in the government
Director-General reports to Vice Prime Minister.

INSTAT is an independent institution under the authority of Council of Ministers.

INSTAT, as approved by the Parliament, is a governmental institution financed by state budget.

All the individuals and subjects are obliged to provide the information required to INSTAT- during the implementation of the statistical program, registration or opinion polls, unless it specified that the answer is not required. Any delay or misinformation, except when it is not criminal offence, is subject to fine.
Organizational structure and finance
INSTAT's organizational structure, the staff number, the number of departments, either local or ministry departments is approved by the Council of Ministers. INSTAT General Director appoints or dismisses the directors of local offices with the proposal of the minister or the Head of Institution.
Multi-annual or annual work program
INSTAT has a strategic master plan which covers five years. There are five scenarious whose will simulate the increasement of production of statistical indicators by resources provided to INSTAT.
Main duties
a. The collection and elaboration of data and the drawing of statistical results, which are analyzed and published in compliance with the approved statistical program.

b. Preparation and the implementation of methodological criteria in compliance with international standards.

c. The implementation of statistical operation with the approval of the Council of Ministers.

d. Creation, maintenance and the implementation of nomenclatures and other classifications in compliance with international standards.

Main duties of local statistics offices, which are under the authority of INSTAT-it, are:

a. Collection of local statistical data

b . The implementation of statistical program in their locality

Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
The statistical service had not been established until the Albanian State was proclaimed in 1912. The first statistical office was opened in 1924. It used to work out economic data on the Ministry of Public Affairs and Agriculture.

The activity of this office was limited to agriculture inventories that consisted in registration of the number of farmers, type of land and the use of agriculture livestock plants, as well as in a few statistics on industry, trade, export-import and prices.

The statistical service was for the first time institutionalized by the decision no. 121, dated. 8.04.1940.

The statistical service system was established by the decision no. 35, dated 13/01/1945 with the creation of Statistics Department under the authority of Council of Ministers. This Department was put later under the authority of The State Plan Commission.

Nowadays, this system is an independent institution under the authority of Council of Ministers.

Legal basis
Legal basis
Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) activity is defined by Law no7687, dated. 16/03/1993 on Statistics of the Republic of Albania approved by the Parliament and the decision no.97, dated 15/04/1994 by the Council of Ministers. The law was updated on date 5.2.2004, No. 9180, “On Official Statistics.” INSTAT General Director is appointed or dismissed by the Council of Ministers.

Law on Statistics defines the duties and responsibilities of INSTAT- and other statistical units.

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
Bank of Albania, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture.

Main duties of statistics departments in the ministries or other central institutions, which are under double dependence: INSTAT and Ministry or the Head of the respective institution are:

a. The collection of statistical data in the respective department in the ministry or institution.

b. The implementation of statistical program in the ministry or respective institution.

Main duties of civil offices, which are under the authority of INSTAT-,
Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Public Order and Local Power are:

a. Registration of civil status of population.

b. Collection of demographic data.

Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
Has been established on 1999. There 17 members from different public and research entities. They have a mandate of three years.

Data collection
Most recent population census
1 April 2001
Access to administrative data
To Tax Authorities data as the VAT file, general data on enterprises, to General Custom Directorate data as the individual custom declaration.
Data confidentiality
The Law on Statistics clearly defines that all the statistical information collected by INSTAT is confidential and can be used or published in summary tables, in which the source is unidentified.

All the employees of the statistical system are required to protect the confidentiality of individual information. Persons, who let out the secrecy of statistical information are subjects to fines.

Personal data collected by the Institute cannot be used for fiscal inspection purposes, economic repression or investigation.

Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
INSTAT posts a calendar on its website for the publications for the entire year. There are monthly, quarterly, and yearly publications.
Main publications
The INSTAT periodically publishes statistical data mainly on economic and financial events.Their objective is to indicate the basic tendencies of the economic development related production,foreign trade investments,prices,income,employment etc.These publicatins are accompainied y a methodology glossary indicating ways of evaluation and coverage for each index.

Another group of publishing,are the annual ones,which are very important.They incude studies of long-term data needing interpretation.
Languages of main publications
Albanian, English.
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
The supports used for dissemination are paper, CD-ROM, and INSTAT website.
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
The supports used for dissemination are paper, CD-ROM, and INSTAT website.
Availability of microdata for research purposes
The interested researchers presented a request to INSTAT and only the General Director can approved for a limited period, but ensuring that the data do not allow direct identification.

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