Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (National Statistics Institute)
Position in the government
The National Statistics Institute (INE), as the central executive agency of the SEN, is responsible for producing and disseminating official statistical information of general interest to the country. Pursuant to its Charter, it is a public institute with legal status and capacity and technical, administrative and financial autonomy. In the exercise of its functions and duties, the INE enjoys technical autonomy in accordance with the principle of the SEN defined in Art. 8 of the above-mentioned law, and may make available, disclose and disseminate the statistics produced in the quickest way possible upon completion of the production process, subject to observance of the principle of statistical secrecy set forth in Art. 9 of the above-mentioned law.
Multi-annual or annual work program
Under Resolution 3 of September 27, 2001, the National Statistics Council approved the guidelines for statistical activity during 2002-2006 and established the rules for defining the respective priorities regarding the production of official statistical information. The National Statistics Plan 2002-2006, approved by the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers in November 2002, envisages the production of all official SEN statistics during the reference period, and also defines the publication plans and the responsibilities of each agency producing official statistics.
Main duties
In the performance of its duties, the INE is especially responsible for conducting surveys, censuses and other statistical operations; creating, centralizing and managing the indices that are considered necessary, particularly of statistical units; accessing, exclusively for statistical purposes, the individualized information of the statistics units; and promoting the training of SEN staff.
Legal basis
Legal basis
Data are produced and disseminated in accordance with Law 15/96, the Basic Law on the National Statistics System (SEN) published on September 27, 1996. According to Art. 3 of this law, the agencies of the National Statistics System are the National Statistics Council (CNE), the National Statistics Institute (INE), and the sectoral and local statistics agencies (representative agencies of the INE).
All legislation on the National Statistics System-namely the Basic Law on the National Statistics System, Law 15/96; Regulations of the Basic Law on the National Statistics System, Decree 33/00; the Charter of the National Statistics Institute, Decree 32/00; and the Regulations on Statistical Offenses in the National Statistics System, Executive Decree 60/00-is published in the Official Gazette (Diário da República), Series I, in the National Press of Angola, and is easily accessed by the public.
Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
National Bank of Angola (BNA).
Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
Pursuant to the Basic Law on the National Statistics System, the National Statistics Council was created with responsibility for overall guidance and coordination of the SEN. The Council includes representatives of both producers and users of statistical information.
Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
No advance release calendars are provided.