Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Departament d’Estadística (Statistics Department)
Web address
Position in the government
The Statistics Department is part of the Presidency of Government
Organizational structure and finance
It is organized in a three-tier structure, with Directors on top, the Statistical Operations Section and Statistical Coordination, Research and Publication Section in the middle, and Consumer Price Index, Family Budget Survey, Database, and Research and Publishing units on the bottom.
Main duties
The Statistics Department (SD) is the department in charge of Andorran official statistics and assumes its functions with due professional independence and integrity. The SD mission aims at managing the Andorran statistical system. Through the planning, coordination and regulation of statistical activity, it provides objective, impartial information to public authorities, policymakers, economic and social agents and citizenship. This information should enable informed decisions to be made and also the formulation, application, follow-up and evaluation of public policies.
The SD functions are as follows:
• To coordinate and standardize statistics.
• To carry out statistical activities.
• To promote and guarantee statistical methodology.
• To produce statistics.
• To publish statistical results.
• To promote institutional relations in statistical matters.
The SD strategy to achieve its goals is based on the following criteria:
• Legal framework: to regulate the function of national statistics.
• Technological innovation.
• Provision of services: to provide specific statistics upon users’ request.
Data collection
Most recent population census
Data confidentiality
The Andorran Decree 6-6-96 on the calculation of the retail price index (RPI) for Andorra protects information provided by surveyed persons:
“Sec. Five. The information collected through household budget surveys and through surveys conducted near the establishments will be used solely to calculate the retail price index and shall only be published in numerical form without individual references.”
Likewise, Andorran Law 15/2003 of 18 December on the protection of personal information states that all information provided by users is to be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Data dissemination
Main publications
Andorra in Figures, Statistical Yearbook, 2001-2003 Household Budget Survey Results, Monthly Situation Bulletin, Monthly Retail Price Index, 2005-2009 Household Budget Survey Results.
Languages of main publications
Catalan, Spanish, French and English
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
Paper and electronic versions available. All statistical information is available through the website under the Data Bank section.
The Statistics Department data bank contains statistical information about Andorra in tables and graphics.