Country Profile of Colombia
Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica (DANE)
Web address
Position in the government
DANE is the entity in charge of the Statistics and information in Colombia. According to the Law number 489, 1998, it belongs to the executive branch of the Colombian state.
Organizational structure and finance
The Office of the Director reports directly to the President. The Office of the Director is responsible for four subdivisions: "Despacho de Subdireccion", general secretary, "organismos de asesoria y coordinacion", and "direcciones territoriales."
Multi-annual or annual work program
During the year the DANE does the following surveys, samples, and research with a monthly, trimester and annual, among others: - Price and Cost index - Industrial Indicators - Foreign Trade - Construction Indicators - Domestic trade indicators - Employment Statistics - Transport indicators - Great integrated survey of families - Competition analysis - Building census - Heavy construction Indicators - Housing prices index - Housing rent - Housing finance - Big shops and super-markets - Vehicle trade - Cattle Slaughter - National Accounts - Regional Accounts - Manufacture annual survey - Trade annual survey - Public service annual survey - Students, teachers and establishments of pre - school (sample)
Main duties
Toda esta labor, sumada a la aplicación de modernas tecnologías de captura, procesamiento y difusión, así como la calidad humana de todos los que participan en el proceso de la organización, permiten al DANE fortalecer el conocimiento, la confianza y la cultura estadística de los colombianos, reafirmando su condición de líder como rector de las estadísticas en Colombia.
Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
In October 1951, the National Statistics Office was separated from the Controller General Office. This is the beginning of the National Statistics Department depending directly from the President Office.
In October 1953 under the government of general Gustavo Rojas Pinilla was the creation of the Colombia National Statistics Department - DANE - Later on was recognized in 1968 being president Carlos Lleras Restrepo; In December 1992 during the government of Cesar Gaviria Trujillo it was reformed. Under the government of Andres Pastrana (1998 - 2002)the Geographic Institute Agustin Codazzi was added to the DANE. It was adopted a new organic structure and afterwards was done the adjustments and modifications to the staff, which was adopted during this government. With Decree 263 of 28 January 2004 amending the staffing of the National Department of Statistics and Act. With Decree 262 of 28 January 2004 amending the structure of the National Administrative Department of Statistics and DANE Act.
The main functions of DANE include produce and disclose strategic statistic information to take decisions for the economic and social development. Since his technical leadership the DANE performs the regulation of the National Statistic System.
In 2010 the DANE will have a system of basic information for the country, that contributes efficiently to the knowledge generation about the national reality and its tendencies, with the development of national politics will enforce its prestige and credibility.
The Colombia National Statistics Department has as objective guarantee the production, availability, quality of the strategic statistic information and lead, planning, perform, coordinate, regulate and evaluate the production and disclosure of all the official basic information.
Legal basis
Legal basis
DANE's main functions were established in article 59 of Law number 489, 1998.
Data collection
Most recent population census
22 May 2005 - 22 May 2006
Access to administrative data
DANE has access to the data from The Great Integrated Household Survey is a survey which requests information on the employment of persons, the general characteristics of the populations such as sex, age, marital status and educational level, sources of income and expenditure. It also has access to the the records of vital statistics which collect information on Births, deaths and marriages, which reveal the changes in levels and patterns of mortality, fertility and marriage.
Data confidentiality
According to the established in the Law number 79 of October 1993 ,where its ruled the realization of population and housing census in all the national territory and its establish the confidential information of the results obtained by DANE. The data provided to the Colombia National Statistic Department DANE, during the development of the census and surveys it can't be released to public, entities either official organisms or public authorities only, in numeric summary, not making possible to deduce any information with personal purpose that can be utilize for different motives than the statistic.
Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
A average publication per month until 2004. Since 2005 the average was three publications per year. DANE published a "Calendario Difusion" on its website.
Main publications
PIB (Crecimiento Económico)
Cuentas Nacionales Anuales Cuentas Nacionales Trimestrales Cuentas Nacionales Departamentales Cuentas Económico Ambientales
Censos De Población Y Vivienda Estadísticas Vitales Discapacidad Series Y Proyecciones Grupos Étnicos Proyecciones De Población 1995-2005 Encuesta De Victimización Censo Experimental de Soacha Recuento de Pereira
Construcción y Vivienda
Índice De Costos De La Construcción De Vivienda Índice De Costos De La Construcción Pesada Índice De Precios De Vivienda Nueva Índice De Precios De Edificaciones Nuevas Stock De Vivienda Censo De Edificaciones Vivienda VIS Y NO VIS Indicadores De Obras Civiles Licencias De Construcción Financiación De Vivienda Cartera Hipotecaria De Vivienda Indicadores Económicos alrededor de La Construcción Censo De Vivienda De 1993
Condiciones de Vida
Ingresos Y Gastos (Presupuesto Familiar) Calidad De Vida NBI (Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas)
Encuesta Continua De Hogares Informalidad Encuesta Nacional De Hogares Mercado Laboral Colombiano Mercado Laboral Por Sexo
Índice De La Educación Superior Privada Educación Formal Formularios
Sacrificio De Ganado ENA (Encuesta Nacional Agropecuaria) Sistema De Información Agropecuario
Encuesta Anual Manufacturera Muestra Mensual Manufacturera Muestra Mensual Manufacturera Base 2000 Microestablecimientos Estadísticas De Competitividad
Comercio y Servicios
Comercio Exterior Estadísticas De Competitividad – Comercio Exterior Muestra Mensual De Comercio Al Por Menor Encuesta Anual De Comercio Comercio De Vehículos Encuesta Anual De Servicios Transporte Urbano Automotor De Pasajeros Grandes Almacenes E Hipermercados
Información Geoestadística
Sistema De Información Geoestadística Marco Geoestadístico Nacional Trece Productos Del Censo 93 Vivienda, Hogares Y Personas Proyecciones De Población 1995 – 2005 División Político Administrativa Directorio De Datos Espaciales Productos Cartográficos Sistema De Consulta Estratificación Socioeconómica Glosario
EDI (Desempeño Institucional)
Ficha Metodológica Defensa Economía Solidaria Educación Entidades Autónomas Función Pública Hacienda Información Interior Minas Y Energía Organismos De Control Planeación Presidencia Protección Rama Legislativa Rama Judicial Relaciones Exteriores Sector Agricultura Sector Ambiente Sector Cultura Sector Industria Y Comercio Sector De Las Comunicaciones Seguridad Transporte Anexos Generales
Languages of main publications
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
- Web page
- Specialized publications produced by DANE (Print or digital)
- Database
- Information required in a special process
- Digital cartography
Availability of microdata for research purposes
Available for some investigations required by users (General and integrated survey of families)
Foreign trade, Manufacture annual survey, Deaths, Births among others.