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Country Profile of Belize

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
The Statistical Institute of Belize
Web address
Organizational structure and finance
The Institute is a corporate body and has the power to acquire, hold and dispose of movable and immovable property of any kind, to enter into contracts, and to exercise any of the functions entrusted to it by or in accordance with the provisions of the Statistical Institute of Belize Act of 2006.
The Institute is headed by a Director-General.
The funds and resources of the Institute shall consist of the following: government loans as the Minister responsible for Finance certifies are required to enable the Institute to commence or continue its functions, it may borrow money either within Belize or
elsewhere with the consent of the Minister responsible for Finance, sums may be provided from time to time by the National Assembly, sums may accrue to the Institute from the conduct of its business, including sales of books, anonymised databases, documents or journals published by the Institute and all sums recovered in payment of fees, charges, or administrative fines, grants, donations, benefactions and endowments from any source including regional and international organizations; and all other sums or property which may in any manner become payable to or vested in the Institute in respect of any matter incidental to its functions.
Main duties
The primary functions of the SIB are to collect, compile, extract, analyse and release official statistics pertaining to the demographic, social, environmental, economic and general activities and conditions of Belize on an impartial basis and in accordance with professional standards and ethics.

Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
The Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) was established on April 1, 2007, replacing the Central Statistical Office as the national statistical agency of Belize.

Legal basis
Legal basis
Statistics Act Chapter 158 Revised Edition 2000

Statistical Institute of Belize Act, 2006

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
The Central Bank of Belize, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Budget Management, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture and the Belize Tourism Board are among the main producers of official statistics on Belize.

Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
The SIB is governed by a board of directors, with representation from the government and non-government sectors.
In order to effectively carry out its functions and discharge its duties, it shall be lawful for the Board to establish or appoint advisory committees made up of qualified persons charged with the duty of analyzing, evaluating, investigating, commenting and reporting their findings to the Board on any area or areas referred to them by the Board.

Data collection
Most recent population census
12 May 2000
Access to administrative data
Matters in respect of which statistics may be collected, prepared, and published:
(a) Population and housing.
(b) Immigration and emigration, internal and external passenger movement and tourism.
(c) Vital occurrences, morbidity, health and nutrition.
(d) Social matters including education, sports, public entertainment, social security and welfare, criminal and judicial matters, juvenile delinquency, public information, public administration and government.
(e) Land tenure, occupation and condition of land and the procedure thereof, occupation and condition of buildings, rent payable or receivable in respect of land and buildings and the annual value of land and buildings.
(f) Environmental and related statistics.
(g) Primary and secondary production, including construction, building, personal and other services, power, machinery, transport equipment, water and electricity.
(h) Industry and merchandising.
(i) Stocks of manufactured and unmanufactured goods.
(j) Livestock.
(k) Imports and exports.
(l) Trade and commerce.
(m) Transport and communication in all forms by land, water and air, including post, telephones, telegraph, radio and electronic transmission, and includes ecommerce and the use of the internet.
(n) Occupations, employment, unemployment and payrolls.
(o) Salaries, wages, hours and conditions of work.
(p) Industrial disturbances and disputes.
(q) Injuries, accidents and compensation.
(r) Wholesale and retail prices and cost of living.
(s) Banking and finance, including external balance of payments.
(t) Associations, including voluntary associations, societies or corporations for profit or otherwise.
(u) Marine, fire, life, accident and other insurance.
(v) Incomes, earnings, profits, interests, fees and other payments for services rendered.
(w) National income, output and expenditure and capital formation.
(x) Broadcasting and audiovisual works.
(y) Any other matter so determined by the Minister after consultation with the Board, except for opinion polls.
Data confidentiality
All information furnished by any person, undertaking or public authority under the Act, shall be used only for the purpose of statistical compilation and analysis. All information collected is held as strictly confidential.

Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
Release Calendar is published each year, and it is published on the website.
Main publications
Consumer Price Index
External Trade
Labor Force
National Accounts
SIB Reports
Languages of main publications
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
Paper, CD Rom, Website.

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