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Country Profile of Bangladesh

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Web address
Position in the government
Ministry of Planning, Statistics Wing
Organizational structure and finance
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics is located in the Ministry of Planning and is composed of Regional Statistical Offices and Upazila Offices (subdistricts). In the headquarter BBS has 7 functional wings of which 5 are subject matter wings and 2 are service and administrative wings. The wings are as follows: Census Wing, National Accounting Wing, Demography and Health Wing, Industry and Labor Wing, Agriculture Wing, Service and Administrative Wing, Computer Wing, Finance, Administration and Management Information System Wing.

One Director/Joint Director is responsible for each wing. They work under the control and guidance of the Director General BBS. The Upazila Offices collect data under the guidance of the regional offices and send those data in the subject matter wings for further processing.
Main duties
The functions of census wing are as follows:
• To conduct periodic census of population, agriculture and economic activities and to publish the reports.
• To provide all technical and administrative assistances in conducting the censuses.
• To identify the data gaps in the field of population and demography and suggest ways and means for improvement.
• To undertake critical studies of different approaches to population projection and recommend method suitable for the country.
• To suggest means for developing a uniform geo-coding system for the country and ensure its eventual adoption by all government and nongovernment agencies.

The functions of Agriculture wing are as follows:
• To undertake agricultural surveys for major and minor crops for estimation of production, to take appropriate measures how best quality statistics on timely and on a sustained basis can be generated with existing manpower and other resources.
• To provide data on land utilization, classification and to take initiative for improvement.
• To provide data on non-crop statistics (i.e. livestock, forestry & fisheries).
• To provide data on agriculture products and to take measures for improvements.

The functions of Industry and Labor Wing are as follows :
• To identify the data gaps in the field of industry and labor and suggest alternative approaches to fill in these gaps keeping in view of the manpower and resource constraints.
• To evolve suitable survey designs for launching Industrial & Labor force surveys and collect data and publish reports.
• To conduct Census of Manufacturing Industries, Annual Economic, Institutional and Enterprise Surveys and Labour Force Surveys.
• To examine the BSIC and reconcile it with ISIC with a view to ensuring international comparability and standardization.
• To examine the present system of indices of industrial production and estimation of other derived statistics and suggest improvements.
• To make a critical appraisal of the present National Income series and identify data.
• To recommend a phased program for establishing integrated system of National Accounts following SNA-93.
• To conduct child labor survey

The functions of National Accounting Wing are as follows :
• To explore ways and means to standardize concept, coverage and methodology for balance of payments data, trade, and foreign trade statistics.
• To compile data for estimation of GDP, GNP, GNI on a regular basis and publish reports.
• To compile CPI on a regular basis and publish reports.
• To collect data on health statistics through periodic surveys.
• To publish reports on SVRS on yearly basis and publish PEC reports.
• To initiate research on survey techniques suited to Bangladesh environment, particularly in the field of health and demography.

The functions of Computer wing are as follows:
• Data capture by OMR and OCR
• To suggest suitable electronic method of data processing and to build up technical and skill manpower on data processing providing proper training and using electronic equipments.
• To help in the development of questionnaire and tabulation plan.
• To process all filled in questionnaires and schedules of census and survey through electronic mechanisms.
• To record, store and preserve data for further use.

Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
Bangladesh has a centralized official statistical system named the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). At independence in December 1971, Bangladesh owned a weak and disintegrated official statistical system. Agencies producing statistics were many and all these agencies were working independent of one another and pursuing statistical programs that had limited scopes and objectives. Data generated by them were inadequate and in many areas incomplete and as such, could not provide satisfactory basis for formulation of plans and framing policies of the new nation. Need for an integrated national official statistical system therefore, was felt extremely urgent after independence and paid due attention to by government.

According in August 1974, the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) was created by the government by merging four relatively larger statistical agencies of the provincial and central governments, namely, the Bureau of Statistics, the Bureau of Agriculture Statistics, the Agriculture Census Commission and the Population Census Commission.

A Director General was also appointed by the government to head of the BBS and a follow-up plan for reorganizing the Bureau into an efficient centralized national institution in the field of official statistics was resolved to be taken up for implementation.

About a year later in July 1975, the Statistics Division was created and placed under the Ministry of Planning in order to control the BBS at Ministry level, provide it policy guidance and also co-ordinate, develop and carry out all programs of training in official statistics. The Statistics Division was headed by a Secretary who was also the Directory General of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

In 2002, the Statistics Division merged with Planning Commission and BBS is now controlled by Ministry of Planning and office headed by Director General.

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics is responsible for providing technical and administrative guidance to the Bureau in matters of all official statistics programmes and the implementation agency of all programmes of official statistics of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) is the only national Statistical Institution responsible for collecting, compiling and disseminating statistical data of all the sectors of the Bangladesh economy to meet and provide the data-needs of the users for the national planning and formulating policies by the government. The role of the BBS is providing the necessary statistics for preparing the various national plans and policies for the overall development of the country is very significant.

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics has a decentralized network for implementation its activities with its head office in Dhaka. In 2006, there were 23 regional statistical offices and 489 Upazilla/Thana offices located in the 23 greater districts in Bangladesh.

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
University Grants Commission
DG Health
Bangladesh Bank
National Board of Revenue

Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
The Statistics Wing works under the guidance and Supervision of Secretary, Planning Division.

Data collection
Most recent population census
22 January 2001
Access to administrative data
Data of vital events like birth, death, marriage, migration etc. are
collected on a regular basis by the locally recruited enumerators. These vital events are cross verified by the BBS officials working in the field offices. Finally the vital events are matched in the headquarters by the headquarter officials.

Data dissemination
Main publications
Bangladesh at a Glance ( 1991 )

Bangladesh Statistics at a Glance (2001)

Geographycal Map Position of Bangladesh

Index Map of Bangladesh

Literacy rate Map

Disability Map

About National Data Bank

Data Sheet - 1999

Brochure - 1998

Population census 2001 Preliminary Report

Population census 1991 Preliminary Report

Zila Profile

Analytical Report of Population Census 1991 -Vol-1

Analytical Report of Population Census 1991 -Vol-2

Urban area report of Bangladesh 1991 -Vol-1

Demographic report of Bangladesh 1991 -Vol- 4

Conceptual frame work for Population Census 2001

Zila Series Khulna District

Zila Series Bandarban District

Zila Series Rangamati District

Fifth Five Year Plan 1997 - 2002

Fifth Five Year Plan 1997 - 2002 (Bangla)

Planning Commission and Development Planning

Planning Commission and Development Planning (Bangla)

Annual Development Programme Analysis 1997 - 1998

National Data Bank Official's Profile

Census of Slum Areas and Floating Population 1997

Zila Scries Barguna

Rangamati Zila Community Series

Rangamati Zila
Languages of main publications
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
Paper, Website.

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