Country Profile of Kyrgyzstan
Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
National Statistical Committee (NSC)
Web address
Position in the government
The National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic (NSC) is the central statistical office of the country. The Committee is administratively autonomous and its head serves as the country's chief statistician who reports to the President. The NSC is responsible for population censuses, household surveys, demographic statistics and a wide range of economic statistics involving establishment and enterprise surveys, as well as prices, international trade (in collaboration with the customs department), the national accounts, government finance, agricultural, labor and social statistics. In the case of social statistics, the NSC compiles the data from administrative records of other government departments. However, the NSC does not compile monetary data that are the responsibility of the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Organizational structure and finance
Over 1,200 persons work in the NSC network that includes the head office in Bishkek, the main computing center, regional, Bishkek city and local offices, a research institute and a training center. The primary data are collected in the local offices, forwarded to the regional offices and ultimately to the main computing center, where the information is processed in accordance with the specifications provided by the subject-matter specialists in the head office. The main organizational blocks in the NSC, that are replicated in the computing center and the regional offices, are subject-matter divisions that are supervised by three deputies to the chairman who also divide the responsibility for supervising the regional and Bishkek city offices.
Multi-annual or annual work program
The Program of Statistics Development of the Kyrgyz Republic 2006-2009 The program is a continuation of the third stage of the national statistics development. It was developed to increase the efficiency and further improvement of state statistical and information system in the Kyrgyz Republic. The program is designed for the period of 2006 - 2009, however some areas have a long-time character. The program includes review of achieved results of national statistics in 2001-2005, short-term and mid-term directions of the further development of statistical and information system in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2006 – 2009. The basis of the programme: “Main principles of official statistics” adopted by UN Statistical Commission, IMF's Special Data Dissemination Standards (SDDS), methodological principles and definitions that are used in EU and other international economic and statistical organizations, and recommendations of well-known international experts. Program highlights main directions of improvement of statistical indicators system, systematization and coordination of activities on application of international standards in methodology of data collection and processing needed for measurement of economic, social and ecological strategies and programs of the country, as well as strengthening institutional capacity, improvement of organizational structure of national statistical system.
Overview of results achieved in development and improvement of the state statistics over years 2001 – 2005 Law has established the status of independence of the State statistics. Public authorities are not allowed to interfere into the activities of the State statistical bodies related to organization, maintenance of statistics and methodology development. Heads of ministries, local public administration and governments bear personal responsibility for timeliness and reliability of statistics that they provide. Basic concepts, standards, classifications comparable with international analogues have been identified and introduced. Main principles of register establishment and maintenance needed for the provision of better coverage, sampling surveys were set up. The order of interrelation of statistical bodies with departmental registers at all levels has been identified. The Common System of Classifications and Codification of Technical, Economic and Social Information (CSCC TESI) has been developed. To measure Millennium Development Goals the NSC has developed and introduced the system of sustainable development indicators. Selected indicators characterizing the implementation of Comprehensive Development Framework/Poverty Reduction Strategy Programme (CDF/PRSP) are collected, processed, grouped and transmitted.
Legal basis
Legal basis
The statistics collected and published by the National Statistical Committee (NSC) are governed by the "Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on Official Statistics" (N 1391-XII, dated January 12. 1994) that establishes the independence of the NSC and guarantees the confidentiality of the data provided by the individual statistical units. The Law further requires the NSC to develop the statistics according to international methodological recommendations and to provide objectivity and integrity of the statistics.
Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
In 2001 the Statistical Society of the Kyrgyz Republic was created which is a non-commercial organization consisting of citizens of the Republic and specialists from international statistical organizations for the enhancement of statistical activities and relationships between producers and users of statistical information. Its members may be citizens of the Republic, CIS countries, staff of international statistical and economic organizations.
Data collection
Most recent population census
24 March-24 April 2009
Access to administrative data
According to the Law the Committee has the right to receive and use data from financial, banking and tax customs entities. Annually it develops a programme on the structure of information they receive.
Data confidentiality
The Law guarantees the confidentiality. This is written on all questionnaires. All data are published only in aggregated form.
Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
Detailed release calendar for the entire year is available on the website.
Main publications
In addition to the NSC Website, which includes regularly updated sub-annual (monthly and quarterly) and annual comprehensive data on all sectors of the economy, the NSC publication system includes four main types of publications: the monthly report on the "Socio-economic Situation of the Kyrgyz Republic", the annual reports, among others, on the "Socio-economic Development of the Kyrgyz Republic", and the "Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic", annual/quarterly subject-matter publications, and special publications.
All NSC publications use a similar format of presentation including specific uniform instructions concerning the cover pages, the content of the publications (consisting of advertisement pages, brief summary, analysis, statistical appendices, methodological notes, meta-data, release calendar), the format of the text and presentation of the statistical tables.
The main publication of the NSC is the Monthly Report - Socio-economic situation that includes the latest monthly data with brief commentary and is circulated to the offices of the President, Prime Minister and ministries and departments. The report is published by the 17th day of the month following the accounting period. The general annual publications also are issued: Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic and thematic publicationsThe measures that the NSC intends to implement to enhance the quality of its statistics are described in its three year Program for Statistical Development 2001-2005 that has been approved by the government.
Languages of main publications
Kyrgyz, Russian, English
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
The statistical output of the NSC is disseminated via its Web Site, its publications and via electronic media - diskettes and CD-ROMS.
Availability of microdata for research purposes
The Committee decides how.