Country Profile of Indonesia
Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS-Statistics Indonesia)
Web address
Position in the government
BPS is a Non-Departmental Government Institution directly responsible to the President. The Director-General reports to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, and to the Minister for National Development Planning.
Organizational structure and finance
The organizational structure of BPS is based on Presidential Decree Number 110 issued in 2001 on Organizational Structure and Duty of Eselon I of Non-Departmental Government Institution. BPS is headed by Director General who responsible to lead BPS in accordance with any regulations and statutes in force, preparing a national wisdom and policy in accordance to the duty of BPS, determining policy of technical operational of BPS tasks an responsible for, other developing and carrying out the cooperation with other institution and organization. Director General is assisted by Principal Secretary and four Deputy Director Generals.
Principal Secretary is responsible for coordinating the plan, establishment, administration control, and resources in BPS.
Deputy Director General for Methodology and Statistical Information is responsible for carrying out the formulation policies in methodology and statistical information.
Deputy Director General for Social Statistics is responsible for carrying out of formulation policies in social statistics.
Deputy Director General for Economic Statistics is responsible for carrying out of formulation policies in economic statistics.
Deputy Director General for National Accounts and Statistical Analysis is responsible for carrying out of formulation policies in national accounts and statistical analysis.
Principal Secretary leads some Bureaus, where each Bureau consists of some Divisions, and each Division is divided into Subdivisions. Principal Secretary consists of Bureau of Program Management, Bureau of Finance, Bureau of Personnel and Legal Affairs, and Bureau of General Affairs.
Every Deputy Director General leads some Directorates, where are Directorate consists of some Sub-directorates, and every Sub-directorate is divided into Section. Deputy Director General for Methodology and Statistical Information consists of Directorate of Statistical Methodology, Directorate of Statistical Dissemination, and Directorate of Statistical Information System. Deputy Director General for Social Statistics consist of Directorate of Population Statistics, Directorate of Social Welfare Statistics, and Directorate of Social Resilience Statistics. Deputy Director General for Economic Statistics consist of Directorate of Agricultural Statistics, Directorate Industrial Statistics, Directorate of Financial and Price Statistics, and Directorate of Trade and Services Statistics. Deputy Director General for National Accounts and Statistical Analysis consists of Directorate of Production Accounts, Directorate of Consumption Accounts, and Directorate of Statistical Analysis.
Besides Bureaus and Directorates, there is an Inspectorate, which is responsible for functional controlling in BPS; Education and Training Center which is responsible for implementation of education and training in the field of computer, statistics, and education and training functional and leadership qualities; and College of Statistics, abbreviated as STIS. The organizational structure of STIS is based on Presidential Decree Number 163 issued in 1998. STIS as higher education service in BPS is headed by a Chairman.
BPS has representative offices in provincial and regency/city level, as the constitute of vertical institution, called BPS Province and BPS Regency/City. BPS Province is headed by Head of BPS Province that leads, Division of General Affairs, Division of Social Statistics, Division of Production Statistics, Division of Distribution Statistics, Division of Accounts and Statistical Analysis, and Division of Integrated Processing and Statistical Dissemination. BPS Regency/City is headed by Head of BPS Regency/City that leads, Division of General Affairs, Division of Social Statistics, Division of Production Statistics, Division of Distribution Statistics, Division of Accounts and Statistical Analysis, and Division of Integrated Processing and Statistical Dissemination.
Multi-annual or annual work program
BPS' main activities are undertaken in a regular cycle. The Population Census is conducted every ten years, at the years ended with zero. The Agricultural Census is conducted at the years ended with three. The Economic Census is conducted at the years ended with six. In between censuses, BPS conducts statistical surveys every year, such as: National Socio-Economic Surveys, Surveys for Manufacturing Establishment, Inter Censal Population Surveys, Labor Force Surveys, etc. In almost all surveys and censuses, statistical data are compiled through interview method. Before the interviewers get down to the field, they have to attend and pass rigorous training sessions conducted for a particular purpose. A try-out is always launched prior to enumeration. Upon completion of the forms or questionnaires, the data shall pass intensive scrutinies, and checks before accepted for processing at the data processing unit.
BPS has formulated its Long Term Plan known as the SIGMA PLAN, which outline program strategies, and priority schemes. The plan to set up an overall objectives which directed toward the establishment of the Integrated National Statistical System. The needs for statistics shall always refer to the resources available for mobilization, to achieve the set goal.
Main duties
The aforementioned law, and decree stipulate functions to be performed by BPS, as follows:
o To provide data to the government, and public. The data is derived from its comprehensive statistical activities, comprises of periodic information on structure and growth of economy, social change, and development. Those statistics may be derived from its own researches and surveys as well as from other government department as secondary data.
o To assist statistics divisions of government departments and other institutions, in developing statistical system, needed to setup work program and periodic reporting scheme.
o To develop and promote standards to be incorporated in the implementation of statistical techniques and methods, and to provide necessary services in the field of education and training in statistics.
o To establish cooperation with international institutions and other countries for the benefit of Indonesia's statistical development.
Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
Even before gaining its independence, Indonesia had long been engaged in statistical activities. An institution whose name changed from time to time performed data collection and dissemination functions. It was initially named Centraal Kantoor voor de Statistiek during the Colonial Period, Shomubu Chosasitsu Gunseikanbu under the Japanese authorities, Kantor Penyelidikan Perangkaan Umum Republik Indonesia (KAPPURI) at the beginning of independence period, Biro Pusat Statistik starting in 1957, and Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS-Statistics Indonesia) since 1997. In the history of its existence, BPS has played an important and active role in the nation’s struggle for progress. By way of publishing compiled statistical data, BPS has continuously helped decision makers to solve social and economic phenomena so that development process becomes less arduous. BPS data have been utilized not only as the foundations for planning and policy making in the government’s extensive programs, but also in various activities of the general public. However, although statistical data provide a key for success in many daily activities, it is also a fact that some parts of the public may still be unaware of the existence of BPS as an agency producing statistical data. With a better and better understanding about the institution and its activities, it is hoped that a greater and greater parts of the public would be served by the facilities BPS has made available.
Legal basis
Legal basis
The Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS-Statistics Indonesia) is instituted by Law Number 16, 1997 on Statistics; Government. Regulation Number 51, 1999 on Statistics Undertakings; Presidential Decree Number 166, 2000 on Status, Task, Function, Authority, and Organizational Structure of the Non- Departmental Government Institution; Presidential Decree Number 178, 2000 on Organizational Structure and Task of the Non-Departmental Government Institution; Presidential Decree Number 163, 1998 on College for Statistics; Executive Act Number 001, 2001 on The Organization and Task of the BPS; Executive Act Number 101, 1998 on The Organization and Task of College for Statistics. Previously, BPS was Biro Pusat Statistik or Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) instituted by Law Number 7, 1960 on Statistics.
Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
BPS Statistics Indonesia is to produce basic statistics, and other government institutions are expected to produce sectored statistics. Under the Law 16 about Statistics, BPS Statistics Indonesia coordinates the statistical work.
Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
There is a Council called Statistical Society Forum (SSF). The members are University Fellows, Researches, Bureaucrats, Businessmen, etc.
Data collection
Most recent population census
30 June 2000
Access to administrative data
BPS has access to administrative data available from the government and/or the community.
Data confidentiality
a. The confidentiality of the respondent is guaranteed under Law 16 about Statistics.
b. All individual identifiers are taken out when individual data record are disseminated.
Data dissemination
Main publications
Categories: Agriculture (37) Manufacturing Mining Energy and Construction (30) MultiSubjects (29) National Accounts (18) Population and Manpower (21) Price and Finances (22) Social (28) Trade and Services (29)
Languages of main publications
Bahasa Indonesia; some English.
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
Data Dissemination Service
This is the main gateway to request and obtain any statistical data or otherwise. Data Dissemination Service will handle, process or forward any request submitted. Soft copies of data, and print-outs can be purchased through this service. Purchasing of statistical data can be made for a nominal fee by using e-mail and money transfer. Please inquire for price, availability, and method of payment.
Contact : Data Dissemination Service, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) Attn. Mrs. Bana Bodri (bana@mailhost.bps.go.id) Jl. Dr. Sutomo no. 6-8 Jakarta 10710, Indonesia Phone: +62 21 350-7057 , ( +62 21 381-0291 ext. 3230 ) Fax: +62 21 385-7046 Email: bpshq@mailhost.bps.go.id
Availability of microdata for research purposes
All individual identifiers are taken out when individual data record are disseminated.