Country Profile of Egypt
Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS)
Web address
Position in the government
CAPMAS's head reports to the Minister of Economical Development.
Organizational structure and finance
1-Members of Advisory Committee 2-Central Department of CAPMAS President Office Affairs 3-Central Department Of Legal Affairs 4-Economic & Mobilizing Statistics Sector 5-Demographic Statistics & Censuses Sector 6-Information Technology Sector 7-General Secretariat Sector 8-Regional Branches Sector 30 Regional Offices
Multi-annual or annual work program
CAPMAS has an annual work program.
Main duties
CAPMAS, according to the Presidential Decree NO.2915 of 1964, is considered as the official source of providing all the State's agencies, authorities, universities, research centers and international organizations with data, statistics and reports that serve in the activities of planning, development, evaluation, drawing policies and decision making.
Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
Established by the Presidential Decree NO.2915 of 1964, CAPMAS has grown to have enormous manpower, outstanding technical experience and HI-Tech equipment. CAPMAS is considered one of the most important agencies of the State in a time which data and information represent the most crucial factors required for meeting any kind of success or development in all fields and activities in Egypt.
Legal basis
Legal basis
The Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS), according to the Presidential Decree NO.2915 of 1964, is considered as the official provider of statistics. The statistics law covers the issues of confidentiality, respondents participation, and main role of CAPMAS in the data processing.
Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
Each line ministry produces data within its field of work, and submits it to CAPMAS.
Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
The Advisory Committee for planning and statistical coordination was established within the framework of the Presidential Decree NO.2915 of 1964. It is constituted of members from all ministries and governmental agencies, as well as the private and public sectors. This committee holds a meeting once per month, headed by the President of CAPMAS.
Data collection
Most recent population census
11 Nov.-11 Dec. 2006
Access to administrative data
CAPMAS has access to data on births and deaths from the health-related offices, as well as to data on foreign trade from the customs' records.
Data confidentiality
The respective law prohibits disclosure of individual data.
Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
Egypt subscribed to International Monetary Fund's Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) so all the data of Real Sector has the advance to this calendar on IMF site (Metadat), 3 months before publish.
Main publications
A complete list of Statistics and Studies is available on the website, in the People and Services and Business and Industry categories.
Languages of main publications
Arabic, English
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
Paper CD ROM Online Database (Egypt Intranet) CAPMAS web site :
Availability of microdata for research purposes
Researchers can access microdata through the local network (based on annual membership) and a statistics center.