Country Profile of Armenia
Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia.
Web address
Position in the government
Administrative position: National Statistical Service of Republic of Armenia (NSS RA) as a body implementing functions aimed at the public interest is independent from state and local self-government bodies in its statistical activities. It is responsible for providing statistical information to the users within the framework of the statistical work program. Three-year statistical work program is approved by the Parliament of RA, while annual program - by the State Council on Statistics and financed from the state budget. The Supreme Body of Governance of the National Statistical Service of RA is the State Council on Statistics consisting of 7 members and is authorized to accept normative acts with legal character in the field of statistics.
The NSS RA reports to the President and National Assembly.
Organizational structure and finance
The statistical system of the Republic of Armenia is centralized and financed from the state budget.
Multi-annual or annual work program
An annual and 3 year state statistical work programes are presented for comments and remarks and discussed with all the users groups. Annual statistical work programmes are adopted by the State Council on Statistics, registered as a normative act and published. 3 year statistical work program is adopted by the RA Parliament as a Law .
Main duties
- to collect, process, summarize and publish statistical data, - to co-operate with state and local self-government bodies in collection of statistical information, - to develop and improve statistical methodologies, and coordinate data collection and dissemination according to international standards and classifications, - to organize statistical surveys, - to carry out population and agricultural censuses every 10 years, - to establish, maintain and update the business-register, - to ensure data security and statistical confidentiality, - to provide users with statistical information, - to ensure the transparency and access to aggregated statistical information and metadata, - to co-operate with international organizations and national statistical offices.
Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
The official beginning of the Armenian statistical system was 1921 when the Soviet Socialist Republic was created. Until 1990, the statistical work of the Central Statistical Department of Armenia was carried out under the direct guidance of the USSR Central Statistics Department. Since 1990, the Statistics Department of Armenia has been an independent government agency under the supervision of the Government, bearing full responsibility for the organization of statistical work in the country. Since 2000, the National Statistical Service of RA has received the status of 'state body implementing functions aimed at public interest', which is independent from other state and local self-government bodies in its activities.
Legal basis
Legal basis
LAW ON STATE STATISTICS OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA The strategy, objectives and tasks of Statistics are based on the Law of Armenia „On State Statistics“, which entered into force as of 10 May 2000. It was developed based on the pattern of a statistical Law provided by Eurostat. According to the new Law the Ministry of Statistics was transformed into the National Statistical Service (NSS). It has received the status of an institution serving public interest and being independent from government bodies and local self-government. This Law determines the order of organization of state statistics in the Republic of Armenia and regulates the relations regarding the obligatory collection, processing, accumulation, summarizing and keeping, as well as the analysis, exchange of statistical data related to the social and economic processes in the Republic, population and spheres of its activities, and the presentation (publication) of statistical information. The new Law also regulates the establishment and maintenance of statistical registers, introduces widely the principle of statistical confidentiality and puts more emphasise on the involvement of users into statistical programming. The Law on State Statistics covers all the fields of statistics. In addition, there is a Law on Population Census. The Law “On Population Census” (adopted on October 12th, 1999) entered into force in November 1999. It gave the guidelines for the population census, which was organised in 2001. The preparation of the law was supported by the Tacis programme. The Law defines the tasks, requirements and responsibilities of all institutions involved in the preparation and implementation of the population census. It also regulates financial means, rights and duties of citizens as well as the confidentiality of individual data gathered during the population census. The Law on Civil Service, adopted on 4 December 2001, entered into force 9 January 2002. Provisions of the mentioned law have completely been acted for the NSS staff since 1 December 2002. The Law “On Agricultural Census” has been adopted by the RA Government` s Decree on 29.11.2007.
Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
Ministry of Finance of RA, the Central Bank of RA
Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
Scientific-methodological Council consisting of 11 members, meetings are organized not rarely than on quarterly basis.
Data collection
Most recent population census
10-19 October 2001.
Access to administrative data
According to the Law all the administrative registers are obliged to provide the NSS RA with their data.
Data confidentiality
Principle "Confidentiality" is determined by RA Law "On State Statistics" based on the European Law pattern provided by Eurostat.
Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
Annual calendar covering all the fields of statistics.
Main publications
Catalogue of Statistical Publications Armenia in Figures. Statistical Yearbook of Armenia. Regions of the Republic of Armenia in Figures, Atlas “RA Regions in Figures”. Social and Economic Situation of RA, monthly report. National Summarised Data Page. Women and Men in Armenia. Social Snapshot and Poverty of RA. National Accounts of Armenia. Finance Statistics of the Republic of Armenia. Prices and Price Indexes in the Republic of Armenia. Foreign Trade of RA (at 2-digit level). Foreign Trade of RA (at 4-digit level). Foreign Trade of RA (at 8-digit level). Balance of Payments of RA. International Investment and External Debt Positions of RA. Industry in the Republic of Armenia. Agriculture in the Republic of Armenia. Trade and Services of RA. Transport and Communications of the Republic of Armenia. Construction in the Republic of Armenia. Demographic Handbook of Armenia. Labour Market in RA. Social Situation of RA. Housing Fund and Public Utilities of the Republic of Armenia. Environment and Natural Resources in the Republic of Armenia. Food Security and Poverty.
Languages of main publications
Armenian, Russian and English.
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
Paper, Website, CD Rom.
Availability of microdata for research purposes
Up to date the anonymous databases have been provided to researchers by the permission of the Confidentiality Commission of the NSS RA.