The Government of Macao
Decree 61/96M
14th October
In view of the general awareness of the importance for complete, reliable and timely statistics, the needs for local statistical services from public entities as well as private organizations have been rising.
The existing organization structure, stipulated in Decree 74/87/M of 31st December, will be amended to meet the changing requirements of the Statistical Information System of Macao (also known as SIEM).
Under the new structure, advanced technology will be used to collect, process, analyze and disseminate information with an aim to broaden and enrich the statistical coverage, enhance coordination and improve administration and management efficiency.
Therefore, it is necessary to introduce specific regulations to conducting training of statistics and information management, as well as to introduce a new structure and revised personnel organization to the Statistics and Census Services (also known as DSEC) so as to ensure efficiency, stability and continuity in the statistical activities.
As such, after seeking opinions from the Consultative Council:
The Governor of Macao, according to Item one under Article 13 of the Organization Statute of Macao, proclaims the following legally binding articles:
Chapter 1
(General Rules)
Article 1
(Nature and Responsibilities)
1.The Statistics and Census Services is a public administrative institution responsible for guiding, coordinating, integrating, executing and supervising all local statistical activities.
2.The duties of DSEC are:
a.To produce qualitative and quantitative statistics of demography, society, economy and environment;
b.To study, establish and apply methods to produce, integrate and analyze statistical information;
c.To coordinate all statistical, technical and target-oriented activities within the SIEM;
d.To supervise the compliance with the regulations of statistical activities and impose appropriate penalties if required;
e.To coordinate and centralize the provision of official statistical information of Macao to overseas and international entities;
f.To design and implement special statistical projects for other entities;
g.To promote appropriate administrative activities of statistics conducive to SIEM;
h.To provide vocational training on statistics and information management for its own staff as well as personnel from other public and private entities involved in statistics;
i.To render assistance concerning statistics to other public and private entities. The related regulations will be established in due course;
j.To cooperate with official statistical entities of the Republic of Portugal, the People’s Republic of China and other overseas and international statistical organizations.
Chapter II
(Organization and Subsidiary Units)
Article 2
1.DSEC is a services department, under the leadership of one Director assisted by two Deputy Directors.
2.To fulfil its responsibilities, DSEC comprises the following units:
a.Department of Statistical Coordination and Integration (DCIE);
b.Department of Industrial, Construction and External Trade Statistics (DEICCE);
c.Department of Services and Prices Statistics (DESP);
d.Department of Demographic, Social and Employment Statistics (DEDSE);
e.Department of Informatics and Information System (DSII);
f.Division of Promotion and Information Dissemination (DPDI);
g.Division of Administrative and Financial Affairs (DAF).
Article 3
(Capacity of Director)
The capacity of Director is defined as follows:
a.To lead DSEC and represent it locally and overseas;
b.To submit activity and budget plans of DSEC for review by the Consultative Committee of Statistics (also known as CCE) and subsequent approval by authorities concerned;
c.To exercise the authority entitled, assigned and warranted by law.
Article 4
(Capacity of Deputy Director)
The capacity of Deputy Director is defined as follows:
a.To assist Director;
b.To deputize Director in case of his/her absence or inability to administer the office;
c.To exercise the authority entitled, assigned and warranted by law.
Article 5
(Department of Statistical Coordination and Integration)
1.The responsibilities of DCIE are defined as follows:
a.In collaboration with other units of DSEC, to perform qualitative analysis on socio-economical situation and structure based on available official statistical indicators;
b.To provide assistance to other units in preparing and conducting sampling surveys, especially in defining samples, making inference and estimation from sample error and performing observation;
c.To coordinate the establishment and management of the terminology of statistics, and through surveys and administrative information, ensure the terminology used is consistent with international practice, and promote the use of such terminology in preparation of statistical information;
d.To set up and maintain a database for performing statistical activities, update the information therein and make it operational, such that the database is accessible throughout SIEM via appropriate media;
e.To set up a database for registering all official statistical questionnaires and provide technical supervision and guidance for the questionnaires;
f.To develop an accounting system for calculating domestic account, based on international recommendations, especially those recommended by the United Nations regarding the System of National Account;
g.To anaylze the existing statistics prepared by units of DSEC or other entities involved in official statistics, with an aim to ensure the suitability of this information for the domestic account system;
h.To make estimation and forecast of macro-economic indicators;
i.To prepare statistics of the public administrative organizations and public financial organizations;
j.To participate in the preparation and design of statistical publications.
1.DCIE comprises the following divisions:
a.The Statistical Studies & Methods Division, whose main responsibilities are described in a) to e) and j) above.
b.The National Accounts Division, whose main responsibilities are described in f) to j) above.
Article 6
(Department of Industrial, Construction & External Trade Statistics)
1.The responsibilities of DEICCE are defined as follows:
a.To prepare and perform censuses and surveys on the excavation industry, processing industry, electricity generation and distribution, water supply, civil construction and fishery;
b.To collect, analyze and codify the supporting records of external trade transactions. Such records will form the basis for compiling external trade statistics;
c.To provide detailed explanations for the application procedures of automatic data processing;
d.To participate in the design and preparation of promotional media for the statistics prepared;
e.To produce statistical indicators and provide appropriate analysis and explanations;
f.In collaboration with DCIE, to establish, utilize and update the concepts and technical terms of statistics, and provide guidance on the correct usage.
1.DEICCE comprises the following divisions:
a.Industrial and Construction Statistics Division, whose main responsibilities are described in a) and c) to f) above;
b.External Trade Statistics Division, whose main responsibilities are described in b) and c) to f) above.
Article 7
(Department of Services and Prices Statistics)
1.The responsibilities of DESP are defined as follows:
a.To prepare and perform censuses and surveys on service industries including hotels, restaurants or alike, tourist industry, transportation and warehouse industry, as well as entities providing services to enterprises;
b.To prepare and perform censuses and surveys on wholesale and retail industry;
c.To design and compile the Consumer Price Index;
d.To provide detailed explanations for the application procedures of processing the data collected;
e.To participate in the design and preparation of promotional media for the statistics prepared;
f.To produce statistical indicators and provide appropriate analysis and explanations;
g.In collaboration with DCIE, to establish, utilize and update the concepts and technical terms of statistics, and provide guidance on the correct usage.
1.DESP comprises the following divisions:
a.Service Statistics Division, whose main responsibilities are described in a) and d) to g) above;
b.Distribution and Price Statistics Division, whose main responsibilities are described in b) and c) to g) above.
Article 8
(Department of Demographic, Social and Employment Statistics)
1.The responsibilities of DEDSE are defined as follows:
a.To design, coordinate and perform censuses on population and housing conditions;
b.To prepare and perform surveys on natural movement and migration of the population, sanitation, education, culture, sports, recreation, jurisdiction, crimes and environment;
c.To prepare and perform surveys on employment, wages, working conditions, social welfare and social security;
d.To provide detailed explanations for the application procedures of processing the data collected;
e.To participate in the design and preparation of promotional media for the statistics prepared;
f.To produce statistical indicators and provide appropriate analysis and explanations;
g.In collaboration with DCIE, to establish, utilize and update the concepts and technical terms of Statistics, and provide guidance on the correct usage.
1.DEDSE comprises the following divisions:
a.Demographic and Social Statistics Division, whose main responsibilities are described in a), b) and d) to g) above
b.Employment Statistics Division, whose main responsibilities are described in c) to g) above.
Article 9
(Department of Informatics and Information Systems)
1.The responsibilities of DSII are described as follows:
a.To ensure proper management of all information systems of DSEC and provide guidance on correct operation, necessary technical support and equipment supply;
b.To introduce new information technology and suitable application so as to maximize resources utilization;
c.To analyze and design data application programs suitable for DSEC, ensure their normal operation and proper maintenance, and provide assistance for the users;
d.To set up a database for information storage and application, maintain the most current information, and ensure its preservation and security;
e.To organize and update the information contained in the database under DSII’s management, and ensure its security and confidentiality;
f.To prepare the technical documents and user’s manuals for analysis and program designs and ensure such documents are up-to-date and accessible;
g.To participate in data registration and ensure the processing of data is continual;
h.To perform technical and economical studies on acquisition and renovation of equipment and effective support in order to satisfy the needs of DSEC in preparing and managing statistics.
1.Under the management of DSII is the Information System Administration Sector, responsible for a), d), e), g) and h) above.
Article 10
(Division of Promotion and Dissemination of Information)
The responsibilities of DPDI are defined as follows:
a.To determine the characteristics and range of users of statistics and evaluate their needs and interests, with an aim to enhance the service provided and improve the quality, presentation and accessibility of the statistical products;
b.In cooperation with other units, to publish general statistical information and ensure timely release in accordance with the coverage and sequence of the information;
c.To perform any translation required;
d.To keep the audio and video equipment, photocopiers and publication packaging equipment in good condition and initiate technical and economical studies so as to renovate such equipment to satisfy DSEC’s needs;
e.To coordinate and manage the Documentation Center by keeping a registration of all publications including those obtained from exchange or purchase with an aim to provide an easy access both internally and externally;
f.To provide assistance to other units in processing graphs and reproducing materials for statistical activities;
g.To design, plan and supervise any public relation activities including those concerning the promotion of DSEC as a whole.
Article 11
(Division of Administrative and Financial Affairs)
1.The responsibilities of DAF are defined as follows:
a.To take charge of DSEC’s human resources, accounting, general clerical duties, archiving, property and other general affairs;
b.To maintain in the information system a registration of all staff and keep it current;
c.To prepare the draft of budget plan and other related financial documents;
d.To develop a system for budget management and monitoring.
1.DAF comprises the following sections:
a.Personnel, General Clerical and Archiving Section
b.Accounting, Property and General Affairs Section
Article 12
(Provisional Organization)
1.In case of any special impermanent projects, a Project Group shall be formed.
2.The officer-in-charge of the Project Group shall be responsible for overseeing and coordinating the project.
3.Issues relating to the project’s framework, purpose, duration, budget and the officer-in-charge’s payment will be subject to the Governor’s instructions.
4.DSEC shall, within its responsibilities and authority, provide assistance to the Project Group as the project may pose influence on the entire public administration.
Chapter 3
Statistical Training
Article 13
(Vocational Training Program of Statistics and Information Management)
1.DSEC is authorized to hold vocational training programs of statistics and information management.
2.Such training programs shall be held in conjunction with other entities so as to provide pre-job training for DSEC’s and others’ staff, especially those from deputizing entities, and to improve service quality.
3.To those who have completed the training programs and obtained passing marks in tests, certificates will be given. The format of the certificate shall be subject to the Governor’s instruction.
Article 14
(Internal Training Program)
DSEC shall take an active role in organizing, or jointly with other entities specialized in vocational training, the following courses for the development of its staff:
a.Introductory statistics, aiming to provide basic knowledge of the methods and procedures of conducting statistical activities;
b.Supplementary statistics, aiming to provide knowledge of descriptive statistics including general concepts, planning and design of statistical activities and coordinating techniques;
c.Preparatory courses for launching censuses and surveys, aiming to provide the working knowledge, especially basic interviewing skills, for the data collectors.
Chapter 4
Article 15
The organization of DSEC’s employees are detailed in Table 1 attached, which is an integral part of this Decree.
Article 16
Governing System
The employees of DSEC shall be governed by the general rules and regulations applied to employees of the Macao Public Administration.
Chapter 5
Final and Transitional Rules
Article 17
(Transfer of Personnel)
1.The directors and chiefs of DSEC shall be transferred to the positions listed in Table 2 attached, which is an integral part of this Decree.
2.The other employees within the organization of DSEC shall be transferred, in accordance with the original positions, rankings and gradings, to the corresponding positions listed in Table 1 of this Decree.
3.For employees outside of the organization, the legal status of their original positions shall remain unchanged.
4.The personnel transfer specified above is based on the name list approved by the Governor. Other than publishing in the Official Boletim, no other formalities are required.
5.For all legal effects, the length of service of the employees referred to in this Article prior to the transfer shall be counted thereafter.
Article 18
(Entrance Examination)
The entrance examinations held before this Decree becomes effective shall still be valid.
Article 19
The expenditure incurred in relation to the execution of this Decree shall be borne by the budget surplus of DSEC and grants from the Finance Services for this purpose.
Article 20
Article 29 to 65 under Decree 74/87/M dated 31st December and Order 46/90/M dated 19th February are revoked.
Article 21
This Decree shall become effective on the first day of the month after proclamation.
Examined and approved on 8th October 1996.
I hereby order proclamation of this Decree.
Vasco Rocha Vieira, the Governor
Table 1
Staff Organization of DSEC