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Information on various issues on BPS' Policy

Information on various issues on BPS' Policy

Dissemination Policy

· BPS may publish the statistics it has collected
· The statistics are to be published in the Official Statistics News/Publication
· Based on the purpose for which they are used, statistics are classified into the following types: basic statistics, sectoral statistics and special statistics.
· Basic and sectoral statistics are available for public utilization unless it is specified otherwise in prevailing legislation.
· Every individual has equal opportunity to access and make use of special statistics but must maintain regard for the legally protected rights of a person or an institution.
· Permission to use is granted for non-commercial use, including but not limited to educational, personal, and research. Such permission is granted for citations, references, and description, in any electronic or non-electronic forms of information deliveries, in which the source of data (Badan Pusat Statistik or Statistics Indonesia, herein known as BPS) must be stated clearly.
· Data Dissemination Service is the main gateway to request and obtain any statistical data or otherwise. The service will handle, process or forward any request submitted. Soft copies of data, and print-outs can be purchased through this service.

Dealing with the media

· Everymonth, BPS hold a Press Conference to announce the inflation rate for the previous month to the press.
· Every three months, similar conference is also held to announce the latest figure of GDP, Trade and Tourism..
· Forecast for paddy is released to the mass media through printed and electronic publication every month.

Confidentiality Policy

· BPS may obtain information from respondents on the characteristics of every population which is the object of the research.
· The confidentiality of personal information provided by respondents is guaranteed because all statistics collectors must present the statistics in the form of aggregate statistical data.
· Any individual who unlawfully conducts a census in breach of Article 11 section 2 letter a of the Law No. 16 of 1997 on Statistics will be subject to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years and a fine not exceeding Rp. 50,000,000.
· Any individual who deliberately violates Article 14 section 1 a of the Law No. 16 of 1997 on Statistics will be subject to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year or a fine of up to Rp. 25,000,000.

User Councils

· Statistical User Forum/Forum Masyarakat Statistik (FMS) is a non structural and independent organization which has a task of giving advice, in numerous aspects of statistics, asked or not, to BPS. The advice can be provided in periodical or casual bases.
· FMS consists of government, NGOs, experts, profesionals, and honor citizens.
· More info : [in Bahasa Indonesia]

Dissemination and Data Transfer Fee

The following table is based on the Circulation Letter from Chief of Central Bureau of Statistics No. 006 in 1990, 22 January 1990. Last updated : 1 December 1992.

Training Policy

· Since 1958, the BPS established the Academy of Statistics, a three year formal education on statistisc.
· In the early 1980 the in-house training facilities in BPS was blended into a Statistical Training and Education Center.
· Starting in 1998 the in-house training has been expanded to provide:
· Graduate school in Statistics. A four year formal education in statistics and computer tailored to the special need of BPS.
· Statistics and Computer Training Center in a separate campus and with special facilities like computer training facilities, dormitory, and other facilities.

Statistical Legislation

Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS - Statistics Indonesia) is a government institution, directly responsible to the Pesident. The BPS is instituted by Law number 16, 1997 on Statistics, Presidential decree number 86, 1998 on BPS's status, task, functions and organizational structure; Presidential Decree number 163, 1998 on Institute for Statistics; Government Regulation number 51, 1999 on Statistics Undertakings; Executive Act number 100, 1998 on the organization and task of the BPS; Executive Act number 101, 1998 on organization and task of Institute for Statistics. Previously, BPS was Biro Pusat Statistik or Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) instituted by Law number 7, 1960 on Statistics.

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