Country Profile of Republic of Montenegro
Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Statistical Office of the Republic of Montenegro - MONSTAT
Web address
Organizational structure and finance
MONSTAT is lead by a director, who supervises 4 divisions: Department for automatic data processing, Sector of macroeconomic balances and business statistics, Sector of population and social statistics, and Administration service.
Main duties
MONSTAT performs expert tasks related to preparation and conduct of numerous statistical surveys. The Office collects, processes, analyses and disseminates statistical data on population, economic and social trends as well as on many other fields of public life. Ongoing reforms of statistical service will allow collection, processing and dissemination of data respecting the standards of European Union.
Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
Montenegrin statistics has its roots in the mid 19th century when censuses were conducted for the needs of Montenegrin Principality. Establishment of an independent statistical department on 15th of May 1909 could be taken as the start date for statistical service work in Montenegro. However, organization of statistical service in our country followed development and reforms of the state administration. Nowadays, Statistical Office of the Republic of Montenegro – MONSTAT represents the official liable body for production of statistics.
Legal basis
Legal basis
Law on Statistics and Statistical System of Montenegro (''Official Gazette of Montenegro'', No. 69/05).
Data collection
Most recent population census
1st to 15th of November 2003
Access to administrative data
Monstat has access to data about from reports from all enterprises, organisations and communities.
Data confidentiality
Data collected by census will be used exclusively for statistical purposes. Data confidentiality granted by Law on Census was respected: enumerators, instructors, controllers, and other persons that performed certain tasks related to census kept as a professional secret all data collected by enumerated persons that were connected to their personal, economical and family affairs. During data processing names and surnames of enumerated persons were excluded. After the completion of data processing census forms will be destroyed as defined in advance.
Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
The release calendar, “CALENDAR OF PUBLISHING STATISTSTICAL DATA”, is published on the website annually.
Main publications
Statistical Yearbook Monthly Statistical Review Montenegro in Figures 2008 Labour Market Survey Women and Men in Montenegro 2008 The Poverty Analysis in Montenegro
Languages of main publications
English, Montenegro
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?