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Quality Declaration of the European Statistical System

Quality Declaration of the European Statistical System

(Annex I of the summary Report from the Leadership Group (LEG) on Quality adopted at the 42nd SPC meeting- Luxembourg 19-20 September 200)

The mission of the European Statistical System

"We provide the European Union and the world with high quality information on the economy and society at the European, national and regional levels and make the information available to everyone for decision-making purposes, research and debate"

The vision of the European Statistical System

"The ESS will be a world leader in statistical information services and the most important information provider for the European Union and its member states. Based on scientific principles and methods, the ESS will offer and continuously improve a programme of harmonised European statistics that constitutes an essential basis for democratic processes and progress in society".

To realize this mission and vision, the members of the European Statistical System strive for joint cooperation according to the following principles:

User focus

We provide our users with products and services that meet their needs. The articulated and non-articulated needs, demands and expectations of external and internal users will guide the ESS, its members, their employees and operations.

Continuous improvement

The needs and demands of users will change as will the environment we operate in. Globalisation and advances in methods and technology will avail new possibilities. It is imperative that we actively strive to improve our work methods to take advantage of the new possibilities and to better meet the demands of our users.

Product quality commitment

We produce high quality statistical information according to scientific methods in accordance with objectivity and confidentiality. We provide information on the main quality characteristics of each product so that users are able to assess product quality.

Accessibility of information

We provide statistical results in a user-friendly and accessible form. Utilizing the possibilities of new media ensures easy access to the information. As far as possible, we will enhance user awareness of the strengths and limitations of the produced statistics. Consulting on how to use data is an integral part of dissemination.

Partnership within and beyond the European Statistical System

The cooperation between current and future members of the ESS as well as with other organisations will be encouraged. Only by working together, can we learn from others and gradually develop our system. The broad knowledge of staff and our users, suppliers, partners and other parties must be combined for us to excel in our purpose.

Respect for the needs of data suppliers

The suppliers of data for statistics - the respondents - are specially important group with which a mutually rewarding partnership must be established. The producers of statistics should strive to always minimise the respondent burden, both the objective and the perceived burden.

Commitment of leadership

The leaders of the organisations in the ESS exercise a personal, active, and visible leadership to create and sustain a culture of quality. By providing a clear overall direction, prioritising improvement activities and stimulating empowerment and innovation, leaders enable the staff to perform a successful job and to continuously strive for improvement.

Systematic quality management

We systematically and regularly identify strengths and weaknesses in all relevant areas to continuously identify and implement improvements where needed. A long-term strategic orientation is vital for the development of the ESS. The long-term effects in all situations must be considered with the more obvious short-term effects.

Effective and efficient processes

ESS activities should be seen as processes that create value for the users. We work efficiently to produce output with as little resources as possible and to prevent errors in the processes and products. The processes and their quality are continuously reviewed and improved.

Staff satisfaction and staff development

To attract and keep competent staff, it is vital to satisfy staff needs. The ESS members should treat their employees as the key resources they are.

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