ABS Policy on Statistical Integration
1 Statistical integration provides the basis for relatable data. It may be viewed in terms of three related components:
a) rationalisation, standardisation and integration of concepts (statistical units, data item definitions, classifications), and data inputs (questions, forms);
b) rationalisation, standardisation and integration of collection procedures (sample design, collection, processing, estimation, tabulation and dissemination);
c) confrontation, analysis, rationalisation and physical integration of data outputs.
2 The objectives of this policy are to ensure that statistical integration initiatives occur, fully exploiting the definitional, procedural, operational and dataset metadata contained in the corporate repositories.
ABS Policy
3 The ABS will advance statistical integration by conducting an ongoing program of reviews of statistical units, data item definitions and classifications, resulting in recommendations and directives for standardisation.
4 The ABS will conduct an ongoing program of reviews of sample design, collection, processing and dissemination procedures, resulting in recommendations and directives for adoption of best practices.
5 The ABS will conduct an ongoing program of reviews of data outputs, resulting in recommendations and directives for improving data relatability.
Implementation Notes and Responsibilities
6 Organisation of reviews of statistical units, data item definitions and classifications, and development of recommendations and directives for standardisation will be the responsibility of the Standards areas.
7 Organisation of reviews of sample design, collection, and processing procedures, and development of recommendations and directives for adoption of best practices will be the responsibility of the Statistical Services area.
8 Organisation of reviews of data outputs and development of recommendations and directives for improving data relatability will be the responsibility of Subject Matter areas.
9 These ongoing review programs will be co-ordinated with one another and with any other corporate reviews of a similar nature.