Workshop on Improving the Integration of a Gender Perspective into Official Statistics
Chiba, Japan, 16-19 April 2013
List of documents
DOCUMENTATION FOR THE WORKSHOP ESA/STAT/AC Agenda 67 KBESA/STAT/AC List of Participants 27 KBOpening statement 39 KBESA/STAT/AC Summary and conclusion 68 KBESA/STAT/AC Final report 181 KB
Session 1 Global review of gender statistics programmes - UNSD 648 KBCountry presentation: India - 1 32 MBCountry presentation: India - 2 152 KBCountry presentation: Philippines 382 KBCountry presentation: Japan 9.3 MBSession 2 Integrating a gender perspective into health statistics - UNSD 2.0 MBCountry presentation: Bangladesh 172 KBCountry presentation: Myanmar 1.4 MBSession 3 Integrating a gender perspective into work statistics - UNSD 760 KBCountry presentation: Malaysia 2.0 MBSession 4 Integrating a gender perspective into poverty statistics - UNSD 760 KBCountry presentation: Nepal 730 KBSession 5 Integrating a gender perspective into environment statistics - UNSD 784 KBCountry presentation: Sri Lanka 487 KBSession 6 Measuring violence against women - UNSD 314 KBCountry presentation: Indonesia 908 KBCountry presentation: Viet Nam 1.4 MBSession 7 Integrating a gender perspective into time use statistics - SIAP 1.2 MBTime use sample - SIAP 283 KBComparison of cost-based valuation approaches for unpaid work - SIAP 12 KBCountry presentation: China 892 KBCountry presentation: Thailand 785 KBSession 8 Use of census data for gender statistics and analysis - UNFPA 1.3 MBUse of census data for gender statistics and analysis - additional document 176 KBCountry presentation: Lao PDR 508 KBCountry presentation: Maldives 713 KBCountry presentation: Mongolia 829 KBSession 9 From raw data to easily understood gender statistics - UNSD 614 KBSession 10 Regional perspective - SIAP 231 KBHANDS-ON EXERCISES Exercise 1 Identify gender issues related to child work and the management of environment 97 KBChild work - group 1 DOC 31 KBChild work - group 3 809 KBChild work - group 5 21 KBManagement of environment - group 2 657 KBManagement of environment - group 4 12 KBExercise 2 Exercise on gender analysis using census data DOC 171 KB