
Mohamed Mghari


Statistician-Demographer. Currently, Regional Director of Planning at the High Commission for Planning, President of the specialized technical group on the harmonization of international migration statistics of the African Union and focal point of the High Commission for Planning for international migration issues. He is also Secretary General of the International Migration Association which is a research structure in the field of international migration in Morocco.

From 1981 to 1992, Mr. Mohamed MGHARI worked in the Population Division of the Statistics Department where he participated in the design, execution and analysis of several surveys and censuses. From 1992 to 1999, he had worked as a researcher at the Center for Demographic Studies and Research under the High Commission for Planning. From 1999 to 2013, he was appointed Head of the Department of Studies and Research on International Migration within the Center for Demographic Studies and Research (CERED). From 2013 to 2017, he was appointed director of this center. As such, he is still responsible for all official national surveys on international migration in Morocco and author of several studies and articles on international migration.