International Forum on Migration Statistics

19-21 January 2020   Cairo, Egypt

The International Forum on Migration Statistics (IFMS) is a unique, global platform devoted to improving data on migration in all its dimensions. Organised by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), the IFMS offers space for dialogue for a broad range of actors, from national and regional authorities, NGOs, international agencies and the private sector. More information about the event is available at:

The IFMS 2020 will include between 15 and 20 parallel sessions, each lasting 90 minutes, in addition to plenary sessions with high-level experts. You are encouraged to submit proposals to:

• Organize a parallel session as an individual expert, institution, or in partnership with others;

• Submit a paper or a report to be to be incorporated into a workshop/panel.


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Skype Meeting of the Expert Group on Migration Statistics

25 April 2019   New York, USA

Skype Meeting of the Expert Group on Migration Statistics

3 March 2019   New York, USA

Webex Meeting of the Expert Group on Migration Statistics

5 December 2018   New York, USA

Webex Meeting of the Expert Group on Migration Statistics

27 September 2018   New York, USA

Webex Meeting of the Expert Group on Migration Statistics

18 April 2018   New York, USA