Speaker Bio

Building forward fairer with gender data at the centre.

Lisa Scanlon


Lisa Scanlon is a Director in the Household Surveys Branch of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). During a career spanning over 30 years she has worked in a wide range of statistical and data roles at the ABS. Lisa is currently responsible for a number of household surveys, a position she has occupied since 2017. She has extensive experience in the collection and dissemination of statistics in the areas of Education, Crime, Culture, Migrants and Time Use. She is passionate about the value of high quality statistics to inform decision-making.

In November 2018 the Australian Government provided funding to the ABS as part of the Women's Economic Security Statement to re-establish the Australian Time Use Survey. Lisa is leading the team working on re-establishing this survey which will provide valuable insights into how Australians’ use their time. The ABS is modernising their Time Use Survey in line with contemporary survey practices with the introduction of online completion and an eDiary.

Lisa is a member of the UN Expert Group on Innovative and Effective Ways to Collect Time-Use Statistics. She is leading the working group that is quality workstream.