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1993 SNA Update Information - AEG recommendations for issue:
Originaux et reproductions

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À la suite de l’intégration des logiciels à la formation de capital par le SCN de 1993, on a été constaté que le SCN n’offre pas de consignes sur le traitement d’originaux et de reproductions en tant que produits distincts. Les dépenses d’achat d’originaux et de reproductions doivent elles être comptabilisées dans les deux cas en tant que dépenses (d’achat de biens nouveaux) du fait que les originaux sont à distinguer des reproductions, ou les originaux doivent ils plutôt être considérés comme étant comparables à un « stock » de reproductions, si bien que les dépenses d’achat d’une reproduction reflètent partiellement (ou principalement) la vente d’un bien existant? Comment faut il comptabiliser les opérations sur reproductions?
AEG recommendations
Number of AEG recommendations for selected issue:2
  Corresponding meetingDate postedRecommendation
 July 20059/12/2005The AEG did not accept that annual licence fees for software without a long-term contract should be treated as fixed capital; the payments should be treated as rentals.
In general, software should be treated in a similar way to any other asset. As a result, a long-term lease of software can be treated as a financial lease.
If a large initial payment is followed by a series of smaller annual fees, the initial payment is treated as fixed capital formation and the annual fees as a service charge.
 December 20041/11/2005The AEG agreed that copies generated for issue under licenses to use represent new production.
The AEG agreed that when they display the characteristics of fixed assets, copies issued under license to use should be recorded as gross fixed capital formation.
The Canberra II group is asked to recommend in which cases when payments for a license to use are made over several years represent the acquisition of an asset rather than a series of payments for services and the consequence for recording other transactions.
When a license to reproduce is issued under terms similar to an operational lease, the payments made are treated as payments for services.
When the holder of an original divests itself of part or all of the responsibility to issue and service copies under licenses to use by means of a license to reproduce, this constitutes the sale of the corresponding part of the asset. Having two possible treatments for licenses to reproduce could affect the classification of assets (to be considered by Canberra II) and the borderline between goods and services in trade figures. This should be brought to the attention of BOPCOM.
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