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1993 SNA Update Information - Non-life insurance services

Issue description
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Several instances of massive insurance claims, notably those from the 11 September terrorist attack, focused attention on the measurement of non-life insurance services when catastrophic losses occur. This necessarily involves considering the treatment of reinsurance also. The output of insurance services as calculated using the 1993 SNA algorithm depends on the balance of premiums and claims (on an accrual basis). Output can therefore be extremely volatile (even negative) following major catastrophes, and this volatility impacts on GDP and balance of payments (reinsurance). The objective of the review is to propose measures that would be more consistent with the perception of production in this activity. In particular, medium- to long-term aspects of non-life insurance are to be taken into consideration. The issue will also cover the measurement of production of non-life insurance services in volume terms.
Corresponding papers (Click on icon to see document in either pdf or word format)
AEG papers:Posted on 12/22/2004Click here to see pdf documentClick here to see word documentResults of the AEG’s written consultation on insurance
 Posted on 4/28/2004Click here to see pdf documentClick here to see word documentThe measurement of the production of non-life insurance
AEG summaries:Posted on 1/10/2005Click here to see pdf documentClick here to see word documentNon-life insurance (“outcome of the AEG consultations”)
 Posted on 7/1/2004Click here to see pdf documentClick here to see word documentResults of the AEG’s written consultation on insurance
 Posted on 4/28/2004Click here to see pdf documentClick here to see word documentDecision of the AEG on the measurement of insurance and reinsurance in the SNA 1993 Rev.1
Number of AEG recommendations:3
Number of country comments:49
Number of expert comments:1
Corresponding AEG Meetings
The issue was discussed at the following meetings:
February 2004, December 2004
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