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1993 SNA Update Information - Expert comments for issue:
Опционы работников на акции

Issue description
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Опционы работников на акции являются обычным инструментом, используемым компаниями для стимулирования своих работников. Поскольку СНС 1993 года не содержит указаний по этой теме, возникает вопрос от о том, следует ли рассматривать опционы на акции как оплату труда работников и, следовательно, как издержки для работодателей. Такой подход обеспечил бы более высокую степень гармонизации с международными стандартами бухгалтерского учета хозяйственной деятельности.
Expert comments
Number of expert comments for selected issue:1
  Date postedSourceComment
 8/11/2004Fadhil Mahdi (ESCWA)1. We, as national accountants, agree with the recommendation of the Advisory Expert Group (AEG), on National Accounts at UNSD, by considering all ESOs as compensation of employees (wages and salaries in kind) as long as the corporate entity is using them as financial instrument to motivate employees in work, irrespective of whether these ESOs will be settled in new or re-purchased shares. 2. As for pricing or evaluating this item, we see the ESOs should be valued at market prices at the time of transferring ownership from employer to employee. 3. With regards to recording the ESOs in the financial accounts as financial derivatives, which is the view of the AEG, we think that this view is very convenient and we confirm that it should be entitled under this category as a separate item having its own name.
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