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1993 SNA Update Information - Clarification of components of compensation of employees

Clarification description
Clarification raised by Australian Bureau of Statistics: There have been changes to the way employees are compensated since the release of the 1993 SNA. ‘Salary sacrifice’ into private pension schemes and other forms of ‘salary sacrifice’ raise classification issues that are not clearly dealt with in the 1993 SNA. The criteria for classifying compensation of employees into its various components need to be clarified with regard to the distinction between wages and salaries in cash and in kind and with regard to the valuation of wages in kind. A related issue is the treatment of taxes payable on non-cash components of remuneration, particularly when these taxes are legally levied against the employer and not the employee.
The treatment of ‘provisions’ for employee entitlements such as recreation leave also needs to be clarified as the statements in the SNA about provisions and the recognition of liabilities has caused some confusion. There is also a need to ensure that there is coherence between the national accounts and other labour data frameworks, particularly in the area of compensation of employees.
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