Dialogue on Statistical Development with International Agencies

United Nations, New York, Thursday, 1 March 2007, Conference Room E


The event is intended to encourage an exchange between national chief statisticians and international agencies on existing and planned initiatives in statistical capacity building.
The statistical community increasingly recognizes the need to better coordinate their initiatives and to integrate their programmes into the existing National Strategies for the Development of Statistics.  This event will be an opportunity for international agencies to present an overview of their programmes and for country representatives to provide a feedback based on their needs and experience.

The UN Statistics Division has organized this event as a regular part of Statistical Commission sessions, to foster the dialogue across the statistical community on issues related to capacity building and to increase the understanding of the impact of statistical development initiatives and programmes.

Each representative from international agencies will give a brief presentation on their programmes on statistical development. Presentations will be followed by a discussion on the programmes presented. In the case that the Commission will not resume for its afternoon session, the discussion will continue beyond the scheduled allotted time, until 4:00 pm.


Shaida Badiee, Director Development Data Group, The World Bank Presentation
Rogelio Fernandez-Castilla, Director, Technical Support Division, UNFPA Presentation
Haluk Kasnakoglu, Director Statistics Division, FAO  
Tessa Wardlaw, Acting Chief of Strategic Information Section, UNICEF Presentation

Commemorative Events

Commission milestones

Reports of the Statistical Commission to the Economic and Social Council (1946-2006)

Country Participants and Chairpersons

Historical highlights

Historical notes on major work areas of UNSD