Table 2. Indices of real value of final expenditure on GDP at international prices, 1985 (US=100000)

Part III

Part I
Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria, Finland, Norway, Turkey, Australia, Canada
Part II
Japan, New Zealand, United States, Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Benin, Botswana, Cameron, Congo


  Category       Côte d'Ivoire Egypt Ethiopia Kenya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritius Morocco Nigeria Rwanda Senegal Sierra Leone Swaziland Tunisia U.R.Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe
1 Final national consumption 455 3945 421 595 203 134 88 183 1589 2708 128 279 71 45 723 254 184 402
2   Food, beverages, tobacco 1513 9780 1131 1315 608 366 279 208 3431 7155 263 729 201 69 1758 730 282 1009
3     Food 1167 10335 1181 1235 659 288 294 163 3714 7776 250 795 232 66 1780 838 271 911
4       Bread and cereals 1175 18592 1512 2879 1317 369 617 259 7083 7828 126 824 200 90 1358 2837 221 1492
5       Meat 315 3065 301 164 459 116 244 37 644 1947 68 196 33 35 352 188 203 556
6       Fish 2770 18488 1802 516 4429 1943 1278 835 3119 50917 276 12985 5880 219 2768 2167 1586 3388
7       Milk, cheese and eggs 551 11867 2601 1760 106 202 108 193 2150 3582 210 329 31 52 1915 175 216 696
8       Oils and fats 1471 56695 4284 2477 1248 765 447 856 24542 9101 421 4920 480 207 14903 679 1536 6760
9       Fruits, vegetables, potatoes 2579 10419 1132 1575 619 406 158 166 7244 17714 801 711 73 65 3774 1469 294 811
10       Other food 1767 11917 1018 1271 506 246 309 155 3155 6430 120 367 196 92 1329 338 150 547
11     Beverages 2855 1656 1636 2101 295 1120 198 609 2037 8623 608 540 72 133 939 555 430 2259
12       Non-alcoholic beverages 797 4593 67 1388 273 2259 94 358 3209 14629 228 524 110 124 1439 25 215 835
13       Alcoholic beverages 3843 189 2395 2433 303 547 247 727 1439 5575 790 543 52 136 682 812 531 2940
14     Tobacco 2677 12352 279 1123 490 237 230 160 2454 1119 40 383 83 27 2211 87 213 553
15   Clothing and footwear 709 6845 978 1031 349 313 157 146 4198 2971 289 759 86 97 1165 476 393 849
16     Clothing 663 5968 927 1047 361 305 139 124 4092 2820 288 701 82 87 1013 513 401 824
17     Footwear 970 12136 1259 889 261 354 261 276 4707 3812 285 1097 105 153 2082 223 329 970
18   Gross rents, fuel and power 226 6299 547 825 265 86 60 514 1578 2089 149 351 191 21 771 463 242 684
19     Gross rents 289 8649 588 1114 241 84 34 747 2217 2577 142 387 243 22 952 604 270 810
20     Fuel and power 100 1776 424 263 279 79 95 77 362 1072 147 255 85 18 393 183 171 407
21   Household equipment and operation 671 3083 436 681 120 180 57 113 1519 1310 243 200 18 100 861 72 94 273
22     Furniture 109 626 513 403 21 83 4 43 998 1239 202 104 9 16 433 31 8 26
23     Household textiles 4119 902 886 800 181 365 261 54 4113 1787 472 221 19 169 1371 353 215 600
24     Appliances 562 4039 49 335 28 95 36 96 321 1023 348 170 15 23 583 32 25 65
25     Other household goods and services 551 5816 393 1079 249 275 77 206 1949 1363 191 307 30 205 1306 69 188 548
26   Medical care 514 1335 120 132 52 56 43 47 563 848 57 69 16 20 445 189 153 80
27   Transport and communication 167 925 235 218 51 41 43 82 622 686 42 95 22 26 238 28 59 100
28     Transport equipment 149 356 57 46 53 37 21 13 213 690 42 6 31 2 63 36 59 130
29     Operation of equipment 89 112 47 115 18 19 17 14 370 89 34 8 3 12 130 6 8 18
30     Purchased transport services 1499 20644 4495 3381 643 387 693 1914 8405 9711 166 2492 215 465 3525 315 1014 1335
31     Communication 141 464 433 116 6 47 16 29 169 1255 11 22 50 8 99 24 19 42
32   Recreation, education 305 4315 224 829 225 161 98 273 1738 2838 147 227 34 62 948 207 346 420
33     Equipment for recreation 48 1099 16 285 25 59 36 139 600 3924 136 88 1 23 597 76 40 414
34     Recreational, cultural, etc., services 11 3340 30 175 155 29 31 546 615 1650 13 26 5 33 228 33 49 107
35     Books, newspapers, magazines 33 1276 174 263 120 46 45 120 157 3820 32 130 6 10 249 50 133 568
36     Education 592 6877 417 1449 376 282 164 268 3001 2527 219 392 66 101 1504 366 653 515
37   Miscellaneous goods and services 39 1126 50 86 35 21 7 28 595 402 15 64 3 22 116 21 20 57
38     Restaurants, cafes, etc. 20 1395 22 118 44 20 2 18 655 277 15 14 2 11 157 20 9 0
39     Other goods and services 51 935 71 63 28 22 10 35 552 491 14 99 4 31 87 21 27 97
40   Net purchases abroad 0 -2667 247 0 0 47 62 130 0 96805 0 0 -3 0 0 0 0 0
41 Collective consumption of government 291 3490 288 306 94 75 60 39 568 1088 99 114 45 26 215 179 116 165
42 Gross fixed capital formation 176 1734 77 232 34 43 36 51 679 551 38 67 7 36 526 204 38 190
43   Construction 135 1412 48 239 21 36 28 42 870 615 32 58 4 13 463 108 19 230
44     Residential buildings 116 565 42 142 8 15 19 27 506 170 19 49 1 9 229 56 3 38
45     Non-residential buildings 206 3847 66 492 20 123 36 104 1738 1617 81 77 9 15 1702 221 65 545
46     Other construction 119 1458 45 260 48 20 40 28 1010 853 23 63 5 18 53 137 22 418
47   Machinery and equipment 226 2110 112 221 51 51 46 61 439 466 46 77 11 64 598 320 60 139
48     Transport equipment 563 3675 219 281 52 59 79 68 448 829 129 124 34 49 842 868 151 228
49     Non electrical machinery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50     Electrical machinery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 Increase in stocks 451 2469 0 955 83 93 900 298 725 2610 -1586 33 34 26 236 689 282 1867
52 Balance of imports and exports -782 3853 500 55 105 29 207 17 839 -4746 -116 247 5 111 506 487 -112 8
53 Gross domestic product 425 3434 331 513 160 113 76 148 1318 2365 104 218 57 39 634 230 159 358
United Nations Statistics Division - International Comparison Programme