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Country Profile of Saudi Arabia

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Central Department of Statistics and Information (CDSI)
Web address
Position in the government
CDSI's head reports to the Minister of Economy and Planning.
Organizational structure and finance
A Director General heads CDSI. Who is the key person in the whole Central Dept. of Statistics &Information and exercises all the powers & authorities he entitled according to the existent rules and regulations, The Director General report to the minister of Economic and Planning.

The CDSI consists of the following departments:

First: Departments, which report directly to the Director General.
1. Dept. of Administrative Development.
2. Unit of Follow-up.
3. Dept. of Public Relations.
4. Unit of Analysis and Reports.

Second: The departments and units supervised by the Deputy Director General for Statistical Affairs ( Reports Directly to the Director General ):

The General Dept. of Population and Social Statistics and its divisions as follows:
1. Dept. of Population and Vital Static's.
2. Dept. of Social Statistics.
3. Dept. of Governmental Services, Statistics.
4. Unit of Mapping.

The General Dept. of Economic statistics.
1. Dept. of Production Sectors, statistics.
2. Dept. of National Income Statistics.
3. Dept. of Prices and Income, Statistics.
4. Dept. of Foreign Trade Statistics.

Documentation & Microfilm Unit.
Regional Offices of CDS

Third: Departments supervised by the Deputy Director General for the National Computer Center ( Reports Directly to the Director General ):
1. Dept. of Computer Operations.
2. Dept. of System Programming.
3. Dept. of Applied Programs.
4. Dept. of Users, Support.

Fourth: The General Department of Administrative & Financial Affairs which (reports directly to the Director General):
1. Dept. of Personnel.
2. Dept. of Financial Affairs.
3. Dept. of General Services.
4. Dept. of Printing & Publishing.
Multi-annual or annual work program
CDSI has a 5-year work plan for statistics-related projects.
Main duties
The CDSI, being the sole official statistical reference agency in the Kingdom, has several responsibilities and takes. It provides important statistical information to be used in the fields of planning and development in the Governmental and Private Sectors. It also provides the Governmental Agencies, Ministries, Universities, Private Sector, Researchers, Regional Organization, International Organization and other Institutions in the Kingdom and over the World with the Statistics and Advice they need. An abstract of the basic responsibilities and duties the CDS is undertaking is as follows:

1. To plan and follow up the general censuses for population, housing and establishments. The latest census for population and housing was done in 1425 A.H (2004 A.D), while the latest one for establishments done in 1424 A.H (2003 A.D).

2. To plan and conduct field sample surveys covering the following:

A. Demographic studies and statistics to obtain information on age, sex, nationality, marital status, educational levels and vital rates.

B. Labor force statistics to know the number, characteristics, educational and occupational status of the economically active population, as well as those inactive, their ratio to total population, their age and sex structure .

C. Household budget studies to know the consumer spending patterns and to derive the weights necessary for producing the cost of the living and consumer price indices.

D. Annual and semi-annual economic surveys to obtain data on economic trends and detailed information on economic sectors to be used in the national income accounts.

E. Surveys on wages, employment, working hours to obtain the average wages and working hours in the private sector distributed by occupation and economic activity.

3. Compiling, tabulating, and analyzing economic statistics such as national income statistics, cost of living and price indices and foreign trade statistics.

4. Compiling, and tabulating the statistical data received from government agencies and other sources, the publishing them in the Statistical Year Book and the Statistical Indicator.

5. Assisting, and advising governmental agencies in designing and conducting statistical studies.

6. Providing governmental agencies and other concerned institutions with the statistical information they require.

7. Collecting annually pilgrimage statistics to know the number of pilgrims from within the Kingdom and the pilgrims from abroad.

Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a planning tradition that spans over 30 years. The formal planning process, which started in 1970 (1390 Hijra), enabled the Saudi Government to make prudent decisions in the allocation and utilization of its resources for development. During the last three decades, the Kingdom underwent tremendous transformation under the six development plans, which saw the rapid growth of income and living standards of the people, accompanied by dramatic improvements in social and physical infrastructure.

Legal basis
Legal basis
The establishment of CDSI and performance of its tasks and statistical activity are based on the royal Decree No. 23 dated 07-12-1379 H (1958), considering it as the central authority of statistics in the Saudi Arabia.

The royal Decree specified the competence and supervises the works of statistics units of various ministries and governmental agencies.

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
Statistics units in the line ministries as well as governmental departments issue annual reports and bulletins that reflect their activities.

Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory body will be established.

Data collection
Most recent population census
15 September 2004
Access to administrative data
Through the coordination with the statistics units of every governmental department, the CDSI has access to all official data related to the activities of these governmental departments.
Data confidentiality
Data confidentiality ensured through the computer programs and systems preventing disclosure of individual data.

Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
CDSI does not publish a release calendar.
Main publications
CDSI issues a series of statistical bulletins, the most important of them are as follows:

1. Bulletin of foreign trade statistics (annually and quarterly) covering:

- Volume of the Kingdom's exports and imports by classification.
- The Kingdom's exports and imports to and from the GCC countries.
- Kingdom's exports and imports by country group.
- Top countries exporting to Kingdom.

2. Bulletin of the Kingdom's national income statistics covering:

- Consolidated accounts of the country.
- Gross domestic product by economic sector at current and constant prices.
- Fixed capital composition.
- National Income.
- Wholesale price indices by item.

3. Bulletin of wholesale price indices covering:

- Wholesale price indices by item.
- Annual price indexes for wholesale prices.
- Average weights for the annual wholesale price index.

4. Bulletin of living cost index covering:

- Index numbers for total population by main groups and subgroups (monthly and annually).
- Index numbers by main groups and subgroups for middle-income earners in the Kingdom.
- Index numbers for retail prices of imports by main group and subgroups.

5. A series of specialized statistical bulletins on sample surveys undertaken by CDSI on population, labor force and the economy.

6. Bulletin of pilgrimage statistics covering the number of pilgrims from within the Kingdom and abroad and means of arrival.

7. The Statistical Year Book and the Statistical Indicator covering:

- Statistical tables on several topics, e.g., weather conditions, education, health, social services, oil, industry and public utilities, as well as transportation & communication, trade, finance, economy, agriculture, and private establishments.
Languages of main publications
Arabic and English
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
The Department issues periodic statistical reports and bulletins that cover most users' needs. They are available on paper, CD Rom and website.
Availability of microdata for research purposes

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