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Country Profile of Sao Tome and Principe

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas (INE)
Web address
Organizational structure and finance
O INE é composto por dois órgãos: o Director Geral e o Conselho Técnico. Este último é presidido pelo Director-Geral, e compõe-se dos Directores e Chefes de Departamento dos Serviços Centrais. O O INE compreende: os Serviços Centrais (que se subdivide em Direcção de Planeamento, Administração e Cooperação e Direcção de Coordenação, Produção e Difusão); a Delegação Regional do Príncipe e; os Correspondentes Estatísticos Distritais em São Tomé.
Main duties
As the central executive body of the SEN (Article 4 of Decree-Law 17/2001), the INE is responsible, under the terms of Article 7 of Law 5/98 of December 3, 1998, for the following:

o Directing, coordinating, and carrying out national statistical activity in the context of the National Statistical System (SEN);

o Conducting censuses and basic and current statistical surveys needed to produce official statistical information of national interest;

o Developing draft technical standards, nomenclatures, statistical concepts and definitions, and other technical instruments for statistical coordination.

Within the framework of law 17/2001, article 4, n.9, the INE shall exercise technical control over statistical questionnaires used in surveys and other data collection operations for statistical purposes, as well as over Delegated Agencies and other entities.

Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
Instituto Nacional de Estatística,designado INE abreviadamente, criado pela Lei nº 5/98, de 3 de Dezembro, que aprovou as Bases do Sistema Estatístico Nacional, é um instituto público dotado de personalidade jurídica de nível direcção-geral, tutelado pelo Ministro responsável pelo Planeamento.

Legal basis
Legal basis
The activities of the National Statistics Institute of São Tomé and Príncipe are governed by Law 5/98 approving the Bases of the National Statistical System (SEN), published in the Diário da República [official gazette] on December 3, 1998, and by the Institute's Charter, pursuant to Decree-Law 17/2001 published in the official gazette on December 31 of the same year.

Under the terms of the SEN law, statistical activities are based on the principles of statistical authority, statistical secrecy, technical autonomy, impartiality, transparency, reliability, relevance and statistical coordination.

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
o Central Bank

o Ministry of Finance

Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
National Statistics Council

Data collection
Most recent population census
25 August 2001
Data confidentiality
Article 4.2(b) of the SEN Law establishes the principle of statistical secrecy, the purpose of which is to protect the privacy of citizens, preserve competition among economic agents, and ensure the confidentiality of those surveyed. Those who produce official statistics in the context of the SEN are required to safeguard against any nonstatistical use or unauthorized disclosure of any individual statistical data relating to individuals or groups.

Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
There is no release calendar as the only regular publication is the "Quick Information Sheet" released to the press and to the general public, with the "Consumer Price Index (CPI)," on the 10th of each month.
Main publications
Índice de Preço do Consumidor(IPC)
Estatística do Comércio Externo - Anual

Censo 2001
Recenseamento empresarial - 2000
Recenseamento aos vendedores do distrito de Água-Grande - Dezembro 2006

STP em números
Publicação 2000

Estatísticas das Empresas 1999, 2000, 2001
Relatório final à Estatística da Pop.Act.Emp/Desp (IPAED) 2002
Estatísticas á População Activa,Emprego e Desemprego- Anual 2003
Questionário Unificado de Indicadores Básicos de Bem Estar (QUIBB 2005)- versão preliminar
Inquérito sobre Indicadores Múltiplos (MICS III) - versão preliminar

Classificação Nacional de Bens e Serviço
Classificação das Actividades Económicas de S.T.P. (CAE-STP)
Languages of main publications
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?

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