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Country Profile of Nepal

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)
Web address
Position in the government
CBS is under the National Planning Commission Secretariat (NPCS) of Nepal.
Organizational structure and finance
CBS is divided into 3 departments: Social Statistics Division, Economic Statistics Division, and Planning and Human Resource Management Division. There is the CBS headquarters and 33 branch statistical offices.
Multi-annual or annual work program
CBS has an annual work plan.
Main duties
CBS's main duties are:

Provide necessary statistics to Government for the formulation of plan and policy.
Collection, processing and analysis of data related to the socio-economic sector.
Develop definitions and scientific methodologies for reliable data collection and implementation.
Coordinate various data collection agencies and avoid duplications of efforts to generate the same statistics and develop consolidated statistical system.
Investigation of various statistical sectors for the need of the Government and produce these statistics.
Protection of statistical records.
Investigation of new technologies in order to make more scientific, reliable and useful data collection, processing and analysis method.
Coordinate with various agencies by maintaining consistency and uniformity for quality of national level statistics.
Organize training, seminar and workshop on statistical fields at national and international level.
Play advisory role to control and coordinate various statistical activities.
Develop basic statistical manpower.
Develop and implement the system to provide regular and reliable statistics through Branch Statistics Offices.

Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) is the sole agency responsible for the collection, analysis, interpretation, and publication of general statistics. The Bureau is also mandated to serve as a coordinating body for statistical activities.

Legal basis
Legal basis
CBS was created in 1958 under provisions of the Statistics Act. Through the Act, CBS was established as a highly centralized statistical system in terms of the governmental statistics production.

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
a. Line ministries;

b. The Central Bank;

c. The Trade Promotion Center;

d. The University and private organizations.

Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
National Statistical Council (NSC) is chaired by the member of National Planning Commission; it has secretaries from different Ministries, moreover, the head of statistics department at Tribhuvan University, the governor of the Nepal Rastra Bank and Director General of CBS are the members of the council. The Council meets twice a year on the mandatory basis.

Data collection
Most recent population census
22 June 2001
Access to administrative data
CBS has access to administrative data.
Data confidentiality
Confidentiality of individual information is assured by the law.

Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
CBS does not have any provision for publishing or realeasing calendar. However, it publishes calender during the decennial Population Census.
Main publications
National Accounts 2000 - 2007
Agriculture Monographs
Statistical Yearbook 2007
Poverty Trend in Nepal, 2005
Survey of Hotels and Lodges Nepal, 2004
Environment Statistics of Nepal, 2004
Nepal Living Standards Survey Volume I&II, 2004
Population Monograph of Nepal Volume I&II, 2003
Languages of main publications
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
Paper, CDRom, Website
Availability of microdata for research purposes
The access to the microdata of some surveys is granted only after confidentiality of individual respondent/household information is ensured.
Sample raw data of 20 percent have been also released in CD for researchers and users.

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