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Country Profile of Azerbaijan

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
The State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Web address
Position in the government
The State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan is the central executive authority running state policy in the field of statistics and forming official statistics on the social, economic, demographic and ecological situation of country on the base of unified methodology.
Organizational structure and finance
Central office of the SSC of Azerbaijan and bodies of its obedience as well as the State Statistical Committee of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic forms single system of the SSC of Azerbaijan. The SSC of Azerbaijan realizes its activity directly or by the same organizations.
The structure of the SSC of Azerbaijan is confirmed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The list of bodies (legal entities, organizations and etc.) of its obedience which are not included in the structure of the SSC of Azerbaijan and the number limit of employees of the bodies which are included in the Central Office of the SSC of Azerbaijan and its structure are confirmed by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The SSC of Azerbaijan has independent balance, state property in its order corresponding to legislation, treasury and bank accounts, stamps and blanks with the description of its name and description of the state seal of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Expenses and activities of the SSC of Azerbaijan are financed by the State Budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other sources considered in the legislative.

Multi-annual or annual work program
There are 7-year State Program and annual program of statistical activities. 7-year State Programme is approved by the President of the country, and annual programs are approved by State Committee on Statistics after discussion with Cabinet of Ministers.
Main duties
The main duties of State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan are defined in its statute confirmed by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 24 June 2009, № 115.
The SSC of Azerbaijan carries out the following duties:
1. to carry out normative regulation within the framework of its competencies;
2. to provide implementation of the State Programmes and development conceptions within the framework of its competencies;
3. to prepare the program (plan) of annual statistical works of the SSC of Azerbaijan and to approve with the agreement of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan in corresponding way;
4. to determine the features of coverage, type, periodicity and subject of each element for obtaining information related with the existing resources, economic, demographic, social and ecological situation in the program of annual statistical works;
5. to present an annual report on the implementation of the program of statistical works to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and to publish this report;
6. to conduct censuses and surveys according to the normative legal acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
7. to provide obtaining of necessary statistical information on the base of official statistical reports, to organize present necessary data to the state statistical bodies in the edocument format by the all legal entities (their representative and branch offices) located in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan for conducting of the state (regional) observations, to carry out sample observations besides general statistical observations;
8. to adopt rules and instructions on the preparation of official statistical materials and compilation report forms in defined way by the Law “On Official Statistics” of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other normative-legal acts;
9. to organize working out of statistical data on the base of one methodology and modern information technologies;
10. to analyze statistical data on social-economic processes, the living level of population and expenditures, to organize social-demographic observations, the household statistics, to carry out surveys;
11. to compile summed and aggregated results by country and regions on the base of collected data, to publish statistical yearbooks, bulletins, round-up, expresses and other statistical materials in determined volume and title, to provide distribution among users, to publish round-up statistical data of wide interest in the press, to explain official statistical information;
12. to analyze statistical data, to carry out summary calculations of social-economic and demographic processes;
13. to provide public authorities, international organizations legal entities and natural persons with statistical data on country, region and branch level by providing the confidentiality of primary data;
14. to improve the principles and methods of the collection, processing, dissemination and usage of statistical data, to apply statistical traditions and scientific achievements of leading countries in the field of official statistics, to prepare official statistical materials and implements statistical observations on the base of comparable methodology with standards adopted in international practice;
15. to prepare information on economic and social development of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the compilation of state budget and to present central executive authorities;
16. to carry out work on shifting to the system of national accounts, corresponding international standards with central executive bodies;
17. to provide report forms and instructions on its compilation free of charge to legal entities and natural persons (their representative and branch offices) submitting official statistical reports, to give information them on the time, periodicity and other necessary requirements for presenting statistical reports;
18. to compile the State Register of statistical units on the base of received and other data from the central executive authorities (tax bodies-red.) conducting the State Register of the legal persons and individual entrepreneurs, to carry out automated recording of statistical units having state registration in this authorities, to develop and use statistical classifications liked with international classifications and corresponding to indigenous situation in order to provide the comparability of produced statistical data by taking the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan into consideration;
19. to provide implementation of the international treaties in which the Republic of Azerbaijan consists one of the parties within the framework of its competencies, to participate in the measures of international statistical organizations in defined way, to organize seminars jointly with them;
20. to hold press conferences with the representatives of mass media on regular base;
21. to provide scientific and education institutions with necessary statistical data for scientific researches on the base of contracts;
22. to present information concerning them on the base of application of legal entities and natural persons;
23. to run statistical researches together with scientific units of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, ministry and other organizations and to prepare statistical methodology and standards with this purpose, assists for conducting alternative observations;
24. to carry out necessary measures in order to prevent obtaining, disseminating and using confidential statistical data contradicting the law;
25. to provide the improvement of the level of specialty and knowledge of specialists working in the field of statistics, makes contracts with educational institutions on the preparation specialist staff;
26. to guaranteeing the reliability and objectivity of statistical information, its accuracy in reflecting the socio-economic events and processes taking place, its level of quality and, as well as ensuring that it is up to date;
27. to provide efficient use by destination of budget allowances, credits, grants and other financial allowances appropriated for SSC of Azerbaijan;
28. to provide realizing the enlighten works in the field of statistics and informing the population on activity of SSC of Azerbaijan, as well as creating website and entering the social information to this website on defined list by legislative and regular updating this information.

Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
The arrangement of statistics in Azerbaijan commenced with the operation of the statistical committees within the Shamakhy (from 1846-till 1859), Baku (1859) and Ganja (1967) provinces. The annual reports of the provinces combining 20-27 statistical tables issued from the said period till 1917 incorporated the statistical materials on the of the population, number of cattle, workers, fairs, factories and plants, the circulation of plants and products and fairs, the commercial prices of major goods, the number of militants and other information. During 23 months of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan (1918-1920) the government made attempts to establish a single body regulating the statistical issues on the territory of the country. Though the aim was not achieved, definite structures related to statistics were created within different Ministries. These structures started operating as the Statistical department within the Ministry of State Property and Agriculture from November 15, 1918 and as the Statistical Bureau with the Lands Fund of the Agricultural Ministry from July of 1919.

The establishment of the local statistical bodies started in Azerbaijan in 1924 and later the statistical bodies were created in all the regions of the country. The new regulation on the Central Statistical Department of the Azerbaijan SSR was adopted by the People’s Commissars Council of the Azerbaijan SSR and Central Executive Committee of Azerbaijan on September 28, 1928. The central statistical department separated from the State Planning Commission in August of 1948 and joined the Central Statistical Committee under the USSR Council of Ministers in August of 1948. This fact was of great importance for the improvement of the activity of statistical bodies. The Central Statistical Department of the Azerbaijan SSR was transformed into the State Statistical Committee in 1987 and the regulation on the state statistical committee of the Azerbaijan SSR was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on March 30, 1988.

The year of 1994 was a special period in the history of the statistics in Azerbaijan. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev signed a law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the Statistics". Taking into account all the requirements of the major principles of official statistics in the region of the Economic Commission of Europe confirmed by the 47th session of the commission held in Geneva on April 15, 1992 the law incorporated the establishment of national classification, brought in conformity to international one and the state register of the subjects engaged in thrift of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the conduction of state statistical observations on the territory of the country, protection of the statistical secret and social insurance of the state bodies officials, etc.

The state program on the improvement of official statistics in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2003-2007 marked the completion of the statistical reforms in the country, bringing it in conformity to the international statistical standards with regard to the results of the last few years, information of the community and the improvement of the statistics in accordance with the state economic policy.

The structure of the state statistical committee currently comprises the state statistical committee of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, the statistical department of Baku, the statistical departments of 81 districts (cities), the Chief Accounting Center, the Center of scientific research and projection of statistical information.

Legal basis
Legal basis

Adopted: 18 February 1994, № 789
Additions and amendments:

16 May 2000, № 880-I QD
22 November 2002, № 382-II QD
3 December 2002, № 386-II QD
30 December 2003, № 568-II QD
9 March 2004, № 603-II QD
18 May 2004, № 652-II QD
23 December 2005, № 31-III QD
20 October 2006, № 167-III QD
17 April 2007, № 316-III QD
1 February 2008, № 543-III QD
27 October 2009, № 902-III QD
15 November, 2011, №246-IVQD
31 October 2017, № 831-V QD
15 December 2017, № 920-V QD
12 October 2018, № 1270-VQD

The present Law sets out legal provisions on Official Statistics in the Republic of Azerbaijan and defines the powers and functions of the state statistical bodies. It applies to executive power bodies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, legal entities regardless of the type of ownership and organizational-legal form (their representative and branch offices), legal entities of the Republic of Azerbaijan located outside of boundaries of the Republic of Azerbaijan and representative offices, branches of foreign legal entities acting in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as to citizens and natural persons.
Official Statistics provides accurate and qualitative (representative) information about the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation in the country to government institutions, social and economic agents, academic circles, the general public, international organisations and other users.


Article 1. Main definitions
Main definitions for the aim of this Law are the following:
Official Statistics – is activity in the field of production of official statistics, including administrative data;
Administrative data – is a data which are collected and used in official statistics in connection with the implementation of administrative duties by the relevant executive authorities and other government authorities;
State statistical bodies – are the central and the local statistical bodies within its hierarchy.
Statistical units – are legal (their representative and branch offices), and natural persons submitting primary data for Official Statistics, or for the conduction of observations, collection and analysis of data by statisticians on the base of this Law.
Production of Official Statistics – are the activities necessary for the collection, processing, storage, analysis and dissemination of the statistical information.
Confidential statistical data – are data obtained for the production of Official Statistics, when they allow statistical units to be identified directly or indirectly, thereby disclosing primary data.
Dissemination of statistical data – is giving to users, regardless of the form and means used access to Official Statistics not subject to statistical confidentiality.
Official statistical data – is obtained data at the result of summarizing and processing of administrative and preliminary statistical data on quantitative aspects of social economic, demographic, ecology on quantitative aspects of social processes on the base of official statistical methodology by the relevant executive bodies and other government authorities implementing production of official statistical data according to this Law and other legislative acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Article 2. Aim of the Official Statistics in the Republic of Azerbaijan

The aim of Official Statistics is to increase the role of statistical data, to serve the interests of legal entities and natural persons by respecting their rights and keeping the confidentiality primary data.
The main aim of Official Statistics is to provide confidentiality of primary data depicting the socio-economic situation in the country, scientific and technological progress, economic links at country, regional and sector level, structural changes and efficiency of production, as well as to provide statistical information satisfying the needs of government bodies, economic agents and scientists.
Official Statistics shall furthermore be aimed at creating a single statistical information system ensuring the objectiveness and reliability of statistical data, comparability with international statistics and transparency of aggregated statistical material. With this purpose it should improve and rise effectiveness of the principles and methods of collecting, processing, saving, submitting and disseminating of data as well as applying most advanced statistical traditions and scientific achievements in the field of official statistics within the requirements of law.
Official statistics have to provide real reflection of situation, justified dissemination of data among users, selection of factors having decisive importance for State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, besides, respect of the rights of citizens in obtaining clear data by taking into consideration the relation between expenditures and the burden on respondents on one hand and priorities on the other hand.

Article 3. The system of Official Statistics

The system of Official Statistics is a single, centralized, country-wide system.
The organization of the system of statistics and providing its activities in the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be the task of the relevant executive authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, and their local bodies. Local bodies shall be obedient only to supreme relevant executive authority.
The relevant executive authority functions in the system of the central executive bodies of the Republic of Azerbaijan and organize Official Statistics within the “Programme of statistical works” adopted by the relevant executive authority in the republic. The Programme should be published in defined rule in order to inform government bodies, enterprises, organizations, institutions and the public. The Programme covers the information obtained in the result of statistical observations to be organized concerning with studying the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan, by taking existing resources, the burdens on respondents and the cost-effectiveness into account. The Programme also specifies the coverage, type, frequency and topic features for each of the element for obtaining data. Unless otherwise provided in the Programme, the surveys and censuses are to be implemented based on the Programme and the units called upon are obliged to provide the information necessary for the production of the respective statistics.
While processing statistical data on entrepreneurship activity the distribution of entrepreneurship subjects defined according to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On entrepreneurship activity”, is taken into account.
The relevant executive authority and its local bodies are legal persons with their own budgets; they keep accounts with banking institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and use the seal of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Article 4. Legislation on Official Statistics

The legislation on Official Statistics consists of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the present Law, other legislative acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan and international treaties in which the Republic of Azerbaijan consists one of the parties.

Article 5. Relations between the state statistical bodies and other government bodies and international organizations

The state statistical bodies work in cooperation with other government authorities and they are:
- provide the corresponding bodies with systematic information on the results of their work, on the state of the reporting system and economic and social processes occurring in the country and in its regions;
- organize the production of Official Statistics within the country the submission of reports by the respondents by the set deadlines and according to rules, check their objectiveness.
The relevant executive authority of the Republic of Azerbaijan - by the established procedure and in accordance with international legal standards, establishes links with the statistical authorities of foreign countries and with international organizations on matters within its competence, conclude cooperation agreements with them, acting as a representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan, organize conferences, meetings and seminars at international level and take part in the meetings organized by intergovernmental and nongovernmental international organizations, according to international agreements, receive statistical information from foreign countries with a view to comparing the economic, demographic, social and environmental situation of the Republic of Azerbaijan with that of other countries.


Article 6. Duties of the state statistical bodies

The state statistical bodies within the limits of their competence are responsible for:
1) Preparing after consultation of the Statistical Council a draft of the Programme in accordance with Article 3 of the Law, preparing, organizing and the implementation of the statistical activities determined by the Programme;
2) Working out the methodology, classifications and standards being more comparable with standards accepted in international practice and methodical assistance for the production of official statistical materials and carrying out observations neatly that are entrusted to other authorities by this program;
3) Giving a yearly report on the implementation of the Programme to the relevant executive authority and making this report available to the public;
4) Providing the executive powers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its regions with the necessary socio-economic statistical information in accordance with the Programme of Statistics;
5) Compiling of results, summarizing and grouping on the basis of necessary data collected from statistical units in the Country and its regions, preparing statistical yearbooks, bulletins, reviews, press releases and other statistical materials, disseminating them among the users, publication of statistical data which are of interest of the public in the media;
6) Providing explanation with the purpose to avoid erroneous interpretation of the statistical results by users, appearance in the mass media;
7) Guaranteeing the reliability and objectivity of statistical information, its accuracy in fully reflecting the socio-economic events and processes taking place, its level of quality and, as well as ensuring that it is up to date and does not violate statistical confidentiality;
8) Organizing explanation of importance of Official Statistics to general public;
9) Providing upgrading of the skills and knowledge of the staff working in the domain of statistics;
10) Conducting and establishing the State Register of statistical units on the base of received and other data from corresponding executive bodies (taxes bodiesred.) conducting the State Register of the legal persons and individual entrepreneurs;
11) Preparing national classifications of necessary technical, economic and social information for organizing the statistical works on the base of classifications applied in international practice and by taking into consideration the requirements of legislative acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
12) Introducing information of legal persons, government authorities or citizens upon their request about data, stored on them in statistical data bases;
13) Providing free of charge legal and natural persons who submit state statistical reports with questionnaires and instructions for their compilation, informing them about deadlines, periodicity of submission of reports and other requirements.
The state statistical bodies do not perform any tasks which is not refer to statistical purposes such as the use of the data obtained for decisions concerning a particular individual legal or natural person.
In other cases, the state statistical bodies carry responsibility for the implementation of Official Statistics within the time indicated in the Programme.

Article 7. Rights and powers of the state statistical bodies

The state statistical bodies have the following rights and powers to perform their duties:
1) To receive substantial and reliable statistical data in a defined way, volume and period for free of charge from executive bodies, legal entities (their representative and branch offices), regardless the type of property and organizational-legal form of the Republic of Azerbaijan, from legal entities of Republic located outside of borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan and from the representatives of foreign legal entities, branches acting in the territory of Republic, as well as from the citizens of and natural persons of the Republic of Azerbaijan, according to legislative acts, determined by the relevant executive authority.
2) In the event of distortions of the data, to introduce corrections into the reports and issue the statistical unit with the necessary instructions for making the corrections;
3) To institute administrative procedures and apply administrative penalty measures to officials and natural persons failing to present data for statistical observations or who submit them late or containing distortions and disseminate of information covered by statistical confidentiality;
4) To ensure a single methodology for the compilation of statistical in the country, to draft questionnaires for the reporting in Official Statistics, set deadlines and procedures for collection and submission of these reports;
5) To approve and cancel questionnaires of statistical reporting and coordinate work on improving them;
6) To render statistical services, not covered by the Programme, to legal entities and natural persons on the base of contracts according to the legislation by paying the fee to state budget;
7) To organize the sale of prepared statistical materials (yearbooks), and data not considered in the program and being additionally prepared to users as defined, except executive, legislative and court authorities and mass-media;
8) To adopt normative-legal acts on filling report forms in and production of official statistical materials as defined by this Programme and other normativelegal acts;
9) To receive necessary data from the corresponding executive authorities (tax bodies-red) conducting the State Register of the legal persons and individual entrepreneurs for conducting and establishing the State Register of statistical units.


Article 8. Statistical Council

The Statistical Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is hereby established to give advice on the preparation and implementation of the Programme of Statistical work and on the development, organizing and functioning of statistics and is connective between statistics and users. The Council acts on social base under the relevant executive authority. The Council performs notably the following functions:
- to give an opinion and to make recommendations on the preparation of the Programme;
- to give advice on the implementation of the Programme;
- to prepare recommendations for the systematic development of the system of Official Statistics in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- to give appropriate recommendation to the relevant executive authority taking into consideration remarks, comments and purposes by user;
The work of the Council is public. It may address its opinions to the public. The Council is composed of the representatives of the statistical, finance, economics, taxes, customs bodies, banks, Trade Unions, private enterprises, educational institutions, academic establishments and organizations, and users of statistical information.
The members of the Council shall be approved by a decision of the relevant executive authority for a term of 5 years.


Article 9. Principles

In order to ensure the quality of Official Statistics and retain the trust of the public therein, the organization and implementation of the Programme is governed by the principles of reliability, objectivity, relevance in present situation, statistical confidentiality and transparency.

Article 10. Autonomy of Official Statistics

The state and non-government organizations are not interfere to the implementation of powers of the state statistical bodies and not influence the staff of the statistical authorities in the performance of their tasks. When implementing the Programme, the state statistical bodies are autonomous and are not seek or take instructions from state and local bodies notably in the selection of data sources, statistical methods, in the contents, form and time of dissemination and in the application of statistical confidentiality.


Article 11. Statistical observations

Data for Official Statistics is collected by conducting exhaustive, or sample observations. Such observation shall consist of systematic and periodic reporting, various census and inquiries, and surveys.
While conducting state (regional) statistical observations, if no other case is considered in the legislation, the type, methodology, programs and objects of statistical observations, acquisition of data from all sources for carrying out official statistics, using assessment on the base of administrative registers or the data of state statistical bodies, are determined by the state statistical bodies by taking the recommendations of international organizations and the Council into consideration. After deciding the selection of source to be used, special attention is paid to its quality, on time submission, expenditures and burden on respondents related with this.
Conduction of economic censuses and republic wide population census is carried out according to normative acts. Persons not working for the state statistical bodies are attracted on the base of terms defined by corresponding executive bodies to fulfill them.
All legal entities (their representative and branch offices), and natural persons located in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan owe to submit data in the paper or e-document format which data would be presented and confirmed in accordance with corresponding legislative without charge to state statistical bodies in defined volume and period necessary for the conduction of state (regional) observations.
Statistical units involved in submitting information for the production of official statistical materials have the right to get information about the purpose of the survey and census, coverage and to be provided with the guarantee of confidentiality of data, as well as to get information about their authorities and duties.
The duty to submit of data for exhaustive censuses applies to all statistical units responding defined criteria of coverage within the framework of the corresponding population. Such duty in sample surveys is applied only to those units that are determined on the base of sampling plan. The sampling plan is prepared by the relevant executive authority and serves to the reduction of the representation of respondents and the purpose of reduction of burden on them.
Submitting of the necessary data to state statistical bodies in the e-document format for the conduction of state (regional) observations are implemented independent rule by the corresponding executive authority.

Article 12. Operation of classifications and a register of statistical units of the Republic of Azerbaijan

In order to ensure international comparability of statistical information in the Republic of Azerbaijan, statistical classifications of technical, economic and commercial data (SCTECD) harmonized with international classifications and corresponded with local conditions is set up and operated.
The use of the statistical classification (coding of information) should be obligatory for all legal entities and natural persons, when exchanging information on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The procedure of conducting of statistical classifications, setting up of new and abolishing obsolete ones are carried out in accordance with the Law” On Standardization”.
On the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Register of statistical units reflecting statistical information shall be operated by the relevant executive authority for carrying out official statistics, which contains information about address and statistical indicators characterizing main and not main activity, financial and economic activity of legal and natural person exercising economic, entrepreneurship and other types of activities not forbidden by legislation, as well as its distribution defined according to the of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On entrepreneurship activity”.

Article 13. Access to administrative data sources

All state and local bodies present to the relevant executive authority access to administrative data sources collected, processed and stored in the domain of their respective competencies, notably to registers and other data files, to the extent that is necessary for the production of statistics, thus avoiding the imposition of response burdens on the units concerned, and shall be submitted to the relevant executive authority by established deadline and form according to the Program of statistical works.

Article 14. Relation of official statistical body with producers of administrative data

This Law does not provide the legal basis for the production of administrative data. In order to avoid double and parallel work and to provide the use of unified classification and methods and the correspondence of obtained results to Official Statistics, their reports are approved by the relevant executive authority. The relevant executive authorities responsible for the production of administrative data submit the report to the body involved in official statistics in defined time and volume.
The state statistical bodies have the right to access the statistics and to disseminate them taking into account the requirements of Article 22 of this Law. Producers of Administrative Statistics are obliged to transmit the said statistics on demand to the state statistical bodies.


Article 15. Primary statistical data and its use

Primary statistical data is characterizing primary information on legal and natural persons.
Primary statistical data should be based on reliable primary records and used only for aggregated statistical work, compiling collections and socio-economic analysis.
Primary data collected for statistical purposes can not be used for other purposes.

Article 16. Statistical confidentiality and data from public sources
Data collected, processed and stored for the production of Official Statistics is confidential when they allow statistical units to be identified, either directly or indirectly, thereby disclosing individual information, primary statistical data of legal and natural persons.
A statistical unit is directly identified by its name, address and commonly known identification number given by corresponding relevant executive body for the tax payers.
Indirect identification is the possibility of deducing the identity of a statistical unit other than from the information mentioned in paragraph 2 of this article. To determine whether a statistical unit is indirectly identifiable, all means should be taken into account that might reasonably be used to identify the said statistical unit.
The disclosure or dissemination of information covered by statistical confidentiality is considered to be deliberate or careless divulging of information on legal or natural persons.
Data taken from publicly available sources are not considered confidential.
Aggregated statistical data of which aggregated statistics on crimes and administrative offences are explained in the way defined by legislation.

Article 17. Use of confidential statistical data

Confidential statistical data should be used exclusively for the production of Official Statistic or, if they do not allow direct identification, for exceptional scientific purposes ensuring the anonymity of statistical units, in accordance with the provisions of this Law (eliminating means which allow identification), unless the respondents have unambiguously given their consent to the use for any other purposes and to the conditions thereof.

Article 18. Scientific research

Access to confidential data that do not allow direct identification may be granted by the relevant executive authority for specific scientific research projects the envisaged results of which do not refer to identifiable individual units.
Access only granted if the standard of protection of the confidential data within the research project is ensured.

Article 19. Access to confidential statistical data

Access to confidential data is limited to persons who in the performance of their tasks produce Official Statistics and to the extent, that these data are necessary for the working out of review materials. Access for scientific purposes is limited accordingly.

Article 20. Protection measures

All measures of administrative, technical and organizational nature necessary to protect confidential statistical data against unlawful access, disclosure or use are taken by the state statistical bodies.


Article 21. Access to statistical information

The relevant executive authority ensures that statistics are disseminated in such a way, that all users have simultaneous access to the disseminated information in the framework of unified rules, legal regulation and time notably to the results that are specified in the Programme of statistics. In supplying the users with the statistical information all possible forms of information sources, including special publications of the state statistical bodies and of mass media and other means are used.

Article 22. Dissemination of confidential statistical data

Official Statistics must not be disseminated to users, if they contain or reveal confidential data. Aggregates shall comprise at least three units and the share of one unit in an aggregate must not exceed 85% of the total.


Article 23. Financing and material support to the state statistical bodies

A fund to support the state statistical bodies is allocated in the state budget. The financing and material support to the state statistical bodies for, the production of Official Statistics, the supply of statistical questionnaires and other documentation for this purpose to units reporting to statistical bodies and their maintenance are paid for from appropriations of the state budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Value of work performed additionally by local statistical bodies and not included in the Programme of statistical works is paid for by the user organizations and is transferred to the state budget.
Matters concerning the supply of materials to the state statistical bodies are decided by the relevant executive authority.

Article 24. Social protection of the staff of state statistical bodies

The social protection of staff of the state statistical bodies is provided by the state.
The staff of the state statistical bodies receives bonuses and pecuniary aid on appropriate legislation base from the salary fund.

Article 25. Restrictions for staff of the state statistical bodies

The staff of the state statistical bodies is forbidden to perform additional work in any enterprise, institution or organization (excluding scientific or teaching activities) or to exercise entrepreneurial activity.


Article 26. Responsibility for violating the legislation on statistics Any violation of the legislation on statistics is necessary entail disciplinary, administrative or criminal responsibility in accordance with the legislation.

Article 27. Responsibility for violation of the procedure of submission of statistical data
Persons responsible for non-submission or unpunctual submission of data required for the production of Official Statistics for the distortion of reports, as well as for not providing access to administrative sources is brought to account in accordance with the procedure set out in the legislation. Responsibility on the part of legal and natural persons, for violation of the procedure shall not constitute justification for not submitting the statistical data.
Legal entities and natural persons should pay the state statistical bodies for the damage caused as a result of submission of distorted information to statistical bodies or corrections made to total reports as a result of termination of deadline of report submission.

Article 28. Responsibility of staff of the state statistical bodies

Staff, officials of the state statistical bodies and persons enlisted to participate in the production of Official Statistics who are guilty of violating statistical confidentiality, and persons enlisted as above who without good reason refuse to perform them or perform them unpunctually carry out responsibility.
Persons having access to statistical confidential data in the performance of their tasks shall be subject to the provisions of this law, even after the cessation of their functions.

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
National Bank, Tax Ministry, Ministry of Internal Affaires, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, etc.

Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
The Statistical Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan is hereby established to give advice on the preparation and implementation of the Programme of Statistical work and on the development, organizing and functioning of statistics and is connective between statistics and users.

The work of the Council is public. It may address its opinions to the public.

The Council shall be composed of the representatives of the statistical, finance, economics, taxes, customs bodies, banks, Trade Unions, private enterprises, academic society, and users.

The members of the Council shall be approved by a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers for a term of 5 years.

Data collection
Most recent population census
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On conduction of the population census in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2019", dated September 7 2016, No
1040, the next population census was held in the Republic of Azerbaijan in October 1-10, 2019.
Access to administrative data
All state and local bodies shall give the SSC of Azerbaijan access to administrative information sources collected, processed and stored in the domain of their respective competencies, notably to registers and other data files, to the extent that is necessary for the production of statistics, thus avoiding the imposition of response burdens on the units concerned, and shall be submitted to the SSC of Azerbaijan by established deadline and form according to the Program of statistical works.

Data confidentiality
Data collected, processed and stored for the production of Official Statistics shall be confidential when they allow statistical units to be identified, either directly or indirectly, thereby disclosing individual information, primary statistical data of legal and natural persons.
A statistical unit is directly identified by its name, address and commonly known identification number given by corresponding relevant executive body for the tax payers.
Indirect identification is the possibility of deducing the identity of a statistical unit other than from the information mentioned in paragraph 2 of this article. To determine whether a statistical unit is indirectly identifiable, all means shall be taken into account that might reasonably be used to identify the said statistical unit.
The disclosure or dissemination of information covered by statistical confidentiality shall be considered to be deliberate or careless divulging of information on legal or natural persons.

Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
Main publications

This is a comprehensive annual publication of the State Statistical Committee that reflects events and processes in the social and political life of the Republic. The yearbook has been prepared based on data received from enterprises and organizations, households, natural persons acting as private owners through census, sample surveys and other statistical observations’ forms, as well as information of ministries and departments (such as Ministries of Finance and Internal Affairs, the State Customs Committee and the Central Bank) and international organizations. The yearbook includes statistical data on social and economic conditions of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2010-2022 and comparison with previous years. Information on development of ownership relations and economic activities, financial situation, municipality, insurance, balance of payments, social problems are also reflected in this yearbook. Main socio-economic indicators on towns and regions of Azerbaijan, comparisons with CIS and foreign countries are included. The Statistical Yearbook is prepared to meet the data requirements of statisticians, economists and journalists as well as other users. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for September of the current year.


This brief Statistical Yearbook of 2022 contains the most important data about the socio-economic development of the country. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for May of the current year.


The statistical booklet covering 2021-2022 reflects main macroeconomic indicators by branches of economy. This booklet is prepared in Azerbaijan and English languages and its publication is envisaged for May of the current year.


Its publication is envisaged for September of the current year.


The Statistical Yearbook characterizes demographic processes in the country and contains sections on administrative - territorial units number and structure of population; general indicators of population reproduction; birth rate; death rate; deaths by causes; marriages and divorces; migration and international comparisons. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for July of the current year.


The Government of Azerbaijan has adopted the “Action Platform” of the Fourth World Conference of Women in Beijing and entrusted the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the task to develop gender statistics of the country. In this context, the State Statistical Committee continually prepares and publishes the yearbook “Women and Men in Azerbaijan” since 2000. The Yearbook is prepared in accordance with international standards and contains 10 sections: “Population”, “Health”, “Education and scientific personnel”, “Employment and wages”, “Sample statistical survey on Labour Force”, “Agriculture, forestry and fishing”, “Welfare and social security”, “Parliament”, “Crimes” and “International comparisons”. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for September of the current year.


This publication includes statistical data characterizing the social status of children in the Republic of Azerbaijan. It contains 6 main sections: demographic indicators; education and culture; medical preventive services, social protection; diseases and cases of death; crime; towns and regions. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for August of the current year.


The statistical yearbook “Youth of Azerbaijan” covers sections on demographic indicators; health care; education and science; employment and unemployment; leisure; households consisting of young families; crimes. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for September of the current year.


The statistical yearbook reflects indicators characterizing labour market in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The statistical yearbook provides information about population, employment, labour turnover, labour conditions, wages and salaries, expenditures for maintenance of labour force, professional training and other main indicators. Statistical data on the labour market conditions of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2010-2022 have been included in the yearbook. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for August of the current year.


The statistical yearbook provides basic indicators about civil servants, including number, monthly nominal wages of employees holding the civil service position by age groups and sex according to country and economic regions and others. Statistical data on the civil servants in the country for 2010-2022 have been included in the yearbook. Its publication is envisaged for June of the current year.


Statistical yearbook reflects information about newly opened jobs at the new created, existing, restored activites enterprises and organizations, as well as on other activities. The yearbook presents statistical data on newly opened jobs by the country, regions, cities, economic regions and administrative territorial units, economic activity and types of property for the quarters of 2023. Publication of the yearbook is envisaged at the 40-th day after reporting quarter of the current year.


The statistical yearbook “National Accounts of Azerbaijan” reflects the consolidated system of national accounts and the macroeconomic indicators characterising the results of the economic development of Azerbaijan at the macro level compiled according to the international statistical requirements. Yearbook includes data on the tables on the economy of whole country and some industries and also institutional sectors of the System of national accounts, as well as information on availability of fixed assets by kinds of economic activity, population income and expenditure, gross output breakdown in main sectors of the economy by economic regions and administrative territorial units of country. The yearbook is prepared in two languages – Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for September of the current year.


The yearbook covers the activities of micro, small and medium enterprises and comprehensive information on legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs – natural persons belonging to this category. The yearbook contains information on the main macroeconomic indicators of micro, small and medium enterprises, their share in the country's economy, the number of newly created and liquidated enterprises, investments, costs, the number of employees, wages, etc. AZƏRBAYCANDA MİKRO, KİÇİK VƏ ORTA SAHİBKARLIQ MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN AZERBAIJAN 2023 15 For user friendly data and providing comparison between economic regions, all indicators were grouped, separate indicators are shown by types of activity and property, economic regions. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for November of the current year.


This statistical yearbook includes main statistical data characterizing industrial activity of the Republic of Azerbaijan during the last years. The yearbook reflects information of industrial sectors of the country such as mining and manufacturing, electricity, gas, steam production, distribution AZƏRBAYCANIN SƏNAYESİ INDUSTRY OF AZERBAIJAN 2023 16 and supply and water supply; waste treatment and disposal, as well as share of industry in the country’s economy, the volume of output, main indicators of industry by regions, output in kind and etc. Moreover, various tables enabling to compare the corresponding indicators with indicators of CIS countries were included in this yearbook. The yearbook is prepared in two languages – Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for August of the current year.


This statistical yearbook includes main statistical data characterizing industrial activity of the Republic of Azerbaijan during the last years. The yearbook reflects information of industrial sectors of the country such as mining and manufacturing, electricity, gas, steam production, distribution AZƏRBAYCANIN SƏNAYESİ INDUSTRY OF AZERBAIJAN 2023 16 and supply and water supply; waste treatment and disposal, as well as share of industry in the country’s economy, the volume of output, main indicators of industry by regions, output in kind and etc. Moreover, various tables enabling to compare the corresponding indicators with indicators of CIS countries were included in this yearbook. The yearbook is prepared in two languages – Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for August of the current year.


The statistical yearbook reflects main economic indicators of the sector of energy, energy efficiency indicators, data on energy production, consumption and resources, (commodity) balances of energy and several energy products, information on electricity and natural gas consumed in economic regions and administrative-territorial units. The yearbook includes charts along with tables as well as methodological explanations on compilation of energy balance. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English, its publication is envisaged for August of the current year.


The statistical yearbook “Environment in Azerbaijan” includes data on land resources, forest stocks and their protection, state nature preserves, national parks, state natural wildlife refuges, fishing, reproduction and protection of commercially important fishes, main economic indicators of hunting industry, use of water resources, protection of atmospheric air, availability of wastes, their generation, processing and use, expenses on environment protection. Some information in this yearbook reflects the country economic regions and administrative territorial units. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for August of the current year.


The statistical yearbook “Agriculture of Azerbaijan” covers the long period and provides dynamics of data on the series of important indicators. The yearbook contains information on population and area, irrigated lands, distribution of gross domestic product, capital investment and fixed assets by economic fields, total production in agriculture, sown area of main agricultural crops, output of products and productivity, number of livestock and poultry, production of main livestock products, etc. Main data on crop production and livestock is also provided by regions in the yearbook parallel with data by country. Besides, the yearbook also contains some information about CIS countries. The yearbook is prepared in two languages – Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for August of the current year.


The yearbook “Main economic indicators of agricultural enterprises and private entrepreneurial farms” was prepared on the basis of data on agricultural enterprises and entrepreneurial farms and covers 2016-2022. The Yearbook provides data on total land area, agricultural lands, total number of enterprises etc. The Yearbook also includes information on the cost price of separate types of products, sale price, labor expenditure, profitability level and other indicators. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for August of the current year.


Annual statistical yearbook is prepared and published since 2009. This yearbook reflects information on products of agriculture and food industry enterprises: stocks at the beginning of the year, production and import; use destination of available stocks: satisfaction of food requirements, production of food and non-food products, use of seed and cattle forage, exported products, as well as losses and stocks at the end of the year. The statistical yearbook “Food balances of Azerbaijan” consists of seven sections. The first section includes statistical data on balances of products of plant growing, the second section – balances livestock and fish products, the third section – balances supplies and use of processed products by absolute quantities. In the fourth section was given statistical data about level of self-sufficiency indicators, the fifth section covers the consumption of food products per capita, the sixth section balances of main food products in the CIS countries and the last seven section methodological manual of comquilation of food balance. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for August of the current year.


The statistical yearbook reflects the main statistical indicators characterizing the economic development of trade in 2018-2022. The yearbook covers main indicators of retail and wholesale commodity turnovers, retail and wholesale trade by territorial division, property forms and kinds of commodity. Similarly, the indicators on the macrostructure of retail trade turnover, stock of goods of trade organizations, retail commodity turnover per capita, retail trade in international comparison, number of trading networks, public catering turnover, paid services are reflected in the yearbook. The yearbook also covers data on total output, intermediate consumption and value added in the sphere of trade. Availability and exploitation of capital assets, use of investments, number of employed population, average monthly nominal wage per employee, indices on consumption prices and other indicators are also reflected in the yearbook. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for July of the current year.


The statistical yearbook contains indices on trade relations of the Republic of Azerbaijan with foreign countries in 2018-2022. Data structure in foreign trade statistics is elaborated according to The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, Standard International Trade Classification and Classification by Broad Economic Categories. The yearbook provides data on countries, product groups, types of transactions, important commodities, modes of transport, geographical structure of import and export, international comparisons. Cost of commodities is shown in US dollars. Average exchange rate of dollar is based on official data of the Central Bank. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for July of the current year.


The statistical yearbook reflects data time series on education, science and culture in the Republic of Azerbaijan covering a long period. Information by regions is also included. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for August of the current year.


This Statistical Yearbook includes information on system of medical prophylactic institutions, diseases of the population by categories, births, abortions, sanatoriums-resort establishments and sport, provision of pensions, social benefits, state addressed social aids for poor families, primary disability, social service institutions for older people, disabled persons, housing conditions of population in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Some information in the Yearbook reflects economic regions of the country. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for July of the current year.

OFFENCES IN AZERBAIJAN The statistical yearbook

“Offences in Azerbaijan” reflects general information on offences statistics of the country. The publication contains main indicators characterising the results of activity of law-enforcement system of the Republic of Azerbaijan compared to previous years. Indicators are based on information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Justice Ministry, Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Prosecution Authorities. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for July of the current year.


The Yearbook “Tourism in Azerbaijan” – is an annual publication which reflects statistics on economic indicators of travel agencies and tour operators, hotels and similar establishments operating in Azerbaijan, number of citizens who travel to foreign countries crossing countries and foreigners and stateless persons arrivals to Azerbaijan, public catering turnover. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for June of the current year.


The Statistical Yearbook “Transport in Azerbaijan” covers main statistical information on the transport infrastructure, its development dynamics and comparison with previous years characterizing the situation of the road-transport complex. The yearbook also reflects the volume of transported cargo by separate types of transportation means, cargo turnover, passenger transport, passenger turnover, income from transport activity and expenditures on transportation, investment directed to transport, fixed assets that have become available for use, number of employees in transport enterprises and their nominal average monthly wage, other information characterizing the situation of different types of transport. Information on several countries, including CIS countries, as well as first registration of transport means, division of passenger cars on type, main indicators by regions of the country are presented for comparison purposes. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for July of the current year.


The Statistical Yearbook “Telecommunication and post in Azerbaijan” covers main statistical data characterizing the country’s communication situation. Information about the communication infrastructure, development dynamics and comparisons with previous years are reflected in the Yearbook. It also gives information about telephone communication, post communication, television and radio communication, development of the private sector, number of employees in communication enterprises and their nominal average monthly wage, the communication situation by region and the availability of telephone connections also information about IT to the population. Information on CIS countries, as well as main indicators by regions is given for comparison purposes. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for July of the current year.


Information and Communication Technologies Statistical information characterizing the current situation of application of technologies for the production, dissemination and use of information is the basis of the Yearbook “Information Society in Azerbaijan”. The yearbook reflects information collected by statistical observations on main ICT indicators corresponding to international standards, including ICT main infrastructure indicators and access opportunities to ICT, availability and use of ICT systems in households, main ICT indicators on enterprises, main indicators on the ICT sector and the trade in ICT products. The broad information on availability and use of ICT in households and enterprises during the last years, opportunities for internet access and use, ICT development index, e-skills of population, as well as main macro indicators on ICT sector, import and export of ICT product and their dynamics are reflected in the yearbook. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for July of the current year.


This yearbook contains data on the average annual prices of consumer products and paid services provided to the population, the level and dynamics of producer prices for industry, agriculture, fishing and forestry products, the level and dynamics of prices for transport, postal and communication services, construction and installation works, as well as the Consumer Price Index is compared with the same indicator of the other countries. The yearbook is prepared in two languages - Azerbaijan and English and its publication is envisaged for May of the current year.


There are provided a comparative variety of information, maps and tables covering the period of 2015 – 2022 years on statistical indicators reflecting socio-economic situation of the country’s economic regions in this Yearbook. Indicated statistical data give an opportunity to compare the country's socio-economic development at the regional level.
The Yearbook reflects general geographical information and data on the socio-economic indicators of country as well as economic regions. The publication is envisaged for October of the current year.


In this Yearbook are described the essence of the global goals and targets set out in the "Transformation of our world: the Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030", and the global challenges to them are brought to the readers' attention. Based on the Sustainable Development Goals indicators reflected in the Global Indicators Framework approved by the United Nations Statistical Commission and ratified by the General Assembly Resolution of July 6, 2017, the trend towards sustainable development in the national context has been analyzed over the last thirteen years (2010-2022) and is illustrated by different graphs and tables. The publication is envisaged for November of the current year.


This yearbook covers detailed information on monthly per capita incomes of the households, consumption expenditures, average consumption of food products in kilogram, chemical structure and calories, health conditions of household members, sport activity, smoking and etc. The publication is envisaged for June of the current year.
Languages of main publications
Azerbaijan, English
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
Paper, CD Rom, Website

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