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Country Profile of Solomon Islands

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Solomon Islands National Statistics Office (SINSO)
Web address
Position in the government
The Solomon Islands National Statistics Office (SINSO) is a government department in the Ministry of Finance and Treasury.
Organizational structure and finance
The Government Statistician (GS) and his counter-part the Deputy Government Statistician (DGS) lead the SINSO. The office was made up of four sections the Economics, National Accounts, Social and Demography, and the Surveys and Population. Altogether there are 26 staffs (including the GS and DGS) in the department carryout duties ranging from collecting, compiling and analyzing of information in the various subjects in the different sections.
Main duties

Ø Designer of standardized statistical instruments for producing Solomon Islands statistic: harmonized classification, organizational methods and structures, technical standards.

Ø Harmoniser of statistical information: drawing up a set common concepts, languages and tools for producing statistics.

Ø Producer of Solomon Islands statistics: consolidate the statistics of the Provinces and ensuring that they are comparable.

Ø Supplier of statistical information: identifying, analyzing and interpreting Solomon Islands statistical data.

Ø Disseminator of statistical information.

Ø Coordinator of the Solomon Islands Statistical System.

Ø Adviser on statistical systems: helping to improve the national statistical systems and to promote good practice within the Solomon Islands Statistical System.

Ø Promoter of research and development: encouraging research into techniques and tools for collecting, processing and analyzing data.

Legal basis
Legal basis
Guided under the Statistics Act 1970, the SINSO is enacted to compile and disseminate official statistics of the Solomon Islands.
This is based on:

Ø The primary legislation, the Statistics Act of 1970 and the Census Act 1959 and subsequent amendments to these legal instruments;

Ø The recognition by our users of an added value service provided in a cost-effective way;

Ø The universal recognition of Solomon Islands Statistics professional independence as demonstrated by the degree of confidence shown in Solomon Islands Statistics staff, in their probity and in the quality of our products, methods and services;

Ø The recognition given by regional organizations and other National Statistical Offices in the region to our role of primary partner.

Data collection
Most recent population census
Data confidentiality
We honor privacy, protect confidentiality and conduct our work openly.

Data dissemination
Main publications
Press Releases
Consumer Price Index CPI Press Release
Trade Press Release
Tourism Press Release
Education Press Release
Quarterly Bulletin
International Trade
Tourism Statistics
Annual And Adhoc Bulletin
Household Income and Expenditure Survey HIES
National Accounts
Business and Employment
Demographic Health Survey DHS
Languages of main publications
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?

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