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Country Profile of Botswana

Main statistical agency
Main statistical agency name
Central Statistis Office (CSO)
Web address
Position in the government
The Department is headed by the Government Statistician who is administratively responsible to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning throug the Secretary for Economic Affairs.
Organizational structure and finance
The Department is headed by the Government Statistician who is administratively responsible to the Secretary for Economic and Financial Policy in the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning. Deputy Government Statistician, who is responsible for developing comprehensive statistical work programme of the Department, assists the Government Statistician.

The Central Statistics Office is functionally divided into nine divisions, namely
Division of Agriculture and Environment headed by Chief Statistician,
Division of Transport and Industrial headed by Chief Statistician,
Division of Communication, Prices and Trade headed by Chief Statistician,
Division of Labour, National Accounts and Regional Offices headed by Chief Statistician,
Division of Cartography, Surveys headed by Chief Statistician,
Division of Demography and Census by Chief Statistician,
Division of Education and Health headed by Chief Statistician
Division of Information Technology headed by Principal System Analyst
Division of Administration headed by Assistant Director.

The Units comprising these divisions are headed at Principal Statistician level.

The Government of Botswana funds the CSO.
Multi-annual or annual work program
The multi-annual or Annual Performance Plan of the CSO details its work program. The most important of these are towards release of following statistics:

i. Agricultural statistics
ii. Botswana in figures
iii. Communication statistics
iv. Education statistics
v. Environmental statistics
vi. Health statistics
vii. Industrial statistics
viii. Labour statistics
ix. Monthly CPI
x. National Accounts Statistics
xi. Population and housing census
xii. Price Statistics: CPI
xiii. Quarterly national accounts statistics
xiv. Sample Surveys
xv. Statistical year book
xvi. Stats Brief
xvii. Surveys results conducted by CSO
xviii. Tourism statistics
xix. Trade statistics
xx. Transport statistics
Main duties
CSO's main duties are:

- To establish the norms and standards in the field of statistics, involving concepts and definitions, methodology of data collection, processing of data and dissemination of results;

- To provide an advisory service to Government and other users;

- To provide regular and timely statistical information on the economic and social state of the country and its population;

- To conduct the large scale national sample surveys for creating data base socio-economic studies;

- To conduct and arrange the training programmes in statistics and related subjects.

- To disseminate statistical information on various aspects through a number of regular/ad-hoc publications;

- To encourage frequent communication with users in order to assess these needs.

- To expand the scope for statistical services as and when resources permit.

Brief history and other relevant background information
Brief history and other relevant background information
The Statistics Act (Cap 17.01) was promulgated in 1967 while the Census Act (Cap 17:02) dates back to 1904. It was through these Acts that Central Statistics Office (CSO) was established, for the primary purpose of collecting statistics (including censuses and sample surveys), as a unit within the Statistics and Planning Section of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning. In 1968, CSO became an independent department.

Legal basis
Legal basis
The CSO operates within the legal framework of the Statistics Act of the Laws of Botswana adopted in 1967, which outlines the duties of the Department; however the Census Act was enacted in 1904.

Other producers of official statistics
Other producers of official statistics
Bank of Botswana; Budget Administration of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning.

Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical advisory bodies
Statistical body was not established yet.

Data collection
Most recent population census
17-26 August 2001
Access to administrative data
CSO has access to Customs declaration forms, births/deaths data, and administrative documents from health care facilities.
Data confidentiality
Data is disseminated in aggregate forms, e.g. averages, totals, portions, ratios, etc. No data can be released and presented at individual entities level

Data dissemination
Release calendar (existence, when and how published)
Advance Release Calendar (ARC) is available for the following:
(i) National Accounts Statistics; and (ii) CPI
Main publications
i. Consumer Price Statistics: CPI
ii. External Trade Monthly Digest

i. Producer Price Statistics
ii. Statistics Update
iii. Wholesale Price Statistics
iv. GDP Estimates
v. External Trade Quarterly Digest

ii. Agriculture Statistics
iii. Education Statistics
iv. External Trade Statistics
v. Environment Statistics
vi. Health Statistics
vii. Labour Statistics
viii. National Accounts Statistics
ix. Population Report
x. Statistical Yearbook
xi. Tourism Statistics
xii. Transport

Ad-hoc publication
i. Stats Brief on surveys conducted by CSO
ii. Detailed statistical report on household surveys conducted by CSO viz. (a) Household Income & Expenditure Survey, (b) Botswana Literacy Survey, (c) Agricultural census, (d) Botswana AIDS Impact Survey, (e) Labour Force Survey, (f) Informal Sector Survey, (g) Botswana Family Health and Multiple Indicators Survey, (h) Botswana Demographic Survey (i) Botswana Core welfare Indicators Survey.
iii. Reports on census conducted by CSO in 2001 viz. (a) Population of Towns, Villages and Associated Localities (April 2002)
(b) District Census Officers and Technical Officers’ Report (June 2002) (c) Administrative/Technical Report (July 2003) (d) Proceedings of the Census Dissemination Seminar (September 2003) (e) National Statistical Tables (December 2003) (f) Summary Statistics For Small Areas (for settlements of 500 or more people) in 10 Volumes (June 2004) (g) Analytical Report (June 2004) (h) Population Projections 2001 – 2031 (July 2005) (i) Population Census Atlas (February 2005) (j) Analysis of Child Focused Indicators based on 2001 Census: by UNICEF (March 2005) (h) Guide to the Villages of Botswana (December 2005)
Languages of main publications
How are data disseminated (Paper, CD Rom, Website, online databases, databanks)?
Website, Reports, Stats briefs, and dissemination Seminars
Availability of microdata for research purposes
Microdata is not available for researchers.

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