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Improving timeliness for short-term economic statistics: STES Timeliness Framework (Website)

Improving timeliness for short-term economic statistics: STES Timeliness Framework

The STES Timeliness Framework is a structured collection of documentation on a range of methodological and operational good practices currently used by national statistical organisations (NSOs) for improving timeliness, reducing costs or improving accuracy in the production of short-term economic statistics (STES). It was created by a taskforce of the OECD Short-Term Economic Statistics Expert Group (STESEG), as a tool to assist NSOs in improving the timeliness of the STES they produce. It is presented as a user friendly website at, where both summary and detailed documentation on methods can be accessed through the main reference table. The current documentation referenced within the framework comes from 18 different countries, thus it should be diverse enough to be of use to all NSOs that operate under a variety of different circumstances.

National statistical organisations are encouraged to use the STES Timeliness Framework, but also to submit new documentation for assessment for inclusion in the framework, which will be updated on an ongoing basis. Guidelines for the submission of documentation, including those written in national language, can be found at:

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