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Mission Statement of Statistics Austria

Mission Statement of Statistics Austria

Guiding Principle

We are the leading provider of information services in Austria. We produce statistics of high quality as well as analyses which give a comprehensive and objective picture of the Austrian economic and social situation. Our customers are thus enabled to take appropriate decisions.

Customer Orientation

Our attention centres on our customers - citizens, business enterprises, public administration, politicians and scientific communities as well as European and international institutions. To satisfy their information requirements through our products and services, is our most important target.

Product Quality

We ensure the highest quality and timeliness of our products and services. Impartiality, objectivity, relevance and accuracy of the data are of particular concern to us as well as the integration into an overall system of harmonized statistics for Austria and Europe. Our statistical data and analyses are generally accessible.

In order to achieve the product quality required, we proceed along the lines of internationally acknowledged scientific methods and standards and promote innovative developments. For this purpose, state-of-the-art quality control instruments are used.

Staff Orientation

We promote an open, communicative and achievement-oriented business culture. We trust in qualifications and flexibility as well as in an openness toward change and self-improvement. Motivation, commitment and job satisfaction for all staff members are decisive factors in achieving success. Therefore, we promote learning, self-responsibility, innovative ideas as well as a team- and project-oriented way of working, and we support a co-operative management style.

Reducing Respondents’ Burden

We regard the citizens and business enterprises providing us with data as partners. Wherever possible their cooperation with regard to statistical inquiries should be carried out on a voluntary and anonymous basis, with the help of electronic media and of sample surveys, only. The use of existing data sources has clear priority over conducting surveys.

Data Protection

Strict confidentiality and data protection are of utmost concern to us when handling the individual data of citizens and business enterprises. Confidentiality provisions with regard to the publication of statistical results prevent the identification of individual persons or business enterprises.


We have a duty to all our clients, especially the public ones resourced by taxpayers, to obtain optimum results with the resources available to us. In order to increase our efficiency, we regularly scrutinize our business processes to find ways of optimising our work, and use innovative EDP techniques as well as modern planning, management and controlling instruments.

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