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Economic activity

Official statistics provided by national statistical authorities:

Demographic Yearbook Special Topics
Additional information from a wide range of national and international sources:
Social indicators
Statistics and indicators on women and men
Bureau of Statistics of the International Labour Organization (ILO)



Demographic Yearbook Special Topics
Source: Demographic Yearbook Special Census Topics Volume 3 - International migration characteristics
Table 5a
Table 5b



Social indicators
Source: Social indicators - Latest available data
Income and economic activity   HTML  
Unemployment   HTML  



Statistics and indicators on women and men
Source: Statistics and indicators on women and men - Latest available data
Table 5a Economic activity     HTML  
Table 5b Part-time employment
Table 5c Distribution of the labour force by status in employment
Table 5d Women legislators and managers
Table 5e Women's wages relative to men's
Table 5f Adult unemployment
Table 5g Maternity leave benefits
